Where can I buy books by Shaikh Ahmad Deedat ??


Junior Member

I have been reading the shaikh's writings, and I am extremely impressed with his knowledge and style... I would like to own his books. Thank you. :D



Junior Member

Dear Brother I hope this link is helpful

Islamic Store

Sheikh Ahmad Deedat was a great man and may Allah grant him a high place in Jannah Insha Allah. My dad use to have a lot of his lectures on VHS but they got lost and spoilt a lot, he also had oppurtunity of going to see his live debates which was frequent here in Cape Town.
Get the Anis Shorrosh debate it's a classic!
May Allah keep guiding you towards the light and keep you from evil Insha Allah.


SolideresS Of Allah

He's Died...?! I didn't Know... :astag:

May Allah be pleased with him... he really was a Great Man.




New Member
I guess i can give u some links where u can listen n watch his videos.. but i am not perticularly sure if i know anywhere u can buy books
if ur interested pls tel me n i ll send u da links.. u can pm me


Junior Member

Ma sha'Allah... Thank you brothers and sisters for all your help with the links. The more I view Shaikh Deedat's literature, the more I love him in Islam. Rahimahu'Allah.

When he left this earth, he truely left a big shoe to fill; as they say. He not only had the vast knowledge, he was also saturated with charisma that made you love the man almost instantly. Who's the current today's equivalent to Shaikh Deedat that possessed both of his traits??

Again; Jazakum'Allah khairan. :D



Junior Member
I guess i can give u some links where u can listen n watch his videos.. but i am not perticularly sure if i know anywhere u can buy books
if ur interested pls tel me n i ll send u da links.. u can pm me


Of course brother; I am very interested.. I have been watching Shaikh Deedat on YouTube mainly.. If you have more links, send them all to me please and I owe you big time. Thank you very much :D
