Understandin Quran -


New Member
Assalamualaikum Bro and SIs,

I open this thread as I want to learn more about Quran as our main law source. So starting from this I will post some ayah that with my ussual brain, I cant understand. Please give your opinion also based on the quran or hadist.

Surah Annajm, v: 27
Verily, those who believe not in the hereafter, name the angels with female name.

My question
1. Is it forbiden to give female name for the angel and what is the connection with believing in hereafter
2. It is not gender thing

Please, I try to read the Quran every ayat with random system so when I dont understand I will write here hope that bro and sis can help me




Allah will decide
Salaam Brother

A lot of religions name Angels by a woman's name. They give them women features. Have you seen pictures at Malls or various places that have women with wings? Angels are neither male or female, and people who believe that are misguided. If they are misguided in a small thing, they are misguided probably in bigger things.


New Member
Brother Ayman and Aleahkoto,

Thanks for the explanation, it is clear now. Tomorrow Insyaallah I will post another ayah
