Understanding the Prophet's Life


New Member

When we talk during our visits, we should say only what befits the situation and be brief. We shouldn't prolong our speech, our talk should be clear, concise and to the point, we should not talk and talk and talk. Al-Bukhari reported that Anas said: "The Prophet's, peace be upon him, speech was clear and succinct, neither too long not too short, and he disliked chattering and ranting." Similarly Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated a hadith in which Aisha said: "The Prophet spoke [so few words] that you could count his words."

"Islamic Manners" - Abdul Fattah Abu Ghudda, p. 51
Friday Nasiha - Issue 487

This hadith does not imply that you should prevent yourself from having conversations at social gatherings. Rather I think this hadith refers to cutting back on the gossip when one is with his/her social circle. I think this hadith goes hand in hand with the other ahadith that encourage good akhlaque because it encourages having informative, "clear and succinct", talks with your peers. And Allah knows best.