~ The Natural Blood of Women ~


HasbunAllahu wa ni`mal Wakil '

Recitation of the Quran During Menses and Post Natal Bleeding

First of all, the Shariah deals with the sexually defiled and menstruating women in very different matters and ways. There are lots of differences between them:

1. The sexually defiled can at any time he wishes remove that state. He/she can make ghusl if there is no water then tayammum.

2. Menstruating woman can not do such, she is in that state for as long as Allah (SWT) wills, until her period comes to an end.

Recitiation of the Quran by menstruating and post-partum bleeding women has been made permissible by the Malikis, Shafis, Hanbalis, Abu Hanifa and a number of other scholars. There proof being:

1. Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim concerning the Eid prayer. Narrated Umm ‘Atiya (RA):

"I heard Allah’s Messenger (SAW) that the unmarried virgins and the mature girls and the menstruating women should come out and participate in the good deeds as well as invocations of faithful believers but the menstruating women should keep away from the Musalla - praying place [Salat (prayers)]. Someone asked (Umm ‘Atiya) (surprisingly), "Do you say the menstruating women?" She replied, "Doesn’t a menstruating woman attend ‘Arafat (Hajj) and such and such (other deeds)?"

Takbeer is a type of remembrance of Allah (SWT) and supplication is not any different from dhikr.

2. Hadith of Bukhari regarding Aisha (RA) when she got her menses on the way to Mecca. Narrated ‘Aisha (RA):
"We set out with the sole intention of performing Hajj and when we reached Sarif, (11 k.m. from Makka) I got my menses. Allah’s Messenger (SAW) came to me while I was weeping. He said "What is the matter with you? Have you got your menses? I replied, "Yes." He said, "This is a thing Allah (SWT) has ordained for the daughters of Adam. So do what all the pilgrims do with the exception of Tawaf (Circumambulation) round the Ka’bah." ‘Aisha (RA), added, "Allah’s Messenger (SAW) sacrificed cows on behalf of his wives."

Pilgrims make dhikr and read Quran. There was no objection from the Prophet (SAW) and he (SAW) actually "told" Aisha (RA) to do so.

3. Another reason being hardship. A woman might forget what she memorized.

So therefore if there is no text forbidding such an act, one can not conclude that the act is not allowable. The burden of proof is on those who claim that such women can not recite the Quran, and they offer no clear or direct proof.

There is no harm whatsoever in a menstruating woman or post-partum bleeding woman reciting the Quran from their memory without actually touching the Quran.

Touching The Quran During Menstruation and Post-Partum Bleeding

The most often quoted evidences, is an Ayat from the Quran:

"…none can touch but those who are pure…" (Al-Waqi’a 56:79)

A common mistake, is people taking verses and applying it to a particular Fiqh (point). Yet when you study the verse in more detail you will find, in fact, it is not related to the point whatsoever.

"That (this) is indeed an honorable recital (the Noble Quran). In a Book well-guarded (with Allah in the heaven i.e. Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz). Which (that Book with Allah) none can touch but those who are pure from sins (i.e. the angels). A Revelation (this Quran) from the Lord of the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). (Al-Waqi’a 56:77-80)

Put into context this Ayat refers to "…a Book well-guarded," and this means a Book with Allah (SWT). It is not talking about the physical Quran we have in our presence here.

Ibn Abbas (RA) and others, along with the early scholars, agree that this verse is not talking about the Quran that we have in our hands. A Book well-guarded refers to something that is hidden (Maknoon). It is not referring to the Quran we have in our presence. Early scholars all agree to this conclusion.

"...In a Book well-guarded (with Allah in the heaven i.e. Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz)."
(Al-Waqi’a 56:78)

According to the Tafsir of Tabari and Kathir and also according to Jamal al-deen al-Qasami, this Ayat is not in reference to humans having to be free from impurities.

"Which (that Book with Allah) none can touch but those who are pure from sins (i.e. the angels)." (Al-Waqi’a 56:79)

This verse in reference to the Angels and not mankind. In a Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA), the Prophet (SAW) states, "a believer never becomes impure."

"The Prophet (SAW) came across me in one of the streets of Medina and at that time I was Janab. So I slipped away from him and went to take a bath. On my return the Prophet said, "O Abu Hurairah! Where have you been?" I replied, "I was Janab, so I disliked to sit in your company." The Prophet said, "Subhan Allah! A believer never becomes impure." (Sahih Bukhari)

There are four possible meanings of Taher (pure) in this Hadith:

1. specifically it means "pure."

2. free from major impurity where it is necessary to make ghusl.

3. free from minor impurity where it is necessary to make wudu.

