why does the barrier or obstacles

allah rakkah lav

i love allah alone
asalam alaikom brothers and sisters :hijabi:

this question arises always in my mind.
when ever i take a new steps in life to say in description ,

recently ---i went for a job interview where we asked to carry the hall ticket which they sent through mail and that should be taken printout so that while entering they will allow you for the exam. i got it print and when i went with my friend she took as how i did, but when im entering the main gate people harshly rejected me to stay back but my friend entered i really felt very worried and suddenly i begged Allah in mind few min i got call from one mam my name was there so i'm allowed and wrote my exam .

this happens always in my life , in every new begining of any matter i get this type of obstacles and hurdles though i start with telling in the name of Allah

why these obstacles and hurdles? are they meant to testify your patience ? or faith on Allah???


to Allah we belong

maybe Allah wants you to remember Him always. tht u put ur full trust in Him and not the means.

bcoz nothing is possible or easy except wht He has made easy and possible.

and Allah knws best.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

these are tests ukhti,ALLAH never burdens us with more then that which we can handle.he tests HIS slaves so they remember HIM always:)