Was Imaam Bukhaaree A Blind Follower Of One Of The Four Madhhabs? By Sh. Mashhoor


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
Shaykh Mashhoor states:

"I mentioned to you that Ibn Hajr in Fath Al-Baaree examined the madhhab of Imaam bukhaare who, like others form his brethren such as Muslim and As-haab Us-Sunnah were all from Ahlul Hadeeth.

Look at their biographies in the books of Tabaqaat of the fuqahaa and you will find that the Shaafi'ees branded Al-Bukhaaree, Muslim and Aboo Daawood as Shaafi'ees; while the Hanbalees branded tham as Hanbalees; the Hanafees branded them as Hanafees; and the Maalikees branded them as Maalikees!

This is on account of their Madhhab fanaticism. If they were able to brand Aboo Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthmaan, 'Alee and the Companions as being upon their madhhab too, they would even do that!

However, when Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr investigated the Madhhab of Imaam Bukhaaree he stated, "The Madhhab of Al-Bukhaaree is taken via agreement and not taqleed (blind following)"."​

[Taken from "The Madhhab Of Ahlul HAdeeth" p. 82]


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum: Br

'' This is on account of their Madhhab fanaticism. If they were able to brand Aboo Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthmaan, 'Alee and the Companions as being upon their madhhab too, they would even do that! "

It is a very brave quote.

Many times because of time constrains I pray Jummah at the Masjid of a particular sect. Every time I visit that Masjid on Jummah I am prayed and pressurized to be a part of their one of the teams (Jamaat) that would visit a particular area nearby my city for three days. Formulation of these teams (Jamaat) is organized just after Jummah. As such it becomes difficult for me to escape but by lying.



Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum: Br
Every time I visit that Masjid on Jummah I am prayed and pressurized to be a part of their one of the teams (Jamaat) that would visit a particular area nearby my city for three days. Formulation of these teams (Jamaat) is organized just after Jummah. As such it becomes difficult for me to escape but by lying.


Assalamu Alaikkum wa rahamatullahi wabarakatuhu,

I think you mean the Tableeghi Jamaat. Since I am from the sub continent, I am familiar with them too. The "three" day dawah thing is one of their innovations. You should probably ask them about their aqeedah.

They are one of the deviant groups - http://www.fatwa-online.com/deviantgroups/jamaaahattableegh/0010101.htm


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikkum wa rahamatullahi wabarakatuhu,

I think you mean the Tableeghi Jamaat. Since I am from the sub continent, I am familiar with them too. The "three" day dawah thing is one of their innovations. You should probably ask them about their aqeedah.

They are one of the deviant groups - http://www.fatwa-online.com/deviantgroups/jamaaahattableegh/0010101.htm

Walikum Assalam:

Ya,I am talking about Tablighi Jamaat. I did not want to name the sect but you disclosed it. :)

Undoubtedly,they are a deviant sect and concept of this Three day or forty day Dawah is an innovation.

And the way they are trying to manipulate new Muslims for their activities casts dark clouds of suspicions on their intentions. They are so staunch in their approach to those leaving T.J party that they play and field in worst of the manners so that not a single individual detaches from their party.

Once I just consulted my friend from T.J party on a minor issue so as ensure and confirm validity of my Wudu,within very very short period of time they got me famous :) by circulating a rumor that I have made distance with Ahlul Hadiths and have started approaching them in context of Aqeedah.

May Allah (SWT) forgive but they truly liars.



Used to be active here!
Walikum Assalam:

Undoubtedly,they are a deviant sect and concept of this Three day or forty day Dawah is an innovation.

assalaamu alaykkum wa rahmatullah

Try telling this to them. It kinda worked for me. (as in, now they don't come to my house often )


Junior Member
assalaamu alaykkum wa rahmatullah

Try telling this to them. It kinda worked for me. (as in, now they don't come to my house often )

Walikum Assalam: Ilyas.

I have a loophole that I can't debate face to face.

If you ever listen to lectures from Tablighi scholars,you will find no better players of words other than them. They are very very smart.

And I loose to them in physical discussions.