4. no impurities on physical body

What does Taher mean in this Hadith? How we determine what it means is we look at other evidences that relate.


1. A letter sent to the Emperor of Rome by the Prophet (SAW). The Prophet (SAW) had good reason to believe that the Emperor would touch it. Some will argue that a piece of paper is not Quran so this may not be such a strong argument.

2. In Sahih Muslim the Hadith about when Aisha (RA) was sent, by The Prophet (SAW), to go into the Masjid to get a mat. The Prophet (SAW) said to Aisha (RA), "Menstruation is not in your hands." A woman’s touch can not be considered impure even while on menses.

"The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said to me: Get me the mat from the mosque. I said: I am menstruating. Upon this he remarked: 'Your menstruation is not in your hands.'" (Sahih Muslim)

1. Hadith that states, "A believer does not become impure." A clear text by The Prophet (SAW). A believer is considered Taher under ALL circumstances. Therefore, believer in this Hadith means Taher. The only one who should touch the Quran is a believer (i.e. A Muslim).

2. Take the Ayat: "None can touch but those who are pure (Taher)." There is no record whatsoever of Prophet (SAW) telling believers not to touch Qu’ran.

Therefore, Taher means believer (Muslim).

There is NO evidence whatsoever that says that a woman who is on her period or a woman who is having post-natal bleeding that she can not touch the Quran. This is a minority opinion, however it is the strongest opinion.

A WOMAN WHO IS ON HER PERIOD MAY RECITE THE QURAN AND A WOMAN WHO IS ON HER PERIOD MAY EVEN TOUCH THE QURAN AND READ IT DIRECTLY FROM A MUSAF (ARABIC). THIS IS A MINORITY OPINION YET IT IS THE STRONGEST OPINION. There is no evidence to the contrary and the burden of evidence is upon those who say that such women are not allowed to touch or recite the Quran.

The scholars who say the Quran is forbidden to touch in the state of menses and post-partum bleeding, quote a weak Hadith which has in it’s chain a person declared a liar by the scholars of Hadith.

"Neither the menstruating woman nor the sexually defiled person is to recite anything from the Qu’ran."

Information from "Fiqh Rulings on Women’s Issues" a lecture
by Jamaal Al-Din Zarabozo

Reading the Quran During Menses

There is no prohibition from the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) prohibiting a woman from reading the Quran in the state of her menses.

There is no prohibition. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did not prohibit it. All we have is the statement of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that he used to recite the Quran under all conditions except when he was in a state of Janaba that is after having sexual intercourse when it was necessary for him to take a bath.

This is the basis, this is the foundation, from which all of these different opinions are derived. So, some scholars made a comparison between this state of Janaba with that of menses.

But of course, they are not the same because the state of Janaba you can remove by merely washing yourself. Taking a bath your state is over. Now you can now read the Quran. Whereas in the state of menses, a woman can not just wash herself then go and read. She is still in that state of menses.

If we are dealing now with the translation of the Quran, translations of the meanings of the Quran, then all this is of NO importance at all because translations of the Quran are not considered to be Quran. So no matter what state you are in, you can read it, you can pick it up, you can touch it, there is no problem at all because the Quran that we have, even if the Arabic text is there too, is still not considered Quran.

The general position which is held in determining what is considered Quran and what is not, is that whenever the words of other than Allah (SWT), in a given text, is more than the words of Allah (SWT), that text is no longer considered Quran because Quran refers to a single verse if we take a verse of Quran by itself this is called Quran also. But if there comes along with this verse, other words, you have given an explanation of it which is more than what constitutes the verse, then this is no longer considered Quran.

This is the juice from the fact, that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sent messages to the kings of Bizantium and Persia, etc. which had verses of Quran in it. He (SAW) knew full well that these people were going to be in a state of Janaba, that they were kafr and that they would probably tear it up, maybe step on it or whatever.

So we know that it is permissible that once the words of Allah (SWT) are drowned out by the words of other than Allah (SWT), which is the case of the translations of the Quran, then in such case this is not considered to be Quran and as such it is perfectly allowable for a woman to read it under any state.

Information from "Duties of a Muslim Husband" a lecture by Shaikh Abu-Ameenah Bilal Phillips

It is Permissible for a Menstruating Woman to Recite the Quran and Books of Supplications

There is no harm in a menstruating or post-partum bleeding woman reading the books of supplications that are written for the rites of the pilgrimage. In fact, there in nothing wrong with her reciting the Quran according to the correct opinion. There in no authentic, clear text prohibiting a menstruating or post-partum bleeding woman from reciting the Quran. The thing that is narrated is concerned with the sexually defiled person only, as such should not recite the Quran while he is sexually defiled. This is based on the Hadith of Ali (RS). As for the menstruating or post-partum bleeding woman, there is the Hadith of Ibn Umar (RS) which states:

"Neither the menstruating woman nor the sexually defiled person is to recite anything from the Quran."

