totally off topic


New Member
totally silly post,i do apologise, but i just thought about glitter...and i used to eat it as a kid...and i also used to chew on shoes (and apparently this is taped and recorded).

another point: y'all probably been around the corner and heard about new age religions...well..what do you guys think about this indigo children theory ,which i actually identified with some of it...

indigo children are people who are sensitive to some things more than others,very creative,hot headed,into colours,walking hippies. but i dont want to dive into it because i KNOOOOW ill be led astray bit by bit by the devil and that aint happening again.just wondering if any have any input.

truly brothers and sisters,being on this forum is like someone giving you hot chocolate,much more comforting that that new age bleep.

mum always used to tell me whenever i "feel" things or like im followed (FOR example) its just the devil trying to scare me...but the new age people dive into it and no you can actually FEEL things...which do you agree more with?
or is it chemicals and bad food in the body that can cause certain emotions such as "feeling things" to happen? i dont want to be crazy D; (but i do consume alot of sugar)

this forum is nicer than my family.sending love to you all and allah be with you and help you be patient with nutcases like me



You just enjoy yourself.

Now, the lecture. In Islam the theories of the new agers do not exist. We are brothers and sisters. None is better. We help each other. Allah subhana talla has given us the gift of life. He has given us the Mercy of the Quran and the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and we have the sunnath. We must strive in the cause of Islam by our deeds. We must improve our lot and by improving our spritual state we improve the state of the ummath. We have an obligation to Allah subhana talla. We must be responsible.

Cut out the sugar. Everything must be in moderation. It is time to get serious.

And as the mom of TTI, I must tell you stay away from the new age are walking into dangerous territory.


Here to help
this forum is nicer than my family.sending love to you all and allah be with you and help you be patient with nutcases like me


Read Quran? listen to athan often, these get rid of shaitan.

I don't see how you prefer this forum to your family ;) think again....

:salam2: :ma::lol:


New Member
this forum doesnt wake me up 1 in the morning asking me to do the dishes that i avoided :p

jazak allah khairan


New Member
yes i acknowledge your words,theya re true, more than once i get drawn in because they make it sound like they really care and understand you "blah blah blah" and theyre only trying to connect,and then you realise its actually a whole set of ritualistic based ideals.
and feeling "special" i jut realised,is fueled with pride,which is not what islam teaches.

may allah grant me the will and wisdom to avoid these things and be protected against such thoughts. thank you sister, jazaki allah kahiran for your advice,