Where can I find an Islamic center in South Carolina?


Sub Han Allah
Salamo ALikom,
Hope you are all in good health.
I may move soon to South Carolina, USA, soon & I was wondering whether I can find any Islamic centers there.
Does anyone know?
thanks a lot.:hearts:


Servant of Allah
go to islamicfinder.org, just type in your zip code and they'll direct you to the nearest mosque. salam.


striving 4 Firadous
I would try google or also Islamicfinder.com is a good website

it's so ironic, i too am thinking of moving to South Carolina or Michigan but S.Carolina seems like the better and safer choice. But it won't be for another year insh'allah, I will keep you in my Dua's insh'allah


Sub Han Allah
Salamo Alikom dear sisters lostilly07 & Palistine,
Thanks a lot for your help.
& sister lostilly07 maybe I'll see you there in a year. :hearts:
Salamo Alikom