However, this is a weak Hadith. This is because it is from the narration’s of Ismail ibn Iyyash on the authority of people from the Hijaz and he is weak when he narrated from them.

However, she may recited from her memory without touching the Quran. As for the sexually defiled person, he/she may not ever recite the Quran from memory or touch the mushaf until he/she makes ghusl.

The difference between the two is that amount of time one is sexually defiled is very short as he may make ghusl as soon as he has done the act with his spouse. The amount of time is not long and he is in control of its length as he may make ghusl whenever he wishes. Even if he cannot find water, he can make tayammum and pray or recite the Quran.

However, the menstruating or post-partum bleeding woman does not have control over their lengths, such control is in the hands of Allah (SWT). Menstruation and post-partum bleeding take days. Therefore, it is allowed for them to recite the Quran so that they do not forget what they have memorized and so they will not lose merits of reciting it. It is also so they may learn the laws of the Shariah from the Book of Allah (SWT).

Therefore, it is even more so permissible for her to read the books of supplications that have verses and Hadith intermixed with them. This is the correct view and is the correct opinion of the scholars - may Allah (SWT) have mercy on them - on that point. - Shaikh ibn Baz (ra)

Menstruation & Post-Partum Bleeding In Relation To The Musalla (Praying Place & Masjid)

Getting Menses While in the Masjid

If a woman is not able to depart the masjid by herself, then there is no harm in what she does. However, if a woman is able to leave by herself, it is obligatory upon her to exit as quickly as possible. This is because the menstruating woman, post-partum bleeding woman and sexually defiled person is not allowed to sit in the masjid. - Jamaal Al-Din Zarabozo

These fatawas are from Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women
Compiled by Muhammad bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Musnad
Translated by Jamaal Al-Din Zarabozo




He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
Salam aleikum wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

Good thread, alhamdullilah, is correcting one major confusion among women, most of them beliving we are not alowed to touch or read Quran and this is a general opinion as i saw, but with no evidence or knowledge. We have to take advantage of every day to ponder over Allah and His creations,

may Allah forgive and corect those that advice women to not do anything in period time.

"The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said to me: Get me the mat from the mosque. I said: I am menstruating. Upon this he remarked: 'Your menstruation is not in your hands.'" (Sahih Muslim)

1. Hadith that states, "A believer does not become impure." A clear text by The Prophet (SAW). A believer is considered Taher under ALL circumstances. Therefore, believer in this Hadith means Taher. The only one who should touch the Quran is a believer (i.e. A Muslim).

2. Take the Ayat: "None can touch but those who are pure (Taher)." There is no record whatsoever of Prophet (SAW) telling believers not to touch Qu’ran.

Therefore, Taher means believer (Muslim).

There is NO evidence whatsoever that says that a woman who is on her period or a woman who is having post-natal bleeding that she can not touch the Quran. This is a minority opinion, however it is the strongest opinion.

A WOMAN WHO IS ON HER PERIOD MAY RECITE THE QURAN AND A WOMAN WHO IS ON HER PERIOD MAY EVEN TOUCH THE QURAN AND READ IT DIRECTLY FROM A MUSAF (ARABIC). THIS IS A MINORITY OPINION YET IT IS THE STRONGEST OPINION. There is no evidence to the contrary and the burden of evidence is upon those who say that such women are not allowed to touch or recite the Quran.


Junior Member

Thank you for this benifcial thread brother, you have done a wonderful job with researching and I applaude you.

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Good thread actually, but if I say this in my masjid people will throw stones at me because many are still ignorant about the permissibility for muslim women reading Quran while in their period time.


HasbunAllahu wa ni`mal Wakil '
Good thread actually, but if I say this in my masjid people will throw stones at me because many are still ignorant about the permissibility for muslim women reading Quran while in their period time.

Oh is it? then wear a Helmet and inform ... jst kdng, well its our duty to convey the message based on the lives of Ahle Bayt and Sahabas [ra], so go for it, May ALLAH protect you and everyone who are striving hard for bringing the truth out of ignorance ... Aamin Ya Rabb Al-Alamin

Itqan Ullah

Time is Running!!
Oh is it? then wear a Helmet and inform
I think brother will need more than a helmet, please contact local museum and see if they can lend an Armour and Shield inshallah. Don't worry there aren't stones in masjid, just be beware of mattress rolls. :D

Salam aleikum wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

Good thread, alhamdullilah, is correcting one major confusion among women, most of them beliving we are not alowed to touch or read Quran and this is a general opinion as i saw, but with no evidence or knowledge. We have to take advantage of every day to ponder over Allah and His creations,

may Allah forgive and corect those that advice women to not do anything in period time.

