What Made u Leave Haram & Except Islam...

Abu Eesaa

Servant Of Allah
Salaam Dear brother's and sister,

Just to give people an idea of how Allah calls people to the Deen of Islam,
I dont want to know about peoples haram, just the circumstance that led them back to Islam....

I will start for me it was when I was at work and someone said to me how comes you have started growing a beard, you should shave it...

I wanted to say I am growing it as part of my religion but I could. As i just started growing it intially out of being lazy and not bcos for the the love and sake of Allah(swt) and his Rasool(pbuh).

I was so hurt inside and felt ashamed that I was growing it for the wrong reason. If I grew it for the right reason I could clearly said I am a Muslim and it was ordained by Allah(swt) for men to have beards.

However since then I have started growing my beard for the love and sake of Allah(swt) and his Rasool(pbuh) and have started to practice alhumdulliah.

Now when people ask me about my beard its simple I am a Muslim. I love the feeling I am trying to emulate the sunnah of the prophet(saw).

This is the scenario that brought me back to the Deen of Islam...
Aswell as some heart felt Nasheeds, like Last breath and few others and listening to various sheiks on tape, my personal favourite is Mulana Ahmad Ali....
Its because of this brothers lecture on DAY Of Judgement Part 1 & 2. That i destroyed my Music tapes......

Abu Eesaa


Leaving the haram life for me, was a drastic change I had to make, and Allhamdulillah, I made it.
After having been to two 3-day jamaats, I realised that I wasn't really happy in my life, and I needed to do this for the sake of Allah swt, and for myself.
I am now a better person, definitely proud to be a muslimah and I get a lot more respect than I used to. I absolutely love hijaab, and i hope to wear purdah someday, insha Allah.


Penguin fancier
I've never been in a haram, so it wasn't that big a step. I just felt my life was missing something God shaped and untrinitarian. Islam fills the hole very nicely, jazak'Allah :)

Oh... and it might have been something haram that lead me to look into reverting in the first place. But I'm not prepared to discuss that.

umm hussain

Junior Member
Mine wasn't really leaving haram as I wasn't a Muslim while I was doing haram, if you understand what I mean even though from a Muslim perspective my previous 'life' was all haram but then it was all I knew.

American Muslim

Just Another Slave
I came from a place where haram was the natural order of things. I was a kuffar, and I did all sorts of haram things. Living a halal life was a 180 degree change for me. It was a very difficult transition. However, I made those changes simply because this is the way that Allah Ta'ala wants us to live.

What Muslim would disobey a direct command from Allah?


Junior Member
Asalamu alaykum

I didnt leave my deen but i was rather neglectful about some things, then my father past away (may Allah have his mercy upon him)
it made me realize how neglectful i was about death and why we are here on earth, it was a wake up call for me and i am very greatful to Allah ( subhana wa ta'alaa) for that.

i really don't understand when kufar say that they neglect god or don't want to worship god because he took away thier love ones i mean they know sooner or later they are going to die even themselves!!!!!


Junior Member
Asalam Alikoum wa rahmatallah
As a revert to islam, I left haram because there was nothing but emptiness in a life without islam, I couldn't bear another day with emptiness when there was a way of life filled with noor and peace and tranquility and justice truth and wisdom. subhan'allah.


Staff member
Asalam Alikoum wa rahmatallah
As a revert to islam, I left haram because there was nothing but emptiness in a life without islam, I couldn't bear another day with emptiness when there was a way of life filled with noor and peace and tranquility and justice truth and wisdom. subhan'allah.


:ma: :ma: :blackhijab: ,well said.



Islam is my life
Staff member
I had a big car accident .It made me stronger in my faith,as I was close to death,and Allah saved me.I don't miss the salah anymore,espessialy I never miss the Fajr.Allah made me to wake up,and put all my trust only to Allah,as everything only in his hands,and its not we who decide.Allah showed me to be patient and worship to him for 100%,and do all what he says.And trough all I see his Mercy ,always , and I'm so happy that I have Islam.


