Testimony Sultan Bayazid Saiqa



Testimony Sultan Bayazid Saiqa

We are now in the city (Metropolitan) in the era of Ottoman Sultan (Bayazid) alias (Thunderbolt) .. Elfatih great ..

Fatih country (Bulgarians), (Bosnia) and (Slanik), (Albania) ..

Sultan, who scored a crushing victory crusader armies, which called for the mobilization Pope (Biga armies

IV), the expulsion of Muslims from Europe, which participated in fifteen European countries was (England), (France)

(Hungary), including, in the historic battle and the famous bloody ... Battle (Nigboli) years in 1396 ..

This Sultan Elfatih required him to testify in the order of things in front of the judge and the known world

(Shamsudin Vnari).

Sultan entered the court ... and stop before the judge, held his hands in front of Kay saw normal.

Judge to lift eyesight Sultan, and looks forward to taking outlooks upset, before Han tells you a testimonial can

Acceptance, because you do not play Saluatc group, and the person who sojourn links to the group, without a legitimate excuse can

That lie in his testimony)

Now, a few words of the judge go over the heads of those present in court .. This accusation was great, but insulting

Major Sultan (Bayazid), fastens attendees in place, holding Panevashm waiting to fly to the top

Signal one of the Sultan .. But Sultan did not say anything, but he turned round and left the court with all calm.

Sultan issued on the same day is to build a mosque adjacent to his palace, and when the construction of the Whole, the Sultan

Slwath lead in the group.

This Masclh of Turkish (Nizar Othman) in writing: (garden sultans) composed by hundreds

Years .. when Muslims have been times these scientists, such as those sultans Ruled​
