What we are doing and what we should do?


New Member
Assalamu alaikum,
The following story deals with a dream which has a nice similarity to our life. Please read this carefully :

"One day a man was sleeping. He was dreaming that a tiger was attacking him. He was running as fast as he could. Suddenly he saw a banyan tree and a hole under that tree. The man thought that he would use the aerial roots of the banyan tree to hide himself inside the hole to save him from that ferocious tiger.
But when the man came near the hole using the aerial roots then he surprisingly found that the hole was full of snakes and other dangerous insects. He became highly puzzled and tried to climb up to the banyan tree. But he found that the tiger already climbed up to the tree. The man became more feared. Now he thought how much time could I stay by keeping the aerial root in the grip. He saw to the root of the aerial root. He found that two rat (one was black and one was white ) were cutting the aerial root. So he found himself in so vulnerable condition. There was a honey comb in the banyan tree and drops of honey were falling from it. He took some drops of honey and forgot the great danger of him.
Suddenly his sleep broke up and he fell into a deep thinking.
He went to a dervish for explanation of his dream. The dervish explanation is following :

Tiger: Death
Hole: Grave
Aerial root: your life time
White rat: Day
Black rat: Night
Honey comb: Dunia

Death is following u like tiger and u r trying flee from death. U r very near to grave which is a place of snakes and other ferocious creatures. Day and night go and u r going near to death. But u forget everything by taking the honey of dunia in that great danger "

Dear brothers and sisters think about us. Don't we forget the death and doing bad? We r not caring about our deeds . But we should be careful. We should think alone what we r doing and what we ought to do.

May ALLAH give us proper understanding (Ameen)
Pray for me and all muslimeen.
ALLAH hafiz