@ Islam Yay, the guy wasn't even given a chance. It's been a year and already they threw him out.
I was just reading a yahoo news coverage and some Muslims are saying he was an extremist? how?
Here's someone's direct quote: "I'm Muslim and my family comes from egypt and I can confirm that there is going to be a lot of celebrating going on in my house tonight. It's about time Egypt took out the trash AKA the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists. Just because I'm muslim does not mean I want an extremist pig running my country. No to theocracy and religious extremism. wooohooo"
No one cares to show evidence on how he was an "Islamist extremist." Sadly these days anyone who prays five times a day and is a Muslim and proud to be Muslim will be called all types of names. Unfortunately, Muslims have been brainwashed and they are so quick to call other practicing Muslims extremists, salafists, radicals etc. It's very disappointing.
Well, I guess we'll see how things go for Egypt and the rest of the Muslim countries...