The saved path to paradise.


slave Of Allah
See the misleading of so called "Sufism".

May Allah sbhuan wa tala save our ummah under the flag of Tawheed and guide them to follow the path of the best generation.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Jews split into seventy-one sects, and the Christians split into seventy-two sects. My ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of which will be in Hell except one.” It was asked, “Who are they, O Messenger of Allaah?” He said, “Those who follow the same path as I and my companions are on today.” And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “A group among my ummah will continue to follow the truth and to be victorious, and they will not be harmed by those who forsake them or oppose them, until the command of Allaah comes to pass when they are like that.”

"What does Imam Malik (rahimahullaah) say about the Sufis?

In Tarteeb al-Madaarik by Qaadi Iyyaadh (2/54) at-Teneesee: "We were with Malik and his companions around him. A man from the people of Naseebeen said, "We have a people called Sufis who eat a lot then they mention lines of poetry and then they stand up to dance?"

Malik (rahimahullaah) said, "Are they children?"

He said, "no."

Malik (rahimahullaah) said, "Are they possessed?"

He said, "no, they are elderly and usually sane (when they are not doing that)."

Malik (rahimahullaah) said, "I never heard anyone from the people of Islam doing this.!!"

The man said, "rather they eat then they stand and dance. Some of them hitting their heads and some their faces." So Malik (rahimahullaah) laughed and then stood up and went to his house. The companions of Malik (rahimahullaah) said to the man you were fortunate with our companion since we sat with him for thirty odd years, we never saw him laugh except on this day."

What do Imam ash-Shafee (rahimahullaah) and his students say about the Sufis?

Baihaqee reports in Manaqib ash-Shaafee, "If a man becomes a Sufi in the first part of the day, by the time Zhohr comes upon him you will find him crazy."

Rabee ibn Sulaiman reports: I heard ash-Shafee say, "I have never seen a sane Sufi except for Muslim al-Khawas."

Ibrahim ibn Mawlid mentions that ash-Shafee said, "A Sufi cannot be a Sufi unless he has four characteristics; he is lazy, he eats too much, sleeps too much with much extravagance and wastefulness."

Ibn Jawzi in Talbees Iblees p.371 said that ash-Shafee said, "The sanity of a person never returned to the one who continued to stay with a Sufi for 40 days."

Imam ad-Deen as-Subki ash-Shafee, "whoever is from these later generation Sufis such as Ibn Arabi and other than him, then they are misguided, ignorant and outside of the path of Islam let alone be considered as scholars." [See the book Tanbeeh al-Ghabi of Imam Burhaan al-Biqaaee ash-Shafee p.68]



Its spreading......ofcourse misleading.....and may Allah guide them.....
Jazakallahu khairn for sharing this.....we all pay attention to the Shia' the ahmadia, the khoja...the Kadyanis.....but also Sufismis another misleaded sect of Islam....we should attentive to them also.....and try to convey the true messege of Islam...



New Member

I can tell you right now that that the hadith with imam malik is fabricated, i might be wrong, i could be thinking of another one, but show us where you got this from.


slave Of Allah
I already did. even though, you can read more indepth about such misleading sect "sufism" in Abu'l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi's book Talbis Iblis(The devil's deception), he mentioned such an authentic says from Imma Malik- Rahmu Allah.
There are another book too called "sufism exposed", you can read it here.

Here you are the full Quote about Imam Malik:-

والذي جاء عن الإمام مالك مسندا هو ذم الصوفية

قال ابن الجوزي في تلبيس إبليس ص: 446
وباسناد عن عبد الملك بن زياد النصيبي قال كنا عند مالك فذكرت له صوفيين في بلادنا فقلت له يلبسون فواخر ثياب اليمن ويفعلون كذا قال ويحك ومسلمين هم قال فضحك حتى استلقى قال فقال لي بعض جلسائه يا هذا ما رأينا أعظم فتنة على هذا الشيخ منك ما رأيناه ضاحكا قط
وباسناد عن يونس بن عبد الأعلى قال سمعت الشافعي يقول لو أن رجلا تصوف أول النهار لا يأتي الظهر حتى يصير أحمق وعنه أيضا أنه قال ما لزم أحد الصوفية أربعين يوما فعاد عقله اليه أبدا
وأنشد الشافعي
ودعوا الذين إذا أتوك تنسكوا وإذا خلوا كانوا ذئاب حقاف

وبإسناد عن حاتم قال حدثنا أحمد بن أبي الحواري
قال قال أبو سليمان ما رأيت صوفيا فيه خير إلا واحدا عبد الله بن مرزوق قال وأنا أرق لهم

