What is the proper thing to do?

Ibn Uthaymin

Junior member

they gave you Islamic fatwa information above^^ by some sheiks.

but I will tell you culturally, the women will not return salam to you if you are a stranger, in most cases. So don't get upset if that happens to you. Usually if you and a opposite gender are strangers, you don't make salam, unless there is an need for interaction. like goto a store and the cashier is Muslim or vice versa.


Very good point


Junior Member
In the MSA of my campus, almost everyone says salaams to each other. We have an office where most muslims hang out and a prayer area nearby. The traffic of muslims is pretty busy around that area, so almost everyone say salaams, probably because most of them know each other.

When outside in public, it depends. In muslim stores/areas we usually say salaam because I think it strengthens the bond as muslim. But in general, like in malls for example, it's a little awkward to just say salaam as that sister is doing her thing. She might not get it the first time. But in the situation that you said, if you look muslim, she will obviously notice and probably expect or prepared for a salaam.

I was wearing my kufi one day and went to Target. The cashier lady said that she liked my hat, and asked if I was muslim. I said yes and she was very happy to she's muslim too then said salaam. I think that's pretty neat.


Junior Member

when I see muslims -men or women- I always get so exited. Because it is realy rare to see people in school, work or at home who devoted their lifes to God. Once I saw a brother. My companion told him "a little Taliban" because of his clothes but I appreciate him for having the courage to live free! Still I could not greet him even I wanted to do... I would be to ashamed. But if I would be greeted by a brother I would reply. Why should I make a big deal of it...? Everyone should decide that for himself/herself I think.



Assalaam walaikum,

I read many of the responses. Now lets think! For many of us we live in lands whereas we are in the minority. I appreciate any sign of one that acknowledges the Presence of Allah subhana talla. Often when I find myself in remote areas men will come up to me, non-Muslim men, and say Salaam. They have often served in the military. Whatever their experiences were they were so profound that these men want to be a part of the Muslim experience. In the small talk that follows they relate to me how the loved being in Muslim lands.

I am a woman that is past child bearing age. I am also a Muslim woman who does not look at men as being sexual objects. I am a Muslim woman.

What I am trying to state is often this may be a form of saddaka. The rules for Muslims living in kaffir lands is more relaxed. It is the intention that we must be aware.