Would you be so kind?


Junior Member
Assalamu Aleikom Brothers and Sisters,

Insha'Allah everyone is in the best of health and Iman.

I come to you today to ask for a favor. I feel awful that I have not been able to contribute much to this forum and now I come here asking, but I am in need of your Dua's.

This may sound trivial to some of you, but for me...it is extremely important. Since my divorce to my childrens Father I have struggled to maintain a balance and stable life for my three children. I have since remarried to an amazing man who strives daily to help me overcome any obstacle that I may face and care for these three children who are not even his.... Though his efforts have been many, I am afraid I have slipped up on my end.

You see, last school year something happened that altered my life and I was unable to overcome it till now...during this time, my children basically raised themselves(I am ashamed to say) I was there physically, but not mentally. While I was smiling at them and nodding my head, I was screaming crying inside with my thoughts a million miles away.

I decided to move near my parents to help me better deal with things finacially and emotionally. I have great support now Alhamdulileh, and my Husband has been extremely understanding.

Things are getting better Alhamdulileh, and I recently found out that I am expecting another child Alhamdulileh...BUT...the repercussions of that time are now coming to surface.

My oldest three children's education has always been priority to me. I have sacrificed in other areas so that they may get the best education. Well, since the move here...I found out that I have limited options as far as private school for my oldest. I have been desperately trying for the past two weeks to get him in any of these schools with no luck. However, there is one school who MAY be able to do something but they are not sure. They have evaluated his academic records and because of the many problems at home last school year, he did not do so well in one subject. This seems to be the problem. This school is very hard to get into for a student with honor status and now here is my son, a good student by the way with one small blemish on his records, and let's just say...I am having a HARD time convincing them of his ability to succeed in their school.

If you would be so kind as to say a small Dua for my son I woul dbe forever grateful. I really want the best education for him that I, and this school, can offer but I am feeling really discouraged at the moment.

Forgive me if this is trivial to ask for in your opinion, but to me...it is my son and his education on the line and I know that what Allah subhana wa ta'ala wills, will be, but I guess a little help in the Dua department may provide me a little help with this.

Thank you all for any prayers you can lend.

Insha'Allah I will be back tomorrow with good news.

My best wishes to you all..


Junior Member
Also I might add...school starts TOMORROW!!!!!!! All over this area students went back TODAY and so I am really panicked. He needs to be in school soon and Insha'Allah, it will be with this one particular school.

Also, also, lol...it's an ALL BOYS SCHOOL which would be perfect. I try very hard even before becoming a Muslim to raise my children with the old fashion traditional way the old timers did..that means no dating!!!!!!!!!!!! only marriage..which coincidently is the Muslim way...which now we are. So you will also see how important this is for me. It will not only help him later in life to have an education from such a school, but Insha'Allah help me to raise a good practicing Muslim.
Salaam sister Zainsmommy,

It's been a long time! You've been ghost. We can respectfully say that your family is doing well alhamduilliah. Your contributions have been truly missed here at TTI. I'm happy to see you return :SMILY259:

You've got a very patient & understanding husband mashallah.

I commend you for trying to give your son the best education he deserves. Why not? After all, it not only helps him but also makes the ummah that much more knowledgeable & respectable. May Allah reward him.

If your son does not get in, do not lose hope nor trust in Allah swt. Only Allah knows best what is best for your son. Allah rewards the patient. Who knows, something better can blossom. I pray that he gets into the school.

May Allah give your son the best of this life and the hereafter inshallah - Ameen

walaakum salaam


Junior Member
Salaam sister Zainsmommy,

It's been a long time! You've been ghost. We can respectfully say that your family is doing well alhamduilliah. Your contributions have been truly missed here at TTI. I'm happy to see you return :SMILY259:

You've got a very patient & understanding husband mashallah.

I commend you for trying to give your son the best education he deserves. Why not? After all, it not only helps him but also makes the ummah that much more knowledgeable & respectable. May Allah reward him.

If your son does not get in, do not lose hope nor trust in Allah swt. Only Allah knows best what is best for your son. Allah rewards the patient. Who knows, something better can blossom. I pray that he gets into the school.

May Allah give your son the best of this life and the hereafter inshallah - Ameen

walaakum salaam

Why Thank you!

It's nice to hear from you. I do miss reading your threads and responses. You're a good role model for others Mashallah!

I've thought about coming back. I actually even read through some threads today but fear I may fall back into that place I don't want to go. I am not as strong as some to resist the temptation and guard my emotions in order to give a positive, intelligent, and most of all helpful reply containing Ahadith and Quranic verses to back them up.

I must say I fear for the Ummah and often do want to come to post certain things...but always shy away. I can't deal with the senseless replies to a post containing something helpful. There is always going to be an insult thrown in or an accusing finger. Why oh why does this need to be? Shouldn't we all be striving to please Allah subhana wa ta'ala and representing what a true Muslim is? Shouldn't we all be fearful when we lay our heads down at night as to the words that flowed from our lips that day, or the thoughts that raced through our heads, or the things that our eyes gazed upon if even for a second that day?? Shouldn't we be concerned? Instead I only all to often see carelessness, and no fear. Oh how I pray that things will someday change. I always think of the last days...and the Hadith that talks about not being able to distinguish a Muslim from a non Muslim. I often think about the great many accomplishments made in the past and how at one point the Ummah was the greatest and now I can't help but wonder if the dire state we are in is nothing more than the consequence of our actions today? Nothing more than not being able to tell the difference between us and them?!!

Ahh well...I didn't come here to go off on a rant. I pray for the Ummah and Insha'Allah people such as yourself will help guide those who are lost.

I do thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for your Dua and yes, I will trust that Allah subhana wa ta'ala knows best.

Assalamu Aleikom



Hello baby sis...Insha'Allah I will make dua. As our respected brother responded leave it to the Disposer of All Affairs.
In the long course of my life and its many disapointments I have learned not to worry. All that has happened has benefited my family.
It may seem like a set back but it never is.
There is an old saying what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...and I am so strong now Alhumdullila.

Congratulations on the baby thing. Enjoy this blessing. I hope it is twins. Just kidding. Keep us posted on all the happenings.

Allah subhana talla gave you a pious husband..and He is now blessing you with a child..enjoy that..

Your husband will be the best teacher for your son. Keep that thought in the back of your mind..I am currently a teacher and I know what a parent teaches is far superior to any paid teacher.

Finally, work out a payment plan with the school...there are always the discretionary funds see if they can help you. Most schools receive money from the federal government...ask the school's treasurer.

And please drink pleanty of water and eat your veggies and get some sleep ..etc. etc. etc.

My love,
your aapa


Junior Member

It's very nice to have you once again dear sister,my congratulations for the coming baby:SMILY252:Inshaa'Allah everthing will be alright,put your trust in Allah and be sure that He will do what's best for your son,may Allah grant your son what's best for him and for you.of course you'll be in my duaa inshaa'Allah.:hearts:



Junior Member
Salaam sister!

I have missed you! I will definitely add your son to my duas tonight and whatever happens is the will of Allah. Mubarak on finding you are blessed with another child, mashallah. If you can find the time in you busy schedule please PM me how things are going on your husband's side of the family. You and I are kindred souls in a way and I am always interested in how things are progressing in your life. So glad to see you back, sis!:hearts:




a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu dear sister

Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala is in control of all affairs. May HE give your child the best in this dunya as well as in the akhirah. We should never lose hope even if something does not go according to our plan. Allah is The Best of Planners.

I wish the best for you and your family. Ameen.
