Why Muslims are Weak Today


Staff member
Indeed, all praise is for Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'ala. We praise Him, we seek His help, we seek His forgiveness, and we seek refuge in Allaah from the evils of our souls and our evil actions. Whosoever Allaah guides then none can misguide and whosoever Allaah misguides then none can guide aright. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah alone, having no partners, and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam is His servant and Messenger.

My dear brothers & sisters in Islam, no doubt, it will not have escaped your attention that once again this summer a conference was convened by a group of misguided brothers to discuss, once again, the current political climate in the Middle East, Israel, and the Muslim world as a whole. Declarations were set to be made regarding the leaders of our nations, and the causes of our downfall. Yet although the event was cancelled at the last minute, the misguided understanding and false notions that groups such as these maintain, hold many dangers for our communities. It is especially dangerous for the young and enthusiastic ones from amongst us, who, although sincere are open to be deceived by the people of empty speech, empty slogans, and little understanding of the Qur aan and Sunnah. Thus, while most of us have heard their rantings about our current political situation, let us consider this small excerpt from our esteemed Shaykh, 'Alee Hasan al-Halabee concerning this subject:

" And it is obligatory to know an unchanging Sharee'ah principle which will produce a certainty that will open up our intellects and awaken us to the true realities of the state of our affairs, and it is this that whatever calamities have befallen us, or that now befall us, or will befall us, then it is because of what our own hands have earned: and because of our falling short with regards to fulfilling the obligations of our Deen. As Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'ala says in the Qur aan:

"Whatever calamity and misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your own hands have earned" (Soorah ash-Shooraa 42:30) and

"Whatever evil befalls you, it is from your own self" (Soorah an-Nisaa 4:79)

Unfortunately, some of the du'aat (callers) have become accustomed to blaming the enemies for any and every misfortune and subjection which the Muslims face. Yet this not only contradicts the Divine manhaj and clear Prophetic guidance, but it also contains grave and evil consequences and results in a number of negative attitudes, and from them:

(i) It contradicts the Book and the Sunnah in its analysis of the present state of affairs, since Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'ala placed the blame of the defeat at the battles of Uhud and Hunayn upon the Muslims themselves, even though it was the kaafirs (disbelievers) who did what they did:

"Indeed Allaah did fulfil His Promise to you, when you were killing your enemies by His permission; until you lost your courage, disagreed over what was commanded, and disobeyed" (Soorah al-'Imraan 3:152), and

"On the day of Hunayn, when you rejoiced at your great numbers, it availed you nothing" (Soorah at-Tawbah 9:25).

(ii) It contains an over-estimation of the power of the kaafirs in the soul of the Muslims - which only further increases the Muslims in their weakness.

(iii) It contains a declaration of the purity of ones own soul, since it implies that we have fulfilled the conditions for victory to be granted to us, and deserve to be given establishment upon the earth - even though the kaafirs still have the upper hand over us. With such a negative attitude we will neglect to cultivate our souls and neglect to take account of our own selves, just as it will lead to another grave and serious attitude, which is:

(iv) A suspicion that Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'ala has not kept His Promise to grant victory to the Muslims, and that the kaafirs have managed to overcome the order of Allaah. And concerning this, Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'ala tells us:

"The promise of Allaah is true. And who is more truthful in speech than Allaah" (Soorah an-Nisaa 4:122).

(v) This matter sprouts from weakness of Yaqeen (certainty of faith) in Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala and a weakness of ones tawakkul (reliance) upon Him. And the fact that the blame for what has befallen the Muslims lies upon themselves does not mean that we free the kaafir from any blame in what they do to the Muslims, since this is one thing and that is another. This is proved by the fact that when we were informed by Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala about the causes for the defeat at Uhud, this did not imply that Allaah freed them from any blame for what they did to the Muslims.

