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Asalam u alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu


'Umar bin 'Abd al-'Azīz once said: "None can reach the state of taqwa (God conciousness) until he possesses neither actions nor words that can be exposed to his embarrassment, either in this world or the Hereafter,"

At another time Umar bin 'Abd al-Aziz was asked "When does the worshipper reach the peak of taqwa (God conciousness)?" So, he replied: "If he puts all the thoughts and desires in his heart on a plate and then wandered around in the market, he should not feel ashamed of anything there." ['Min Akhlaq as-Salaf'; p. 56]

"O Allah make our inner condition better than our outer condition and make our outer condition good." (Some of the pious predecessors used to make this dua)

Jazakallah u khairan for reading,

Asalam u alaikum


daughter of Adam
very good

jazakallah this is very interesting Hadith.we should to improve ourself according to islam.