The First Islamic Party In Finland!


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh

I am not sure has someone already informed you about this matter, but as the title says, we have now our first Islamic Party in Finland, alhamdulillaah.
I have heard that it would be the first one also in whole Scandinavia... If someone has more info...? :jazaak:

The brothers who set up the party, have also found an organization called "The Time of Islam", masha Allah.

More here.




i thought it was a "party" but in fact it is a sort of a political party.
Great idea. InshAllah things go smoothly for them


Striving for Paradise
Great News.

Allah-ho-Akbar, Allah-ho-Akbar, Allah-ho-Akbar

:mashallah: This is great news.