The sacrifice


Junior Member

Today we have a lot of charitable organizations mailing out forms giving us the option to just mail a check or use credit card to send the meat to the needy all around the world. Some have many photos of hungry children which make it difficult to decline such a worthy cause. It also makes it convenient for someone who don't have easy access to animals etc. However, It is Sunnah to sacrifice the animal, and have friends,family etc. take part in a share of the meat. On the other hand meat is abundant at this time especially if the family is large and everyone is doing their own sacrifice. Would the sacrifice still be valid if all the meat is shipped to the poor countries and the family does not partake thereof. Of course we know that the blood or the meat does not have to reach Allah because he is in no need of it, however, it is our neeyat (intention) that counts.Does this question have an easy answer or did I start a debate:) I know, I know just do both. But if one had to choose would one be incorrect?:wasalam: