Whats the differances

Bilal Ahmed

Islam my way of life
What is the differance between karifs and muslims that say they believe yet do nothing whats so ever about it?


Staff member
assalamu alaykum,

I am sorry, but what sort of question is this? Its just a one line rant.

What do we do in our lives? How many of us wake up for Tahajjud? read the Quran, memorise Ayah and Hadith? Sit with the scholars? give our time and money in way of Allah ?

Everyone will be asked about his or her deeds on Yawm Al Qiyamah, we should do our best to learn Islam ourselves, teach our familes and explain Islam to those around us. This is what we should spend our time on. Time contemplatin this, time spent talking about and fixing this.. inshaAllah, rather than just complaining about these other things. -- It wont solve anything.

So, yes there are some people who just have Muslim name and no action, but, this is their tough luck. It is their choice. We rely on Allah to help and guide us all. Nobody got guarantee with their life, so we do our best, and ask Allah to keep us on the straight path and to be better Muslims.

We help our fellow Muslims as much as possible, it is upto them to follow Allah or follow their desires. If they seek the worldly life and are not wise enough to see that we are placed on this earth to worship Allah alone and to follow his Messenger :saw: then that is what they chosen, and we pray for them. - We give them advice in best possible way of kindness, and we do not cut off from them.
