Why the need for REP POWER ?


Junior Member
Why do we need to display this very misguiding REP POWER ??

Isnt it one of the tools which is used to show off to others and at the same time being utterly useless !!

We visit this forum to increase our knowledge or increase our REP POWER ??

There are some seriously wrong things going on in this website courtsey the mods.

I am leaving this forum if some steps are not taken in this regard.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
Salam aleikum,

Sad is that in the hurry to correct others, we sometimes forget to start with a simple and kind ''salam aleikum'' .

Many Ahadith can be quoted concerning good conduct, ethics, morals or character. The following are some of what Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:

- I have been sent to perfect good manners (Morality, Islamic Behavior).
-The most (important) things that cause people to reach Heaven are divine piety and a good temper.

Allah says, “O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice.” (Quran, Al-Ahzab 33:70).

I agree the rep power is of not much benefit, but we are guests here and i think the benefits of this site are greater, alhamdullilah.



Junior Member
what would you know ??
even after so many posts, your REP POWER is only 1 !!!
So i will quickly negate your post


Junior Member

As far as I know "Rep Power" are given by members if they like a post, mods or adimn have nothing to do with it.

It encourages posting good posts.


Itqan Ullah

Time is Running!!
I'll say it would have been better if you would have contacted admin and enquired about it, rather than discussing it here.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
what would you know ??
even after so many posts, your REP POWER is only 1 !!!
So i will quickly negate your post

salam aleikum

Thank you, well, you said it in your first post, the rep. power is very misguiding, you should not judge people according to it.
Allah knows better.



Junior Member
Brother PARVEZ SHAHIDI has given a very good answer.

Rep system is to encourage members to post more (quality stuffs). :)