Waliekumasslam warahmatullahi wabrakatu,
I checked the orignal fatwa of Bin Baz (rahimullah) and it seems he only permitted reading out of memory not touching the mushaf.

Sheikh Salih al Munajjid also said:
It is very important to note that what we have been discussing here is restricted to what a menstruating woman recites from memory. When it comes to reading from the Mus-haf (the Arabic text itself), a different rule applies. The correct view of the scholars is that it is forbidden to touch the mus-haf when one is in any kind of state of impurity

And here's the fatwa by Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
I think brother will need more than a helmet, please contact local museum and see if they can lend an Armour and Shield inshallah. Don't worry there aren't stones in masjid, just be beware of mattress rolls. :D

Waliekumasslam warahmatullahi wabrakatu,
I checked the orignal fatwa of Bin Baz (rahimullah) and it seems he only permitted reading out of memory not touching the mushaf.

Sheikh Salih al Munajjid also said:


And here's the fatwa by Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta

salam aleikum,

Why the fatwas of the scholars above are right when there is no prof in Quran and Sunnah ? We know on what ayat they claim the fatwas but i see in the first post that ayat have been logicaly explained with the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him.. I am revert and i always tried to learn things in a good manner, not taking for granted what i hear from person to person. And how reading only from memory, i read Quran also from internet in those days, i dont see why this can not be correct.....

In Sahih Muslim the Hadith about when Aisha (RA) was sent, by The Prophet (SAW), to go into the Masjid to get a mat. The Prophet (SAW) said to Aisha (RA), "Menstruation is not in your hands." A woman’s touch can not be considered impure even while on menses.

Hadith of Bukhari regarding Aisha (RA) when she got her menses on the way to Mecca. Narrated ‘Aisha (RA):
"We set out with the sole intention of performing Hajj and when we reached Sarif, (11 k.m. from Makka) I got my menses. Allah’s Messenger (SAW) came to me while I was weeping. He said "What is the matter with you? Have you got your menses? I replied, "Yes." He said, "This is a thing Allah (SWT) has ordained for the daughters of Adam. So do what all the pilgrims do with the exception of Tawaf (Circumambulation) round the Ka’bah." ‘Aisha (RA), added, "Allah’s Messenger (SAW) sacrificed cows on behalf of his wives."

Pilgrims make dhikr and read Quran. There was no objection from the Prophet (SAW) and he (SAW) actually "told" Aisha (RA) to do so.

Forgive me if i said something wrong. But i see a confusion here and i hope noone is advicing women in a wrong way, inchallah.


HasbunAllahu wa ni`mal Wakil '
Salam brother Itqan,

Jazak Allahu Khair for ur efforts :)

Please try to understand the most Important Golden Rule here.

When we have direct evidences from the Book of ALLAH [swt] and from the authentic words said by Imaan of every Ibn Adam[as] Prophet Muhammad [saw] then there is no scope for us to take any other or loose verdicts, this is one of the reason for the existence of so many deviant sects

may ALLAH [swt] guide us to the straight path and make us all die as Muslim ... Ameen Ya Aleemul Hakeem


Staff member
Salam brother Itqan,

Jazak Allahu Khair for ur efforts :)

Please try to understand the most Important Golden Rule here.

When we have direct evidences from the Book of ALLAH [swt] and from the authentic words said by Imaan of every Ibn Adam[as] Prophet Muhammad [saw] then there is no scope for us to take any other or loose verdicts, this is one of the reason for the existence of so many deviant sects

may ALLAH [swt] guide us to the straight path and make us all die as Muslim ... Ameen Ya Aleemul Hakeem

You're dismissing the opinion of the majority of scholars and the majority do not allow touching of the mushaf without being in the state of ritual purity (Wudu) and there is no Wudu for the menstruating woman. To you be your way and to others be theirs.

2:222. They ask you concerning menstruation. Say: that is an Adha (a harmful thing for a husband to have a sexual intercourse with his wife while she is having her menses), therefore keep away from women during menses and go not unto them till they have purified (from menses and have taken a bath). And when they have purified themselves, then go in unto them as Allâh has ordained for you (go in unto them in any manner as long as it is in their vagina). Truly, Allâh loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves (by taking a bath and cleaning and washing thoroughly their private parts, bodies, for their prayers, etc.).

