Why Can't I post?

Happy 2BA Muslim


Sister Samiha is now on-line with us, and is one of the moderators. I`ll send her a PM on your behalf. Hang on for a few minutes and she will be with you, in sha Allah.


Staff member
Assalamu alaykum.

:jazaak: for contacting me, I'll try to answer to the best of my ability. INshallah.

Your post is still on the forum, it is unnapproved as of the moment, meaning it is there only invisible to most members. At this point it needs approval, I am going to approve it, but move it so that it is under the Sister's Sensitive Issues at this point.

it is a part of the forum the males cannot access, however, to read it you must be within the Sister's Club.

However, IF .... you feel that it is something you can show to everyone I will leave it on the main forum.

Alright then... let me work on that. but i'm needed elsewhere so i'm sorry if i'm not available at a later time.

Inshallah you'll find your way around soon enough.


Staff member

Here is your Thread: Advice Needed

It is under the Sister's Sensitive Issues, So you will need to request to join the Sister's club

And i hope one of the other sister moderators or I will let you in.

Now... i must get my hands a bit muddy :p

if u need more help, plz ask and I'll try to answer it as soon as I can. :hearts:

Jazakallah'Khair sweetheart,

The issue is such that it concerns my husband. I know it has some sexual references, which I apologize for but I think they're important to note.

I would like it remain in a place where both brothers and sisters can post to. The only reason why I ask this is because I have many friends who I speak about my situation to, and I know the women's perspective on it. It would help me greatly if the brothers can help me with it too.

Thanks again.
And I can't access that sister's sensitive issues thread anyways. Here's the message I get:

Distressed_Siste, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.


All I want to do is ask one question. :(

I don't even use these things, it's my only option right now.


Staff member

I moved your post again sis... :p I hope it's ok now....

To see posts in that section you have to join the Sister's Club.

To do that you need to go under User CP Then There's an area on the side under Miscellaneous called Group Memberships then you send in a request and someone lets you into the group.

Well anyway... I hope someone is able to help.
