Taqiyyah (lying to protect yourself)- Allowed at any time?


Slave of Allah
For all of you who may not know, "Taqiyyah" (or some similar spelling) is a Shi'ite doctrine (rejected by Sunnis) of hiding the faith if under danger.

Well, I've had two heated arguments recently with both my brother and my mother about Islam.

My brother, this being his computer (and us being to poor to buy another) is threatening to stop me from using it if I "don't stop looking at these sites". When he says "these sites", he means all sites related to Islam. He's much older and stronger than me, so it wouldn't be smart at all if I just ignored him and went on the computer after he banned me from it.

My mother, on the other hand, is threatening to "stop me from reading those books". When she says "those books", she means the Qur'an and other Islamic-related books I have in my house.

Alhamdallah, I have two copies of the Qur'an in English. They both probably will never look in my schoolbag, so I put one copy in my schoolbag just in case the Qur'an or any of those books "go missing", which is becoming a major possibility.

So, will I be able to "hide my faith" and still please Allah? Will I be able to, not renounce my faith, but not pray as usual (but instead praying as the sick do) under extremely tense circumstances (as in on Thursdays when both my mother and brother are home all day)?

I also have a purely-Christian summer camp that I go to. I still go there because it's my only opportunity (socially) outside of school, and it'll give me the chance to go to college for free. They give us all Bibles, have mandatory "quiet ties" (when you are to be reading the Bible, but I can read the Qur'an), mandatory memorizations of Paul's so-called "God-inspired words" and mandatory Bible Studies. Of course, me being seen praying or doing anything Islamic will warrant me for a kick-out, the Qur'an going "missing", or people messing with me in my sleep (it's a sleep-in camp).

As you can see this is Jihad (Holy Struggle).

Please answer my question and/or give me tips on how to overcome this (besides Du'a, for I already know that tip)!



Junior Member
No lies

I am no scholar, only a regular member of this wonderful community, but this is what I think:

Your going to a religious school to learn about other scriptures than the Quran sounds fine to me. If anything, it will allow you to compare the other doctrines against Islam and strengthen your faith in Allah. Learning is fine, take the scholarship and make use of it to get a degree. Inshaa-Allah, you will become more knowledgeable in comparative religions and a more skillful debater. Not to mention that education is a must for a good future.

The other stuff at home sounded extreme to me. Parents should be more nurturing, and if anything, your mom should be proud of you for being smart and intellectually independent. But I am sure they love you and they are acting from ignorance about Islam. So enlighten them, reason with them and prove their fears unjustified. You are not doing anything bad like taking drugs; Islam is beautiful and you are entitled to your own beliefs. Your brother does not sound fair (sounds like sibling rivalry), but you owe complete respect to your mother (without compromising your beliefs).

PS: I found your story inspirational. I thank you for sharing.


Slave of Allah

Thank you for the response! You're right about my brother, it may be sibling rivalry...

I'll try to continue to teach them about Islam, Insha'Allah under the guise of "curious Christian". Of course, their main reason for being anti-Islamic (Islamophobic) is because of the News.

And I didn't expect my story to be inspirational, but I thank and praise Allah that it was.


New Member
assalamu alaykom

i ask god to guide u to the right way and to fix u against the difficulties u face , and i ask god to guide ur family to islam.

i just want to tell u that god is with u , and remember the stories of (el sahaba) like(musaab ebn al-omair) where his mother pained him alot and withhold him but he still fixed to the way of god .

also i think that u have to complete ur study successfully but if u can find another school it will be more benefit for u to avoid being lured in ur religion

also try to guide ur family and make an open discussions with them (esach lonely)this will be easier

and if u want any help inshaallah i am ur brother and thanks for ur sharing

i love u for the sake of allah


New Member
Hold onto your Deen!

As-Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah,

I myself am a american revert who's had some difficult issues arise between myself and my family due to my reversion, but praise be to Allah, by the will of Allah, I've remained steadfast upon my deen and am do my best to give them dawah.

First of all, my advise to you is to sincerely suplicate to Allah subhana wa ta'Ala to ease your situation and guide your family to Islam. You should stay clear of lying (in all cases) unless there is something arises which is truly life threatening. If your brother has banned you from using the computer and threatened to stop you from reading about Islam, I'd suggest that you go to the closest public library or in your schools computer lab to do your research.

Although one should avoid "hiding" ones faith, if the circumstances are so dire that your life is being threatened than (to the best of my knowledge) this is permissible to do so on account that "There is no obedience to creation in disobedience to the Creator."

You should know that the obligation of obedience to the parents and their rights is an obligation laid down by Allaah ta'aalaa in His Book and upon the tongue of His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam).

Allaah ta'aalaa says:

Thy Lord hath decread that ye worshlp none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. l

In the Aayahs where Allaah ta'aalaa orders good treatment of parents, He precedes it with the order to worship Him alone - He says:

...... Worship none but Allaah; Treat with kindness your parents..... "2

and He says:

Serve Allaah, and join not any partners with Him; Be good to parents......" 3

But you must know that obedience to parents is subservient to obedience to Allaah and His Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). Therefore if obedience to parents clashes with obedience to Allaah and His Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) then parents must be disobeyed on that point.

Alee (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) reports that the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said:

"There is no obedience to anyone in disobedience to Allah, verily obedience is in that which is correct." 6

Allah also said:

We have enjoined on man kindness to parents; but if they strive to make thee join with Me that of which thou hast no knowledge, then obey them not. Unto Me is your return and I shall tell you what ye used to do. [Quran 29:8]

You mentioned that both your mother and brother are home all day on Thursdays. Is there no place you can pray in the house? Do you have your own room? Could you clear a space in the basement or garage and pray there?