Prohibition of reciting Qur'an for Menstruating women, there are the following Ahadith.
Menstruation is seen as coming under the rulings that apply to one who is junub (in a state of impurity following sexual intercourse), because both states require ghusl. This is based on the hadeeth narrated by ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him), according to which the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to teach the Qur’aan and he never prevented anyone from learning it except those who were in a state of janaabah (impurity).” (Reported by Abu Dawood, 1/281; al-Tirmidhi, 146; al-Nisaa’i, 1/144; Ibn Maajah, 1/207; Ahmad, 1/84; Ibn Khuzaymah [??], 1/104. Al-Tirmidhi said: a saheeh hasan hadeeth. Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said: the truth is that it is the type of hasan hadeeth that could be used as evidence).

The hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with them both), according to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The menstruating woman and the one who is in a state of impurity (janaabah) should not recite anything of the Qur’aan.” (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, 131; Ibn Maajah, 595; al-Daaraqutni (1/117); al-Bayhaqi, 1/89. This is a da’eef hadeeth, because it was reported by Ismaa’eel ibn ‘Ayyaash from the Hijaazis, and his reports from them are da’eef as is well known to those who are conversant with the study of hadeeth.

Volume 1, Page 53: Reciting the Qur'an According to most scholars, one who is physically unclean (because of sex or menstruation) may not recite any portion of the Qur'an. This is based on a hadith from 'Ali, in which he stated that nothing kept the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, from the Qur'an save being sexually impure. This is related by "the four." At-Tirmizhi graded it sahih. Says al-Hafez in al-Fath, "Some people declare some of its narrators weak. But, in fact, it is of the hassan class and it is satisfactory as a proof." He also related, "I saw the Messenger of Allah perform ablution and recite some of the Qur'an, after which he said, 'This is for the one who is not in post-sex impurity. If one is in post-sex impurity, he may not do so, not even one verse." Ahmad and Abu Ya'la related this hadith with that wording. With that wording, al-Haithami says, "Its narrators are trustworthy." Says ash-Shaukani, "If that (report) is authentic, that is proof enough that it is forbidden." ........... source:From Fiqh us-Sunnah

Forbidden to touch Quran in impurity
In a letter to ‘Amr ibn Hazm, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the people of Yemen: “No one should touch the Qur’aan except one who is taahir (pure).” (Reported by Maalik, 1/199; al-Nisaa’i, 8/57; Ibn Hibbaan, 793; al-Bayhaqi, 1/87. Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said: A group of scholars classed this hadeeth as saheeh because it is so well known. Al-Shaafi’i said: It is proven by them that it was a letter sent by the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr said: “This letter is famous among the scholars of seerah, and is so well known among the scholars that it does not need an isnaad. It is like tawaatur because the people accepted and recognized it.

Different opinion although this is not accepted by the majority of scholars
Al-Bukhari, at-Tabarani, Dawud, and Ibn Hazm are of the opinion that it is permissible for one who is in post-sex impurity (or in menstruation) to recite the Qur'an. Says al-Bukhari, "Ibrahim said, 'There is no problem if a menstruating woman recites a verse.' Ibn 'Abbas did not see anything wrong with a sexually impure person reciting the Qur'an. The Prophet, upon whom be peace, used to mention Allah under all circumstances." In Ibn Hajr's notes to that work, he says, "There is no authentic hadith reported by the author (al-Bukhari) concerning the prohibition of reciting by one who is sexually impure or menstruating." The sum total of what has been related on this issue informs us on this point, though the interpretations differ. Volume 1, Page 53: Reciting the Qur'an [From Fiqh us-Sunnah:]Malik made an exception for women who are teachers or students. He said that they may touch the Quran under any circumstances if they have need to do so.Al-YaSeen, pp.37-8.

Actually the Hanafis and Shafi`ees forbid menstruating women from reciting the Qur'aan (and one narration from Imaam Ahmad too). Also from the sahaabah this was the opinion of `Umar ibn al-Khattab and `Ali ibn Abee Taalib. From the Tabi`ees; al-Hasan al-Basri, al-Zukhri, Ibraahim al-Nakhai and Qatadah all held the opinion that a mensturating woman cannot recite Qur'aan.

