Warning to NYC brothers/sisters: Watch out for the trash that comes in the mail.


:)Smile! It's Sunnah

I hope all my dear brothers/sisters are doing well. This is to warn you about something you will likely be receiving in the mail if you live in the NYC area (and possibly elsewhere). Muslims are receiving a book entitled "10 Amazing Muslims Touched by God" by Faisal Malick in the mail. At first you think to yourself that this is likely something benign, maybe someone doing dahwah, something like that. But alas, this is far from the truth.

Long story short: The book is a deceitful little rag about 10 kafirs that abandoned Islam for Christianity and now proclaim that Allah (SWT) has a son. The author earnestly persuades readers to do the same.:astag:
If you get this piece of trash in the mail, please don't give the author the satisfaction of reading it, but rather dispose of it the same way you would an old newspaper or used coupon. Peace and have a nice day.