The scholars have warned the Muslims against studying non-Islamic religious texts unless we become incredibly knowledgeable regarding the deen of Islam and gain a firm understanding of our own religion before studying others which could lead us astray due to weak Imaan (faith). So if you have the ability to circumvent going to the Christian summer camp I would strongly advise you do so!

REMEMBER, the first thing we will be judged on is our salaah (prayer) and that we cannot disobey Allah in order to obey the creation, even if they be your own parents. So do not compromise your religion in order to please others, everything you do should be for the sake of Allah subhana wa ta'Ala alone even if you have to suffer.

Brother right now you are being tested by Allah to see if you are truly faithful.

Be kind with your family no matter what they say or try to do to you. You mentioned that they were Christian and you had been arguing with them about Islam. Next time they try to argue with you show them the verses of their own bible which show proof that all the prophets not only were but prayed as Muslims. Here are some examples that inshaAllah you can point out these verses to them:

Muslims bow, kneel, and prostrate in their prayer, just as the former prophets and their followers had:

"O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord out maker." (Psalms 95:6)

"When Abraham was ninety-nine years old and the Lord appeared to Abraham, and said to him, 'I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless. And I will make my covenant between me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.' Then Abraham fell on his face [in prayer]." (Genesis 17:1-3)

"The Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before the Lord, worshiping the Lord." (2Chronicals 20:18.8)

"And Joshua fell on his face to the the earth, and did worship." (Joshua 5:14)

"... and they [Moses and Aaron] fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared upon them." (Numbers 20:6)

Most present-day Jews and Christians today find the act of prostrating foreign and even contemptible, even though their Prophets and their true followers worshiped Allah in this manner. However, for Muslims, prostrating before Allah is the pinnacle of servitude to Him, because it shows that the Muslim has submitted him or herself completely to the Creator, which is the essence of Islaam. The New Testament states that Jesus prostrated and submitted himself to God: "And he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed." (Matthew 26:39)

May Allah make things easy for you brother. InshaAllah show these verses to them, speak to them with kind words and show that you are still their loving son and brother. Sometimes the best dawah is done through our actions. Be the best Muslim you can be, place your trust in Allah, be patient upon the things you are tested with, and He will easy your situation and provide you with a way out that you never expected!


your brother in Islam

Ahmad bin Christopher


Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum,

Firstly Taqiyyah is not from Islam at all. The Shia have their own beliefs and supersticions which are not based on either the Quran or the Sunnah. Rather they base much of their beliefs on what their deviant scholars have taught in the past. Also they use Taqiyyah even when they are not in danger.

Unfortunately, many Muslims have been decieved and duped by this Taqiyyah. i.e. those who support HizbShaytan in Lebanon or who think Iran should have nuclear weapons (ignoring the Sunnis who are tortured to death in Iran and Iraq and now soon to be in Lebanon!! ).

However, Islam is a way of life that is easy on people. Common sense indicates that if you are under certain restrictions then you have to lie. You can hide your Islam from your family. However, you should not give up your Islamic duties such as prayer. I dont think it is that serious that you are under the threat of death for practising Islam like some Muslims are e.g. in Uzbekistan or Xinjiang Northern China, Alhamdulillah.

May Allah help you dear brother. You are right, this is your jihad and it is something you will be rewarded from Allah for. You should have a look at the lives of some of the Prophet :saw: and also the Companions of the Prophet :saw: . They all suffered and endured great hardship in order to follow Islam and obey Allah. Biographies of the Companions of the Prophet

I think the brothers have given really good advice. I especially liked wayofthesalaf Post, it was nice. I did not know the Bible had stuff about the Prophets praying. JazakAllahukhayr.

And you are right, we should not study the Bible. We must use the Quran and we use the Quran when talking about Islam too.

I feel very sad for you bro NewMuslim and i ask Allah to make things easy for you.



Slave of Allah
:wasalam: wa barakatuh wa rahmatullah
Thank you for all the responses. To answer one question I saw in wayofthesalaf's post; yes, I can clear some space for private prayer especially in my mother's room. There's a mirror, the position of the room and the old house creaking will let me know if anyone is coming.

The days that are the most hard are Thursdays and Fridays. Like I said, my brother and mother are home all day on Thursdays, and my brother is home all day on Fridays. However, all other days of the week are easy, and on Thursdays get home before my brother, leaving me time to pray 'Asr. Plus, he usually leaves the house with his car so I can pray then.

That stinks that Taqiyyah is being abused and is an innovation. I won't do it, then.

Also, Insha'Allah I will read some of the biographies of the Companians (ra) to motivate me. Alhamdallah, as Brother Mabsoot stated, I'm not going through the extreme persecution of those living in Uzbekistan or Northern China (may Allah be pleased with His servents there).

Once again, thank you for the responses. They've motivated me and have given me great advice on how to survive this until I'm old enough to move.



Junior Member
AssalamoAlaikum wr wb,
MashaAllah brothers have adviced you well. I agree with them. I just wanted to emphasize on one thing.. brother try your best not to go to the christian summer camp. you will have plenty of time for comparative study later on in life InshaAllah! but for now stay away from anything that could possibly lure you into other faiths (Nauzbillah!). Remember theres always Nuffs and Shaytaan working on you all the time. so try to avoid going to that summer camp. If anything study Qur'aan , hadith and Islamic literature. studying the Life of the Sahabah RZ. will help you alot InshaAllah.

Jazakallahu khayrun.