Imaam at-Tirmidhi mentions in his sunan the view point of Shafi`ee, Ahmad, Sufyaan ath-Thawri and Ibnul Mubaarak:

ما جاء في الجنب والحائض أنهما لا يقرأان القرآن

‏حدثنا ‏ ‏علي بن حجر ‏ ‏والحسن بن عرفة ‏ ‏قالا حدثنا ‏ ‏إسمعيل بن عياش ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏موسى بن عقبة ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏نافع ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏ابن عمر ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏وفي ‏ ‏الباب ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏علي ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏أبو عيسى ‏ ‏حديث ‏ ‏ابن عمر ‏ ‏حديث لا نعرفه إلا من حديث ‏ ‏إسمعيل بن عياش ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏موسى بن عقبة ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏نافع ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏ابن عمر ‏ ‏عن النبي ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏لا تقرأ الجنب ولا الحائض ‏ ‏وهو قول أكثر أهل العلم من ‏ ‏أصحاب النبي ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏والتابعين ومن بعدهم مثل ‏ ‏سفيان الثوري ‏ ‏وابن المبارك ‏ ‏والشافعي ‏ ‏وأحمد ‏ ‏وإسحق ‏ ‏قالوا لا تقرأ الحائض ولا الجنب من القرآن شيئا إلا طرف الآية والحرف ونحو ذلك ورخصوا للجنب والحائض في التسبيح والتهليل ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏و سمعت ‏ ‏محمد بن إسمعيل ‏ ‏يقول ‏ ‏إن ‏ ‏إسمعيل بن عياش ‏ ‏يروي عن أهل ‏ ‏الحجاز ‏ ‏وأهل ‏ ‏العراق ‏ ‏أحاديث ‏ ‏مناكير كأنه ضعف روايته عنهم فيما ينفرد به وقال إنما حديث ‏ ‏إسمعيل بن عياش ‏ ‏عن أهل ‏ ‏الشأم ‏ ‏و قال ‏ ‏أحمد بن حنبل ‏ ‏إسمعيل بن عياش ‏ ‏أصلح من ‏ ‏بقية ‏ ‏ولبقية ‏ ‏أحاديث ‏ ‏مناكير عن الثقات ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏أبو عيسى ‏ ‏حدثني ‏ ‏أحمد بن الحسن ‏ ‏قال سمعت ‏ ‏أحمد بن حنبل ‏ ‏يقول ذلك ‏عن النبي ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏لا تقرأ الحائض ولا الجنب شيئا من القرآن ‏

Schools of thought

Hanafi View
It seems the Hanafis forbid recitation of the menstruating woman as mentioned in the Mukhtasar of Al-Quduri. Imam Ash-Shawkani states that a group of the Hanafis (Abu Yusuf) allowed such a person to recite the Qur’an as long as the intent was not tilawah (recitation) but simply saying words of the Qur’an.
The Shafi’i View
Imam An-Nawawi (rahimahullah) stated in his treatise “Al-Tibyan Fi Adab Hamalat al-Qur’an” the following,
“It is unlawful for a person in a state of major ritual impurity or during menstruation to recite the Quran, whether it is a verse or even less. It is permissible for them to [silently] peruse the Quran in their hearts without uttering it, and to look in the actual written text of the Quran [mushaf] and go over it in the heart.”[Taken from the translated print by Musa Furber “Ettiquette With the Qur’an” pg. 37]
The Maliki View
The Maliki jurist Ibn Rushd states in his tome Bidayat Al-Mujtahid the following regarding the recitation of the Qur’an for the one who is junub or on their menses,
“The jurists differed about this, with the majority prohibiting it, and a group of jurists permitting it. The reason for their differences is the possibility of different interpretations of the tradition attributed to ‘Ali in which he states: ‘Nothing prevented the Prophet Muhammad from the recitation of the Qur’an except Janabah (sexual defilement).’ One group of jurists said that this tradition does not give rise to a hukm, as it is only the impression of the narrator. Otherwise, how could one know that the Qur’an was not to be recited because of janaba, unless he informed him of this? The majority maintain that ‘Ali would not say such a thing out of his own impression or conviction, and he said this after attaining sound knowledge.
A group of jurists considered the menstruating woman in the same position as the junub, while another group made a distinction between them, permitting the menstruating woman some recitation through istihsan, because of the length of the period of her menstruation. It is Malik’s opinion.”[Bidayat Al-Mujtahid Vol. 1 page 50 issue 3 published by Garnet and translated by Imran Nyazee. ]

Ibrahīm An-Nakha’ī is reported to have said as narrated by Ad-Dārimī, “Four do not recite the Qur’ān: the Junub, the Menstruating woman, while urinating or defecating, and while in the Hammām (lavatory – or wash area), except that it is [permitted] for an āyah or its like for the Junub and the menstruating woman.
[Ibn Hajr in his Fathul-Bari beneath the chapter of Sahih Al-Bukhari "It is legislated for a menstruating woman to perform all the rituals of Hajj (manaasik) except tawaf around the house".]