So the true understanding of siyaasah (politics, as defined by the Sharee'ah) is to recognise your own condition, and that you look after the affairs of the Ummah: and that you truly understand your state of affairs - calling the people and those near to you. Anything other than this is lies, nonsense, hollow speech and the following of desires, since it is in contradiction to the Guidance laid down by the Lord of the Heavens, and a deviation from the Manhaj of the Prophets, and far removed from the path taken by the callers who are upon the ways of guidance. However, as regards to those who gasp and pant after hollow politics and scurry behind the current affairs - which are both empty and repetitive - then it is precisely this which is plotted for us by the enemies of this Ummah so that they can divert the Muslim youth away from their true position, and turn them away from their principle obligation, and distance them away from their primary goal, which is the worship of Allaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala.

Indeed, our Shaykh, the scholar of fiqh Nasiruddin al-Albani, has said: " The best way to change the evil is for Muslims to repent to their Lord, correct their beliefs, and nurture themselves and their families according to the correct Islam, as Allaah says

" Verily, Allaah does not change : people's condition unless they change what is in themselves." (Soorah ar-Ra'd 13:11).

And the way to salvation is not, as some people imagine, to rise up with arms against the rulers, and to conduct military coups. In addition to being among the contemporary bid'ahs (innovations), such actions disregard the texts of Islam, among which is the command to change ourselves. Furthermore, it is imperative to establish the foundation upon which the building will stand:

" Verily, Allaah will Most certainly support him who supports His cause; verily, Allaah is Most Powerful and Almighty." (surah al-Hajj 22:40).

This is the methodical and orderly approach, and the correct practice based upon the Qur'aan and Sunnah that the Ummah must agree upon, enjoin and call to.


Junior Member
Call.... to dua for all to be united and May Allah swt bless us all always in all ways.Subhanallah, please lets pray and dua for all to be united bless and may Allah swt guide us all to the right path.lets AllAH swt is the creator of the universe there is no other god for this universe and what it holds but Allah. He is the guardian and disposer of all affairs.to Allah swt belongs all that is in the heaven and earth .to all doall matters return. so lets dua and ask Allah swt for forgiveness, unite us guide us to the right path and bless us all as one.let us all start now to make our dua everyday for all muslims to be as one and blessed.amiin insyaAllah.Subhanallah walhamdulillah walaailahailallah waallahuakbar. Allahumma solli alaa muhammad wa alaa ali muhammad.Subhanallah wabihamdihi.


New Member
I think that one reason of the weakness is that our leaders obey the kuffaar countries too much, some of them are evil - saddam hussayn for example and people are not brave enough anymore.

But I am sure that oneday we will rise back and get a large victory insha Allah.


Junior Member
The Muslims have been weak since 16th century. Muslims have had their glorious days from 8th - 16th century. Thanks to Islamic civilization, the West was able to revive its glorious past. So, why did Muslims all of a sudden collapse ?

Is it because the Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258 or Isabella kicked Moors out in 1492 ?. NO. It was the Turks that destroyed flourishing Islamic culture of learning. The idea that you must seek knowledge from cradle to grave, or by traveling to the end of the world (China) were lost from the time of Seljuk Turks.

Don't get me wrong, the Ottomans were a great empire, but all their contributions is strictly confined to humanity, but very little did they contribute to learning environment. Even though they pushed to Byzantine from East, and brought with them Islamized Persian culture, but they completely neglected the learning environment of Islamic Persia!


Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum,

I think anyone who knows about the history of the Ottomans, will know that they also advanced not just the status of Muslims but that of the entire humanity! The worlds oldest Hospitals, universities, libraries, bathhouses, observatories are in Turkey.

Their navy was a great one, I dont think you are entitled to blame any Muslim people. We do not allow such sentiment here.

The answer, to your question, is ironically in the article itself. It is a general weakness in any Muslim, to be away from practising the real Islam.


Junior Member
I think that one reason of the weakness is that our leaders obey the kuffaar countries too much, some of them are evil - saddam hussayn for example and people are not brave enough anymore.

But I am sure that oneday we will rise back and get a large victory insha Allah.


Saddam Husseyn is already dead, no sorry he is a shahid, and Allah knows best! so plz avoid to speak bad about him! and our leaders r like us so when they are bad it means we do something wrong! The message of this article was if we want to better our situation than we have to change ourself . so the first step should be to start with oneself and repent... Am I wrong?

