This Fatwa or rather Sheitan freaks me out !

Serving Him

New Member
As salam alaykum

On i did read a fatwa about impurities being transmitted on our clothes or our body if we touch them with wetness. For a while i am about to freak out because everywhere i touch in house (especially in bathroom and on carpets) with wet hand or wet feet i do feel like that impurity is on my body now so i have to wash that place otherwise Allah will not accept my prayers. As you know toilet is toilet so it's possible that someone (or me) might have drop some impurity there and we forgot to wash it. And later on someone might have stepped on them with wet feet (after ablution etc) and transmit it to everwhere, especially to the prayer rugs.

In my country our imams are giving madhap based answers so i can not know what is their proof but the common view is that as long as impurity is not more than your hand palm, it is okay to pray in that cloth. But i have no idea what is proof for this.

Do you have any idea what should i do ? Should i just neglect and trust in Allah that He is merciful, he will accept my prayers ? Or am i right to be worried ?