Menstruating woman in rituals of Hajj
Mensttrualting women may not pray/salah or touch & read Quran but should do dhikr

Hadith of Bukhari regarding Aisha (RA) when she got her menses on the way to Mecca. Narrated ‘Aisha (RA):

"We set out with the sole intention of performing Hajj and when we reached Sarif, (11 k.m. from Makka) I got my menses. Allah’s Messenger (SAW) came to me while I was weeping. He said "What is the matter with you? Have you got your menses? I replied, "Yes." He said, "This is a thing Allah (SWT) has ordained for the daughters of Adam. So do what all the pilgrims do with the exception of Tawaf (Circumambulation) round the Ka’bah." ‘Aisha (RA), added, "Allah’s Messenger (SAW) sacrificed cows on behalf of his wives."

Menstrual Periods Bukhari :: Book 1 :: Volume 6 :: Hadith 313 Narrated 'Aisha:
In the last Hajj of Allah's Apostle I assume the Ihram for Hajj along with Allah Apostle. I was one of those who intended Tamattu' (to perform Hajj an 'Umra) and did not take the Hadi (animal for sacrifice) with me. I got my menses and was not clean till the night of 'Arafa I said, "O Allah's Apostle! It is the night of the day of 'Arafat and I intended to perform the Hajj Tamattu' with 'Umra Allah's Apostle told me to undo my hair and comb it and to postpone the 'Umra. I did the same and completed the Hajj. On the night of Al-Hasba (i.e. place outside Mecca where the pilgrims go after finishing all the ceremonies Hajj at Mina) he (the Prophet ordered 'Abdur Rahman ('Aisha's brother) to take me to At-Tan'im to assume the lhram for'Umra in lieu of that of Hajj-atTamattu' which I had intended to perform.

1. 'A'isha ra relates that the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: "I do not make lawful the masjid for menstruating women or for one who is in a seminally defiled state [junub]. (Sunan Abu Dawud)

2. Umm Salama ra related that the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam entered the courtyard of the masjid and announced aloud, "The masjid is not permitted for the seminally defiled and for the menstruating women." (Tabarani)


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
Salam aleikum

So the difference is between reciting with loud voice or reading in silence ? I am aloud to read, not recite, from internet Quran while in monthly period ?

Imam An-Nawawi (rahimahullah) stated in his treatise “Al-Tibyan Fi Adab Hamalat al-Qur’an” the following,
“It is unlawful for a person in a state of major ritual impurity or during menstruation to recite the Quran, whether it is a verse or even less. It is permissible for them to [silently] peruse the Quran in their hearts without uttering it, and to look in the actual written text of the Quran [mushaf] and go over it in the heart.”[Taken from the translated print by Musa Furber “Ettiquette With the Qur’an” pg. 37]

Itqan Ullah

Time is Running!!
salam aleikum,
Why the fatwas of the scholars above are right when there is no prof in Quran and Sunnah ? We know on what ayat they claim the fatwas but i see in the first post that ayat have been logicaly explained with the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him.. I am revert and i always tried to learn things in a good manner, not taking for granted what i hear from person to person. And how reading only from memory, i read Quran also from internet in those days, i dont see why this can not be correct.....

Waliekumasslam warahmatullahi wabrakatu,
They obviously have their proofs to back up their opinion, thats why they hold it. Its not necessary that the explanation that you deemed to be correct was correct and this explanation was beyond their knowledge. As for reading from computer, if you deem position of bin baz (rahimullah) to be correct then no problem inshallah because reading from computer =/= touching mushaf since you are just using mouse or trackball to scroll. For touchscreens ruling might be different, To be on safer side use mouse/trackball instead of touchscren.
See: http://www.islamqa.com/en/ref/108477

In Sahih Muslim the Hadith about when Aisha (RA) was sent, by The Prophet (SAW), to go into the Masjid to get a mat. The Prophet (SAW) said to Aisha (RA), "Menstruation is not in your hands." A woman’s touch can not be considered impure even while on menses.
Not in your hands means not in your control.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
Salam aleikum

Thank you for answer.
So as far as i read your posts, a menstruating woman can read Quran without touch, from book or from computer beeing the same thing.
And also she cannot recite out loud.
Is this correct in the view of the majority of scholars ? I have to say that when i received 2 books Quran from 2 different imams, not one of them asked me before if i can touch it or not. I was new revert so i did not know this aspect then....and i suppose the rule does not apply to non-muslims when we gave them islamic material ? They do not have wudu.

And Allah knows best.


HasbunAllahu wa ni`mal Wakil '
To you be your way and to others be theirs.

What was that, do you have a Long day fast?