وبإسناد عن يونس بن عبد الأعلى يقول ما رأيت صوفيا عاقلا إلا إدريس الخولاني قال السلمي هو مصري من قدماء مشايخهم قبل ذي النون

وبإسناد عن يونس بن عبد الأعلى يقول صحبت الصوفية ثلاثين سنة ما رأيت فيهم عاقلا إلا مسلم الخواص وبإسناد عن احمد بن أبي الحواري يقول حدثنا وكيع قال سمعت سفيان يقول سمعت عاصما يقول ما زلنا نعرف الصوفية بالحماق إلا أنهم يستترون بالحديث

وبإسناد عن سفيان عن عاصم يقول قال لي وكيع لم تركت حديث هشام قلت صحبت قوما من الصوفية وكنت بهم معجبا فقالوا ان لم تمح حديث هشام قاطعناك فأطعتم قال إن فيهم حمقا

وبإسناد عن يحيى بن يحيى قال الخوارج أحب إلي من الصوفية

عن يحيى بن معاذ يقول اجتنب صحبة ثلاثة أصناف من الناس العلماء الغافلين والفقراء المداهنين والمتصوفة الجاهلين

وقد ذكرنا في أول ردنا على الصوفية من هذا الكتاب ان الفقهاء بمصر أنركوا على ذي النون ما كان يتكلم به وببسطام عن أبي يزيد وأخرجوه وأخرجوا أبا سليمان الداراني وهرب من أيديهم احمد بن أبي الحواري وسهل التستري وذلك لأن السلف كانوا ينفرون من أدنى بدعة ويهجرون عليها تمسكا بالسنة

ولقد حدثني أبو الفتح بن السامري قال جلس الفقهاء في بعض الأربطة للعزاء بفقيه مات فأقبل الشيخ أبو الخطاب الكلوذاني الفقيه متوكئا على يدي حتى وقف بباب الرباط وقال يعز علي لو رآني بعض أصحابنا ومشايخنا القدماء وأنا أدخل هذا الرباط قلت على هذا كان أشياخنا فأما في زماننا هذا فقد أصطلح الذئب والغنم


New Member
Like i said this is a very very weak hadith with no reliable sources. so take it for what its worth and its best if you, me and everyone to focus on our own iman and not bash other muslism and say they will go to hell Allah knows best.


slave Of Allah
Like i said this is a very very weak hadith with no reliable sources. so take it for what its worth and its best if you, me and everyone to focus on our own iman and not bash other muslism and say they will go to hell Allah knows best.
Sbhuanallah, I really stack dumb with your simply judge!
I hope you read it with opening eyes at least :)
Do you know what وبإسناده means?

Btw, the former head of Azhar Tantawi and may Azhartic scholars alerted Muslims from the Shirk which sufi people stumbled on.


New Member
Yes im an arab myself, but your hadith is very very weak, i don't know what else to tell you. I can easily get hadiths that are unreliable and say its true, but their still weak. So take it for what its worth, and please stop giving people weak hadiths and misguiding them.


slave Of Allah
Yes im an arab myself, but your hadith is very very weak, i don't know what else to tell you. I can easily get hadiths that are unreliable and say its true, but their still weak. So take it for what its worth, and please stop giving people weak hadiths and misguiding them.
My beloved brother, this is NOT hadith! This is A quote from Imam Malik! lol

Abu'l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi's book Talbis Iblis(The devil's deception), he mentioned such an authentic quote from Imma Malik- Rahmu Allah.


New Member
of course its not a hadith but it's a quote that is very weak, all im saying is that this is not reliabel, if it was in the muatta, then ill believe you, but its not.


slave Of Allah
of course its not a hadith but it's a quote that is very weak, all im saying is that this is not reliabel, if it was in the muatta, then ill believe you, but its not.
Imam Malik wrote Al-Muwatta gathered the hadithes of the prophet, peace and blessing upon him, and constructing the rules from every hadith.
In addition to the Al-Mudawwana al-Kubra.
But that's far away from the hsitory of Imam Malik which was told by his students in their books!

Akhi please study before you judge, May Allah bless you.


New Member
Imam Malik wrote Al-Muwatta gathered the hadithes of the prophet, peace and blessing upon him, and constructing the rules from every hadith.
In addition to the Al-Mudawwana al-Kubra.
But that's far away from the hsitory of Imam Malik which was told by his students in their books!

Akhi please study before you judge, May Allah bless you.

I'm not, but if what he says about sufism is as what you say, then it would be considered major in islam, but it's not.