This is so scary!


Junior Member
Assalamu Aleikom!

You know, it really is scary when you see things like this and it really makes you want to run and repent and make sure that you live out these final days in a just manner. Doing all that pleases Allah!

I read somewhere the things that will take place in the final days.(features of the coming of the Mahdi) One of those things, if I am not mistaken, were that there will be more girls than boys being born.

On the front page of today's MSN homepage there is an article titled:
Are Boys An Endangered Species?

Why half as many boys as girls are being born in places around the world.
By Francesca Lyman for MSN Health & Fitness

May Allah have mercy on us all

In reference to that prediction...PLEASE...if anyone who knows if this is not true, TELL ME. I wouldn't want to keep something here that is false, even though I am almost positive I read that about the coming of the Mahdi.


one in a billion!!
saalam sister
in the world i think there is and always will be more girls than boys...most parents want boys but they end up with girls...which i think is not right(girls are great too!!) yes there are more girls than boys in this world...
plz correct me if i'm wrong

Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

WaAlaikum Salaam, Sister,

You are quite right about the prophesy, and yes these are scary times that we live in. For some reason, these past few weeks I have been thinking about and hearing more and more about the Mehdi. Concidering that I am of the view that NOTHING in life is a coincidence, I think this may be a sign of things to come. InshaAllah I will add in the reference as soon as I find the Haddith on my laptop...


Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

Asalaamu alaikum,

For some reason, my school's network won't accept the code to edit posts, so I'm having to make another post to relate the relavent haddith to you...


“Among the signs of the Hour will be the disappearance of knowledge and the spread of ignorance. Adultery will be prevalent, and the drinking of wine will be common. The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there will be 50 women to be looked after by one man.” (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

Gah! I hate not being able to edit!

What I should have said as well is: Notice the language says "decrease" and "increase", meaning that this change will not happen instantly - And what we are witnessing now is the beginnings of a gradual trend. A trend where more and more women are being born than boys, where more and more men are dying in pointless wars, and where genetic pollutants (pesticides, GM food, Coca-Cola, you name it) are altering the physiological factors of pregnant women and their babies. These pollutants are also leading to men having worse and worse sperm-counts (especially from the drinking water in many cities where the water is recycled toilet-water, and the facilities are unable to filter out all of the estrogen produced from the birth-control pills) which is leading to men becoming increasinly feminized. This may also be a factor in the rampant spread of homosexuality in men these past couple decades.



قل هو الله أحد
Assalamu aleekoom

We should be careful about how to interpret the signs of Qiyama. At the end of the day it will only come suddenly (as stated in the Quran). The prophet (PBUH) when asked about when is Qiyama, answered that the Qiyama for every person is his/her death. Therefore we -as muslims- should always be prepared for that. The signs of Qiyama are informative and to ascertain the prophethood of the prophet (PBUH) and not for us to sit and wait them.

WRT number of men & women in the world today. I think it depends which country you are talking about. The UK has about 1 million women more than men. Chine & India has more males than females because they practice female infanticide which, in the case of India was estimated in the millions by the Lancet (a respectable medical journal). In Chine, and due to the one child policy enforced by the communist government, people try very hard to make this one child a boy as it is preferred by the Chinese culture. A while ago the BBC ran a piece about men in China not finding wives in their vicinity.

It is worth mentioning that Islam abolished this practice over 1400 years ago (although if you hear the media, you would have thought women get abused only by Islam). It is interesting to see humanity still sink to these depth even in today's "enlightened" age.


Junior Member
Asalaamu alaikum,

For some reason, my school's network won't accept the code to edit posts, so I'm having to make another post to relate the relavent haddith to you...


“Among the signs of the Hour will be the disappearance of knowledge and the spread of ignorance. Adultery will be prevalent, and the drinking of wine will be common. The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there will be 50 women to be looked after by one man.” (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

WOW! :(
Than you very much Brother. I thought I had read it, but was not sure of the actual words.

Also, I have the same view on coincidence as you do. I have always thought that I had "more than the normal persons" sense of intuition and lately, ever since around the time of my Father-in-laws death, I have had a strong urge to change my ways....maybe not even an urge, more like a strong FEAR. I did have a dream not long ago that has also contributed to this thinking...add to that an email I got the other day with a small article about the coming of the Mahdi!!!

It really is scary. I believe after seeing this today and that being the first thing that came to my mind, combined with all the other little things I have been is Allah's way of telling ME that I need to change my ways. That I need to be diligent with my prayers and start doing more good deeds and REPENT!
At least that is what I am getting from it personally.

Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

Asalaamu alaikum,

Make way for the Mehdi, folks! ;-) InshaAllah he'll be with us soon, strengthen our Imam, call the astray Muslims back to the path of Islam, and bring in many new brothers and sisters (by Allah's will) to join us in this life, AND for ever and ever in our big, happy family in Jennah! =) And I call dibs on having the first house-warming party, BTW!! ;-p And you're ALL invited, InshaAllah.

Seriously though, with all of the signs being fulfilling at what seems to be an increasing rate, I'd encourage us all to prepare more and more for both the Hereafter as well as the time of the Mehdi. We'll need to be educated, willing, and ready to handle all of the new Muslims, and fascilitate their integration into a changing society. We also need to be prepared to let go of the many cultural mispractices we indulge in today, so that we can be at our best when that blessed time comes, InshaAllah.

InshaAllah I'll be an Imam by then so that I can do my part in our changing community, and please Allah SWT with my devotion and obiedience. =) InshaAllah.



قل هو الله أحد
Guys, you talk about Almahdi as if his time will be all nice & lovely ...

In reality, if you read about the difficulties that he will face you will wonder if you will actually stand for it. He will be faced by Aldajjal who is the biggest tribulation of all time!

People usually look for that time due to current condition of the Ummah. While I agree the current situation is pretty bad, one has to see the full half of the glass. For example: muslims are not united. OK, that's bad but actually the root cause of this is that muslims are 1.5 billions spread in every corner of the earth, which, in many ways is a blessing we have to thank Allah SWT for. Remember that muslims for most of the time of the prophet were nearly all living in one city and counted in few thousands. Would you want muslims today to count in few thousands in one city as a trade for the current condition? Think about it ...

Always think about the full half of the glass. We need to maintain a sense of optimisim which is part of the faith. It is not all doom & gloom and in many ways. There is a very interesting hadith which says that this religion will enter every house on earth, either by the might of the strong, or by the weakness of the weak. Do you know what this hadith means? It simply means that while muslims can lose, Islam -as a religion- never lose. It happened before when the moghul conquered Baghdad and killed nearly 2 million muslims in a week. Many muslim historians at the time could not even write about it because they thought that was the end of Islam. What happened next is amazing: the moghul themselves converted to Islam and went on to spread the religion far north and east and ruled India and vast areas of Russia for hundreds of years.

We are today living the second part of the hadith: Muslims are weak but their numbers are increasing everyday. Islam never lose as a religion and this is just a guarantee.

Allah knows best