I understand that there is a differences and we should respect them all, and please don't be harsh sister or rather reply when you are done with ur IFTAR... kdng sister :p pls dnt mind

Jazak Allahu khair for the meaningful replies

Itqan Ullah

Time is Running!!
Salam aleikum

Thank you for answer.
So as far as i read your posts, a menstruating woman can read Quran without touch, from book or from computer beeing the same thing.
And also she cannot recite out loud.
Waliekumasslam warahmatullahi wabrakatu,
Sister, I didn't get you. Where does it fatwas I linked says woman cannot recite Qur`an loudly out of memory?

Is this correct in the view of the majority of scholars ?
Its beyond my capabilty to relate an Ijma (consensus of scholars), however as Shaykh Bin Baz (rahimullah) pointed out majority of Scholars of fiqh held the opinion that it is not permissible for women to recite the Qur`an during menses but as he didn't deem the evidences behind their opinion to be solid enough.

So basically we have 3 opinions:-
1. Women are neither allowed to touch the Mushaf nor they can recite out of memory. (Majority)
2. Women are not allowed to touch the Mushaf but they can recite out of memory. (View of Minority of scholars including Shaykh ibn Taymiyyah (rahimullah), Sheikh Ibn Baz considers this to be a stronger view)
3. Women are allowed to both touch and recite out of memory. (I have no Idea who took this view?)

You can take any of the 3 views depending on what the scholar you trust told you, My Point of posting here was only to present the other opinions, So they aren't thought being absolutely ignorant or baseless. I can't say which view is correct or more correct since I haven't researched on the issue from scratch, I am just forwarding fatwas of ulema.

I have to say that when i received 2 books Quran from 2 different imams, not one of them asked me before if i can touch it or not. I was new revert so i did not know this aspect then....and i suppose the rule does not apply to non-muslims when we gave them islamic material ? They do not have wudu.

And Allah knows best.

I want to reconfim you mean Quran=Mushaf=Arabic Text?
The ruling does not apply to Translation of Qur`an in English any other languages since its not considered as Qur'an (Mushaf). So there is no problem is a menstruating women read or touch translation of Quran, there is no need of Wudhu to touch the translation and you can give it to non muslims also for dawah purpose inshallah.

And Allah (swt) knows the best.

Heres a 37 sec summary :) :

P.S-1: & I am sorry if any part of my posts sound any rude or hurtful to anybody, this was not intended.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
Salam aleikum

Thank you, at least i understood better the difference between the arabic text of Quran and the translations.
Waliekumasslam warahmatullahi wabrakatu,
Sister, I didn't get you. Where does it fatwas I linked says woman cannot recite Qur`an loudly out of memory?
In the post of Al-Fajr, the Hanafi View, The Shafi’i View........
Imam An-Nawawi (rahimahullah) stated in his treatise “Al-Tibyan Fi Adab Hamalat al-Qur’an” the following,
“It is unlawful for a person in a state of major ritual impurity or during menstruation to recite the Quran, whether it is a verse or even less. It is permissible for them to [silently] peruse the Quran in their hearts without uttering it, and to look in the actual written text of the Quran [mushaf] and go over it in the heart.”[Taken from the translated print by Musa Furber “Ettiquette With the Qur’an” pg. 37]

I suppose i will stick to the opinion number 2 from your reply, i have to accept in the end that even if we have just one islam, there are different opinions to choose and scholars with different views to follow......


Staff member
What was that, do you have a Long day fast?

I understand that there is a differences and we should respect them all, and please don't be harsh sister or rather reply when you are done with ur IFTAR... kdng sister :p pls dnt mind

Jazak Allahu khair for the meaningful replies

No, I don't mind.

Itqan Ullah

Time is Running!!
Salam aleikum
Thank you, at least i understood better the difference between the arabic text of Quran and the translations.
Waliekumasslam warhmatullahi wabrakatu,
Your welcome.

In the post of Al-Fajr, the Hanafi View, The Shafi’i View........
Hmm.. I see. Sorry I had not seen the quote below your first comment. :shymuslima1:

I suppose i will stick to the opinion number 2 from your reply, i have to accept in the end that even if we have just one islam, there are different opinions to choose and scholars with different views to follow......

Here's a nice article on the topic of disagreement: http://www.islamicemirate.com/articles/jurisprudence/2762-scholarly-disagreement.html


HasbunAllahu wa ni`mal Wakil '
Sister Hajjerr,

I know that you are pretty confused the way this thread is heading, however I would personally suggest you to read all of the above opinions and suggestions and then Consult ur local Imaan or any of the knowledgeable ladies to have a clear picture about this issue.

Brother Itqan Ullah, Jazak Allahu khair, for the replies

I would suggest you not to post any further replies so shall I coz its an issue that I thought would be helpful for our Sisters here. Let them have the discussion their way coz when we reply they might get confused as it happened already.
