what we will see?


Junior Member
salam2: sisters and brothers iam going to ask question >let's see what will be your answers>>>>>>>>

Life is so short but contains so much of experiance and perception.
Wisdom comes with age and the life's lessons learned well.
When we look back on our lives>WHAT WE WILL SEE?????????:hijabi:

plz replay


a lonely traveller
Walaikum as salam wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu

Wisdom comes only from Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. Lessons from this life we have to learn ourselves by the help of Allah.

Looking back at my life, I feel I have become a more better Muslim, Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar.

I cannot replay it.I just wrote above.



You have asked a profound question. I told myself I would not be negative nor hold regrets. I have been blessed by a beautiful life. Alumdullilah.
I have been given treasures beyond the reach of my dreams. Alumdullilah.
The greatest gift from Allah have been my sons. Alumdulilah.
I pray that Allah has seen the sincerety of my devotion in the life I have led. I have made many,many mistakes. Yet, they have made me a grateful slave today.
I pray that Allah grants me the joy of worshipping and bathing my soul.
I pray that Allah grants me the joy of serving Him for my remaining days.
I pray that the angels of Allah see my serice to Our Master
I pray that I serve my Muslim family as Allah would want His devoted slave to serve all His creation.