the obstacles in the muslim country


New Member

I am very excited to find this site, because I can read a lot of amazing stories that enlighten my mind and recharge my faith. I know there a lot of difficulties in complementing Islamic way of life in non Muslim countries, but it is not easy to do an Islamic life way in the Muslim country too, especially when we want to practice the Islamic way of life according to Quran and sunnah. Sometimes I ashamed with the term 'muslim majorities' associated to my country because the high quantity is not a guarantee of good quality. I can give some real examples the deviation of Islam values which happens everyday in my life. The dangerous one is the ancestors traditions that influence majorities of citizens in my country such as the pilgrimage rituals to the 'holy' tombs, the rituals in wedding ceremonies, etc those could destruct aqidah and drag the doers to syirk. I have a lots more examples of the deviations and in the other hand the people who try to upsanding the quran and sunnah will be isolated and accused with Islam fundamentalism, terrorism etc.

Sometimes I dream ( may I? ) to live in a country which complementing the Islamic law and all the citizens have good and strong understanding in Akidah and syariah and practice the salaf asshalih way...

Well, I know many of Muslims is trying hard to build the dream and I am too with all of the weakness as a human being...

your sister in Islam

احبكم في الله

hassana elkoussi

Junior Member
Dear sister, we all have the same dream , but dreaming isn't enough. If we all work on ourselves to be good moslems,then work on our families and then widen the circle to include our acquaintances and neighbourhood, it won't be too long 4 our dream to come true. May Allah guide us all to the right path. :tti_sister: Ameen


New Member
Yeah, I know dreaming is not enough, that's why I join this site to share the problems and like to see other point of views...



First let me welcome you to TTI if I have not. Yes, we need each other and this site is so good. We keep connected and remember that we are Muslims.

And you are so correct prayer is the answer to most of our problems. It is the moments we take to know who we are and why we are here.

So, forgive me as I prepare to make salat..and I will keep you in my dua's.