To those feeling gloomy


Junior Member

There are a lot of things to be happy for, but why do we seem to dwell on bad things that happen to us?

This is such a cliche. But one that bore more meaning to me today. Let me narrate...

Awhile ago my mom was telling us how her childhood friend died. She told us he was beaten to death by his own sons. The reason? they were having a hard time taking care of him, a stroke victim.

That bit made me momentarily fearful of the world. Come to think of it, there could have been a lot of "life changing" things that could've happened to me already; kidnap, rape, flood, food poisoning, sars, broken family and etc. etc. yet none. (thank God) I stay safe and healthy. My sister intelligently added, "The fact that we're born healthy/ without defects is already a blessing..." and that is soooo true! I'm sooooo thankful that I am where I am right now.

eh, so don't be gloomy....

Allahu Akbar!


Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:lol:sister thanks for sharing your point of view.........yeah it is indeed a blessing to be what we are right now:)it's never to late for things to get it's better to stay happy and grateful rather then gloomy and ungrateful:)

your mom story!!!!!!!!!SLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSS it made the me feel....i dunno......beasts like that exists:(

May ALLAH make us all his most humble and kind-at-heart and grateul slaves.ameen