One Fair Lady

The circumstances that led me back to Islam (I'm a newly reverted Muslim) was purely destiny. It began by meeting an egyptian woman online and over the course of chatting with her on a very regular basis I finally worked up enough nerve and courage to enter a local masjid. I went there with the intention of seeking information ONLY and perhaps some literature. However I left a couple hours later after having taken my shahada.
Since then my mother has accepted Islam (taking shahada with me via telephone) and inshallah I will be flying to Cairo to meet the little lady that took the time to share her beloved deen with me. The best part is that my neighbor turned out to be very involved in Islam and even used to be the president of my local masjid. I find extreme pleasure in attending salat with a jammat at both fajr and isha since our prophet PBUH said if people knew the rewards of salat with a group in the masjid they would certainly crawl to there on their hands and knees if they had to!
The men who frequent the masjids around where I live have been instrumental in leading me onto the correct path. Allah has said in the Qur'an to come to him in full submission. The best piece of advice I have been given so far came to me that night I took my shahada...one of the men said to me "Do not look at other muslims as an example :astag: because they are not perfect...only Islam is perfect." He also told me to find the most knowledgable person to answer my questions and that everything is between Allah subhan o talla and I.
So my brothers and sisters-submit to the Almighty Lord 100% and turn to him in salat at all times, good or bad. Peace be with you!


Turn To Islam
Salam alai kum,

I would just like to say that the brothers and sisters who have reverted to Islam are so lucky Alhamdulilah, lucky in the sense that from the moment they took Shahada their passed sins were forgiven wiped off like a clean slate.

As for myself being born into Islam but was never really practising from the beginning, I'm sure my sins have reached a level that is as high as the highest mountain if not more, Astagfurallah Allah forgive me. I can only wish my sins were wiped off like some of you brothers and sisters. You have no idea how lucky you are really...

Alhamdulilah for the passed few years I have been practising Islam and pray that Allah strengthens my deen Inshallah, however in the back of my mind I feel as if my sins will always haunt me. I just wish I was a new born like you.

Salam alai kum warahmatulahi wabarakhatahu

Abu Eesaa

Servant Of Allah
Salaam Brother,

First of all may Allah(swt) reward that musilmah who taught you about Islam online.
Secondly welcome into the Deen of Islam, May Allah(swt) reward you and you mother for seeking and excepting the truth.

Salaam to you dear brother and to ur mother.

Abu Eesaa

Abu Eesaa

Servant Of Allah
Salaam Brother,

This is for brother with the tag Peace for you.
Allah(swt) says I will forgive any sin apart from shirk...
Allah(swt) says Son of Adam turn to me and to me alone and even if your sins are like the highest mountains or like the froth on the seas. I will forgive you if you make sincere tauba and detest that particular harm there after.
I heard this on tape, it was a talk given about Allah's (swt) mercy.

May Allah for give me if I have quoted anything in error as I heard this talk like a few years ago and I am working of my poor memory....lol
I pretty sure i have not made any mistake in what I quoted if I have, Allah pleaese forgive me and shower your mercy on me.... I like this oppurtunity to say " I BEAR WITNESS THERE IS NO GOD WORTHY OF WORSHIP, EXCEPT ALLAH(SWT), WHOM I WORSHIP ALONE WITHOUT ANY PARTNERS AND THAT MOHAMMED(SAW) WAS HIS SERVANT AND LAST MESSENGER AND THE SEAL OF ALL THE PROPHETS... may everyone on this site be a witness for me on the day of judgement and confirm that I clearly stated I believe in the oneness of Allah(swt) and all his prohets peace and blessing of Allah(swt) be upon them all.


Abu Eesaa


Junior Member
assalamu 3alaykum,

What made me become a muslim was the life i had before, it was a "perfect' life,( I thaught it was(what a mistake) ) I was the sort of "popular one in my high school" I got every thing i wanted and always succeeded in everything i undertook !
BUT i was not happy my life had no meaning!!!
I will not go into details about how i was SAVED but i`ll just say : alhumdullila

Now now i am proud to be muslim !!