Living Soul

Junior Member

You are right brother. It is our fault that we elect such leaders who are not practising muslims. We need to educate ourselves first and then should put every effort to get the Deeen al Haq be implemented. If unfortunatly any unpractising muslim dictator is the ruler then the whole nation should get united to get rid of him. My oppinion. Correct me if am wrong.



Muslim Brother

The muslims lost the power in 1914 when the last Ottoman caliphte was taken off power and a secular power was put in its place.

Nationalism has also killed the spirit of Islam as muslims pre 1914 did not have nations - saudi arabia/Libya/Iraq/Syria and pakistan were made nations later but are fragemnets of the Ummah. Natiolanism is a disease that as muslims we have to get rid of .



Muslim Brother
The Muslims have been weak since 16th century. Muslims have had their glorious days from 8th - 16th century. Thanks to Islamic civilization, the West was able to revive its glorious past. So, why did Muslims all of a sudden collapse ?

Is it because the Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258 or Isabella kicked Moors out in 1492 ?. NO. It was the Turks that destroyed flourishing Islamic culture of learning. The idea that you must seek knowledge from cradle to grave, or by traveling to the end of the world (China) were lost from the time of Seljuk Turks.

Don't get me wrong, the Ottomans were a great empire, but all their contributions is strictly confined to humanity, but very little did they contribute to learning environment. Even though they pushed to Byzantine from East, and brought with them Islamized Persian culture, but they completely neglected the learning environment of Islamic Persia!

No time was perfect for muslims not even the time pre mongol invasion. The Mongols themselves became muslims (out of the 4 sub groups or Khantee 3 became muslim).

The ummayads, Abbasids and the ottomans were not perfect caliphats - they had problems but now the problem is huge due to nationalism and division - Muslims dont see each other as muslims know but as pakistani muslims, arab muslims or syrian mulsims - we are divded thanks to nationalism.

You made a good point about Islamic education/learning being restablished as that is the foundation of Islam.



Junior Member
As-salaam alaikum,



The reason that muslims are weak today is because we have abandoned the Quran and sunnah and have taken Islam as a religion in spite of it being a complete ideology which have as basis a comprehensible 'Aqeedah about man,life and the universe.what is meant by this is that we are taking Islam partly instead of applying it on reality.we have as an obligation to apply all of the laws of Allah(SWT) and the only way to achieve this is to implement the Khilafah state which will make us stronger than the kuffar intellectually spiritually and physically.so we must work to establish this islamic state to ensure that Islam is applied completely
Subhan allah
93 years and more islam world in the bottom and still people dont know why!!!!
AL rasol Mohammed ( saw) say( the bonds of islam will be destroyed one bond by one bond , first bont the rule and the last bond the salahh )
and from 93 years the rule was destroyed
No rule - No power - No decision-No unity - No religion - No islam


Staff member
" Verily, Allaah does not change : people's condition unless they change what is in themselves." (Soorah ar-Ra'd 13:11).

the syrian mujahideen did something , than scholars came out saying they should lock their doors and stay inside their houses ....

how shameful that we take knowledge from such people.

Assalamu alaykum,

What you stated is of course correct, it is a sahih hadith, but this thread is about why the Muslims are weak, the core essence of which is covered in the original post. It is the way for Muslims to be united and ultimately establish correct governance in their own countries. - It is due to that weakness where Muslims readily take Riba (usury) and have abandoned helping defend the Muslims in war zones.

Until we have a proper dedicated section for Jihad, where we can dispel misconceptions, we tend not to allow posting of videos or articles on the subject. This is to stop various misunderstandings that have in the past come about.

Jazak Allahu khayran.


Junior Member
i didn't even read the article thing you wrote but I'm just wondering, why can't people like you lead our countries, why does it have to be the dumbest people to make the stupidest decisions? I hate how that works.


Junior Member
Maybe we grew weak because we got so defensive about our way of life. The reason why scientific enlightenment in the Muslim world came to a halt was because the Ulema of those times began rejecting Western concepts, inventions, and scientific discoveries. Thus when Europe flourished and grew stronger, The Muslims fell back and couldn't keep up. Even now, there are a lot of people from the Muslim World who completely reject anything Western. And are we any better now? We should take what is good and leave what is bad from cultures that are faring better than us. I believe that Democracy is very important for the future of the Islamic World.