What's going on in Egypt?

Um Ibrahim

Alhamdulilah :)
It's all over the news again that Egyptians are protesting once again. I'm confused. Isn't the new president of Egypt a good Muslim? Why are they protesting to get him ousted then?

Just seems like all Muslim countries are in chaos walahi. May Allah help the Muslims and guide them and give them the best of everything in life.


Junior Member

He may be a good muslim , but Egyptians are obviously very disappointed with his performance in office.


Speaks his mind...
Country is in turmoil.
No guarantee the army will do any better in the interim

Um Ibrahim

Alhamdulilah :)
@ Islam Yay, the guy wasn't even given a chance. It's been a year and already they threw him out.

I was just reading a yahoo news coverage and some Muslims are saying he was an extremist? how?

Here's someone's direct quote: "I'm Muslim and my family comes from egypt and I can confirm that there is going to be a lot of celebrating going on in my house tonight. It's about time Egypt took out the trash AKA the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists. Just because I'm muslim does not mean I want an extremist pig running my country. No to theocracy and religious extremism. wooohooo"

No one cares to show evidence on how he was an "Islamist extremist." Sadly these days anyone who prays five times a day and is a Muslim and proud to be Muslim will be called all types of names. Unfortunately, Muslims have been brainwashed and they are so quick to call other practicing Muslims extremists, salafists, radicals etc. It's very disappointing.

Well, I guess we'll see how things go for Egypt and the rest of the Muslim countries...

Abu Loren

Defender of Islam!
Morsi was democratically elected and thus he and his government should have been given the chance to fulfil the whole term in office. I wonder if the army was influenced by outside agitators?

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
I think same that the army of Egypt has got aid and agitation from outside. Both USA and Israel were against of Morsi (specially as he supported Hamas in Palestine).

Morsi was democracy elected president, leaders of army are not (and who ever might be behind of them) and possible very corrupted.

Army and those protesters claim that economy situation in Egypt is very bad - it was it also when Mubarak was in power.

Kind of influence in typical in all the Middle East countries like in Egypt - political power is with people, whose have been in power decades and they all are "friends" of the west. Islamic movements are risk to those kings as it is what they people really want: power for people, no corruption, no political violence by the security police...

Do you still remember what "the world" said about elections in Palestine at 2006? "The first real democratic election in the Middle East". And then when Hamas won them (parlamentarian election) - a deep silence.

Um Ibrahim

Alhamdulilah :)
I think same that the army of Egypt has got aid and agitation from outside. Both USA and Israel were against of Morsi (specially as he supported Hamas in Palestine).

Morsi was democracy elected president, leaders of army are not (and who ever might be behind of them) and possible very corrupted.

Army and those protesters claim that economy situation in Egypt is very bad - it was it also when Mubarak was in power.

Kind of influence in typical in all the Middle East countries like in Egypt - political power is with people, whose have been in power decades and they all are "friends" of the west. Islamic movement are risk to those kings as it is what they people really want: power for people, no corruption...

Do you still remember what "the world" said about elections in Palestine at 2006? "The first real democratic election in the Middle East". And then when Hamas won them (parlamentarian election) - a deep silence.

It's just all too confusing! What's wrong with the people? I don't understand. Are they going to protest every year? It's all just too disorganized even if it's democracy that they want. There seems to be no patience in people anymore. And the media is just...ah, I'm just frustrated with the media. They call the supporters of Morsi "islamists, salafists", etc...but those against him they only call them "anti-Morsi" and not "secularists, liberals, or whatever else.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
I have followed politics in the Middle East about 30 years and yes - it is confusing most of the time.

Last time people in the Tahrir Square protested against regime of Mubarak and rule of the army (who then beated people with the security forces by the order of Mubarak) and now "millions of people" were there again protesting against Mursi (who they last time wanted to the new ruler) and kiss the army who soon will beat them again...

I wonder what this army now can do to the bad economy at all - if they don´t kiss the... USA and IMF.

John Smith

Junior Member
I think Morsi & the Brotherhood were to close to the American administration, he broke promises when elected one being the reopening of Rafa crossing into Gaza.

The other problem Morsi faced was trying to implement so much too soon when the people were not ready for such changes.

Lets not also forget the leaders we have today are the very ones we deserve,straighten ourselves & our leaders would too.