What do you think about...


Striving For Jannah

blahh. gross

and i must add, VERY UNISLAMIC.

how do i convince someone to stop doing their eyebrows?
uummmmm( coughing ) I did not know men this.

Well I am pretty sure there a fatwa regarding this because I once read at, when I was getting my eyebrows done. And once I learn it was compared to mutalitation. I stop.

I will try to post it in a second


Servant of Allah
you mean they pluck their eyebrows? dang. anyways, you should advice as that is haram. tell him or her that they should work for the eternal lasting homes. usually gays pluck their eyebrows or wax it. subhanaAllah .i hope i wasn't offensive in any way. salam.


New Member
i think it is totally feminine for a man to do his eyebrows. Why would a man be so focused on his appearance, he should be focused on more important issues: education, finances etc.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
heheheheeheheh i know some guys, well some friends who do that hahaha
. i do not know what to say as a guy about it, exept la hawle wela kuwete illa billahi:lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
we aleikumu selam brate i allahraziala
ehheh ma jasta su vec nasi haveri, zamalo i ja nisam pocupo da vidim kako bi mi stajalo hehehhe

they are some gurly guys/gays:muslim_child: