What do u think about in prayer?


Junior Member
Assalamu alaykum

I thought it'd be interesting if people wrote about what they think about in salah and how u concentrate? I'll start first. When I pray I imagine the angel of death behind me and I imagine myself dead and in the grave all alone not able to ask for anymore forgiveness for my sins or able to do any more good deeds to add to my scale. Sometimes I also think about the creation of the Universe and how I am such a little thing compared to the whole Universe which helps me to think about Allah's greatness and power. I also think about the Day of Judgement and the difficulties of the Great Day yet to come.

My friend was telling me that her dad has his eyes closed throughout the whole prayer and he imagines himself in front of Allah and he imagines just being so small and so nothing compared the greatness of his Lord, Allah which makes him feel humble while praying masha'allah.

Give us ur experiences of prayer!


bintul islam

biz musulmanikh
Marshala seems like you think about eveything but the prayer itself..hehehe.
In the past, I used to kind of meditate before praying. For example, I would make my ablution, come to the prayer mat, sit down, think through my prayer, then stand up, and begin to imagin myself standing on siratul mutaqeem, with heaven on my right, hell on my left, Angel of death behind me, kebba in front of me and Allah sw above me. In that state, I would say Allahu Akbar and begin my salat. I also would have this strong conviction that that prayer was to be my last, therefore, I would pay full attention to every word.
That was history, I don't do that anymore even though it was very helpful. Now I just pray...the links in my brain have formed, I don't have to think about it anymore. I say that with caution because I don't want to be a bird who simply pecks the ground. Prayer will inshala be the first thing taken into account on the Day of Reckoning, so if you are going to pray, you may as well pray properly. Im no sure if its true, but they say the worst theif among all the theifs is the one who steals from his/her prayer.

Assalamu alaykum



Junior Member
Well, I do my best to concentrate on the prayer,, so shaytan cannot interrupt me with the everyday worries. Sometimes, like You I think about the Day of Jugdement, or about my death, and I'm asking Allah swt for forgiveness.
Please tell Your friends father to keep the eyes open during the prayer- the Sunnah is to watch the point, which we will place our forehead during sujood!


Junior Member
Marshala seems like you think about eveything but the prayer itself..hehehe.

LOL! true! no i don't think about all of these things in one prayer. In one salah i'll think about day of judgement, in another salah death, in another the greatness of Allah and so on...


Junior Member
I actually concentrate in my prayer itself.I try to understand each word i say and feel it inside me, but if i start thinking of other things, I might get into things that has nothing to do with prayers. You know shaytan is good at things like this!


New Member
its not so easy for me!

i find it fascinating that ppl think of such important and focussing things when they pray ...when i pray things pop into my head that are so menial and insignificant that i know its just shaytan distracting me i.e on the 28th my bt bill is due must put money into my account ... what exactly did my husband mean the other day when he said blah blah blah to me ...ive goto pick up the kids in a bit ..lol stupid things i know but it happens and sometimes it even confuses me in my salaat but i just say audo bilahi mina shaytani rajeem and start again .. some times my prayer takes ages lol ! but i wont stop eventually shaytan will get bored


I try to focus on my death and how this could be my last prayer, subhanallah!! A reflection on death is the way to keep you stronger in your prayer. Sometimes I am afraid that my prayers are not accepted, and I ask Allah to make me stronger in my prayers and to accept them. May Allah accept ALL our prayers and allow us to enter Jannah-tal-Firdaus, Ameen!!:tti_sister: