Why Are Giant Sinkholes Appearing All Over the globe?


Salam alaykum

I do have heard "sounds" during the earthquake but I just felt like it was like the huge amount of ground would move somewhere very deep - like it actually was. No "strange" sound at all but very natural one as it usually sounds at the times of earthquakes. It is possible that similar sounds happen also when some parts of the ground collapse (and cause sinkholes) . If others think they are strange, that is of course understandable.

And Allah knows the best.
right sister.
Thank you for sharing
~May Allah swt help,protect and guide all muslims~Amin!

~Wassalam :)


we should deal with precaution concerning such questions
not to take it as a garantee.
but to be aware
because surely there are many strange things happening.
we ask God mercy in all cases.



Thank you for passing by reading.
~May Allah swt help,protect and guide all muslims~Amin!

Take care,
~Wassalam :)