

Allahu Akbar!!
Salamu Alaikum,

I'm posting this on here because A bro has told me one thing And I have read another thing elsewhere! (All very confusing)

Is The Dua Qunut Obligatory or Sunnah during the Witr Prayer?


Make dua for us all
:salam2: brother

witr is not obligatory... would dua in witr prayer be obligatory???
our five daily prayers are the obligatory...
don't get confused... i know you are a new brother... take it easy because practicing islam is easy


Make dua for us all
AKhi you understand him wrong. THe question was is the dua kunut obligatory for witr prayer.

For witr prayer dua kunut is importent, but i have to look a while is it obligatory or not.

this one would be helpful:


:salam2: brother

i understood him... because of the urgent message, i taught he wanted to know during this night (since it should be about isaa now in UK and so witr prayer after ward)... i didn't know the answer (i knew our brother is new to islam, so i didn't want him to get confused/worried) so i pointed out that witr its self is not obligatory


Here to help
Al-witr, the final night salah, is a worship consisting of an odd number of rak‘ahs of prayer: minimally three rak‘ahs and optimally up to 11. Witr prayers are Wajib(compulsory).
In the final rak‘ah of Witr before or after the bow, it is Sunnah to recite al-Qunut, a du‘a of which numerous versions exist.


Here to help
:salam2: brother

witr is not obligatory... would dua in witr prayer be obligatory???
our five daily prayers are the obligatory...
don't get confused... i know you are a new brother... take it easy because practicing islam is easy
Why are Witr prayers recommended, and what are its attributes?
Let me provide you a simple Hadith:) Ali (bin Abu Talib) (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Witr prayer is not obligatory as the prescribed Salat (prayers), but the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) observed it as his regular practice (Sunnah). He (pbuh) said, "Allah is Witr (single, odd) and loves what is Witr. So perform Witr prayer. O followers of Qur'an, observe Witr (prayer).''
[At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud]. Please visit


Here to help
:salam2: again
a question poped into my mind, should you be doing duaa' Al-Qunut ,in Arabic or English ??
anywan can answer this?:eek:
jazakom Allah


Allahu Akbar!!
Yes u are helpful as always brother!

I believe the answer of that to be arabic, But I'm not sure!

May Allah Be With You


Here to help
bro i seem not to be able to find any info:(

anywan got thhe answer
Q is: should you be doing duaa' Al-Qunut ,in Arabic or English ??
anywan can answer this???plzzzz


Islam is my life
Staff member
:salam2: lol
yh i kno , i delibretly put the source ,to show its not my opinion , u can visit the site and check bro :D+plus its copyright-ed

salam aleikum
I deleted that fatwa not only because of copyright ,but because that site is not trustable .

waaleikum salam

ahmed m

Junior Member
mashallah, may Allah reward you all for showin your eagerness to learn about islam. firstly, with regards to the witr being wajib? the witr is wajib(compulsary) and must be read. the difference between witr and fard(both mean compulsory) is that fard cannot be missed under any circumstances. for example fard salah. wajib, can only be missed if a very very strong excuse is present. this could be for instance a severe illness etc.

with regards to whether dua e qunoot is wajib to pray(br gazzhi's question) and whether it must be read in arabic, this inshallah i will need to clarify with a scholar. i will find out tomoro and pass on around the evening time. may allah rewar you all.


ahmed m

Junior Member
my br Gazzhi, plz do send what school of thought you refer to and i will put your situation b4 a scholar inshallah. if you can send it by 2moro mornin or afternoon, will send the reply by the evenin. request your duas.
and allah knows best

WAs the question is dua qunoot wajib for witr or witr prayer is wajib?

If the question was witr is wajib or not, then hanafi school also says witr is wajib.