Symbols in Quran Recitation?


New Member

When I read the quran i always see letters of the arabian alphabet above the sacred text. I mean the red circled ones: ->

What do they mean? I figured out that they symbolize points to stop recitation (for breathing??). Is that right?

And if so, why are there so many different symbols for the same thing? What do they mean?



to Allah we belong

Meem means a Compulsory stop

tau means a Necessary Stop

Jeem means it is optional to pause or continue

Laam (by itself) means it is necessary to continue. Don't pause

Laam above an ayat means you can choose weather you want to continue or pause.

A letter with a small cirlce on top of it means that letter will not be prayed during recital.

seen, suktah or waqfah means you stop your vocal sound but dont break your breath.

zaal means it is better to continue, don't pause

qaaf means it is better to continue, don't pause

Saad means you should continue but you can pause if you need to stop

kaaf has the similar rule to the end of an ayat.