Junior Member
between hell and heaven

i have grown up in many different countries i`ve travelled a lot and came to know people with different mentalities and customs , with 17 teen i already spoke 6 different languages , and then formed with my friends and Rnb group i used to compose play guitar piano and do breakdancing , we were always in clubs dancing and checking out for girls , showing up and getting comfort in stupid things , i needed something to compensate a certain emptiness i guess i had lost my parents at an early age and have had a very difficult life ,a certain feeling of injustice so i had to bite if i wanted to survive!!! so to make short from my experience i felt like like i had seen it all the good the bad the extrem a bunch of cocktail that would leave anybody astonished !i thought there were no more limits and that nothing could stop me eventhough i was so young that no one could be better , smarter,i felt invincible!!!!!. one day while watching the news i think for years ago i started seeing the negative propaganda on Islam and it started to sound to phony so it reminded me of my parents and i just realised that i wasn`t brought up to hate but to be kind, loving,and respectful to people!!!!!!!and then i started to make this strange dream iwas running in my dream running as if something was following me i was full of sweat and scared as if something was hunting for me in my dream it was scary and than i would hear the adhan still in my dream and wake up suddenly all agitated.i made this dream two times in a periode of a month i think. i went to my older cousin to tell her about it she was listening to scheik abdulbasset rahimahullah the recitation made me cry !!!!!i didn`t talk much,iVE rarly cried in my life!!! i felt such a relief from whatever it was i didn`t know about i just felt ok. i started reading the quran because although i use to fast ramadan not drink alchool and knew by heart few suras i never really took the time to understand the message beyond the words nobody has ever thaught me!or gave me the example,it litteraly changed my life by god after all i had seen in life i had never expected anything to be able to have such an impact on me the quran chalenged my intelligence it proveked me with such power such intensity that i wouldn`t sleep at night and i only wanted to get home from school so i could read it it was all i was thinking of doing since then ,asking myself is it possible that something like this even exists and that world doesn`t know about it?!!!!!!!iwas trying to find mistakes by god so hardly it was making me crasy it pushed me to my limits,some 3 months had passed i wasn`t the same person anymore it is hard to explain with words but i had even forgotten how i was befor it felt like time had stoped man don`t laugh but i felt like a baby!! like i knew absolutly nothing before nothing zero!!!! it taught me discipline and humility it didn`t teach me those things the quran just disarmed me!and that`s why you see the name JUSTONEOFMILLION wassalam my dear brother:salah: :salah: :salah: :salah: :salah:


bathing in a river 5x per day

Dear Peace2u,
Stay with it and know in your heart that Allah will indeed forgive you, for He has compared the man who offers salat 5 times a day with a man who bathes in a river in front of his house five times a day. If someone did that would it be possible for any dirt to remain on his body...the answer is no way and thus we must remain steadfast in our thanks and praise of Allah so we can remain pure until the day we die. It breaks my heart hearing you say that you worry about your sins. However, on one hand it is very good that you feel this way since we must have hope AND fear...NOT one without the other! We hope that Allah will forgive us and we fear of what can/will happen if he doesn't. I will make dua for you and I encourage you (and am reminding myself!) to show Allah through your actions exactly how appreciative you are to be receiving His mercy and forgiveness and inshallah a house in Jennat.
In closing, I also want to share with this online community of my brothers and sisters that life without Islam is no life at all and in fact those without Islam are truly like the walking dead. I am speaking from experience and I hope to be standing with the righteous under the shade of Allah on the day of which there is no question.
peace in the middle east-


Junior Member
it is good that you worry about your sins i think if someone does something good he should forget it and not talk about in order to satisfy his ego but if someone does something bad he should remember it in order not to repeat it !Allah swt said to seal of the propehts pbuh in a hadith qudusi"oh son of adam even if your sins reached till the cloud in the sky, and you asked me for forgiveness , i will forgive you and if youreached for me with you han i will come to you with an arm and if you come walking i will come running"!!!!! brother with all the respect think you shouldn`t doubt Allah`S mercy and ability to forgive it is the shaytan that makes you loose hope and telling you that you have no chance so that you may follow him but Allah is greater than that the beneficent the merciful, the loving and most forgiving:salah: :salah:


Umm Yusuf
Assalam alaikom being a revert i left haram for so many reasons,but i dont want to write it on details coz for me its nonsense. ALHAMDULILLAH as a woman im 100% satisfied whith what i am now and in ISLAM im so protective and safe whenever i go coz ALLAH (s.w.t) is always with me the one and only saviour who created us and the only one to be worshiped for.

jazzakallahu khairan bro & sis,
