The Present need for a New World Order


Junior Member
Assalaamu Alaikum warahamathullaah

I would like to share with all of you my Brothers and Sisters a portion of the Introduction given by Dr. Ismail Raji al Faruqi to the book “Towards an Islamic Theory of International Relations: New Directions for Methodology and Thought” authored by AbdulHamid A. AbuSulayman and published by International Islamic Publishing House in Saudi Arabia and The International Institute of Islamic Thought in Herndon, Virginia, The USA.

The quotation was taken from the Second Edition’s reprint in 1994.

The United Nations and the leaders of all state-nations should think and open up a discussion in order to find a solution to eradicate the anarchy prevailing now all over the world. The Peace can only be achieved only if all the leaders of the countries keep their selfish ego aside and work together for the Mankind’s survival. Inshaa Allaah.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, discussing under the topic will not bring a United States of World! But it will open our eyes at least. Who knows one day, this will become the most favored topic and will make a momentum in relevant quarters.

So, please read and post your thoughts:

The Present need for a New World Order

There is a great need in the world today for an international order that would establish a just and permanent peace without tyranny, one which recognizes the differences and distinctions – religious, cultural, social, and economic – of the peoples of the world as legitimate, and that would found its law upon their common need to order their lives as they wish in justice and freedom. Such a world order would establish a federal or confederal world government with the executive and police machinery necessary for implementation. It would be backed by international law and a system of courts that would place international justice within reach of all – governments, institutions, communities, and individuals. Without such an order, the world will never find peace. Justice and reassurance will never come if the nation-state does not give up its “national sovereignty” in favor of the government of a federated world.

World government – whatever its form – has become in this age an absolute and inevitable necessity. With nuclear weapons proliferating, the world population exploding, the superpowers’ greed for the world’s wealth growing as rapidly as their nuclear arsenals, and – most importantly – the majority of humanity seething with hatred and discontent and growing ever more radical and restive, this world order of ours, brought about by the West and propped up by it for the last two centuries, cannot last. Either it will come down in a holocaust or it has to change peacefully and rationally in fulfillment of the aspirations of humanity.

Either the inhabitants of the planet Earth act as sheep and jump over the cliff to their death for no reason but to follow their leader, to use Arnold Toynbee’s metaphor, or as rational beings they give up their nationalist madness and establish the new world order. To design and articulate the new world order, to elaborate its implementation – that is humanity’s first duty. But humanity has no legacy of thought concerning world order except that of Islam.

Only very recently, the United Nations tried to institute such a law to govern the relations of its members. Its efforts resulted in the Universal Bill of Human Rights, a document which contains much good – genuinely universal and truly basic human rights – but which falls far short of the ideal. Some of the values it has incorporated were purely Western values, and they were accepted by puppet nation-states which did not represent the people or their moralities. The Charter of Human Rights was defeated by its own enthusiastic promulgations, who used it as a means of propaganda war against their competitors or enemies. It never produced a court system under which the individual sufferers could voice their grievances and obtain justice against the violators of those rights. Thus the charter remains, to this day, mere ink on paper whenever the violation of human rights agrees with the national interest of a superpower or one of its satellites. The Charter appears to be merely a tool of propaganda.




If you would like to watch the vid on New World Order, there's one done by Aaron Russo. You can google it up and it's 2hrs documentary. It's really interesting so check it out if you have time. You would be amazed as to how much you don't know about what's happening in the world..SubhanaAllah!