The Creed of Shi'a from Their Own Sources

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
The Creed of Shi'a from Their Own Sources

1.) He has the Quality of 'Badaa'.
2.) This means he forgets.
3.) He makes mistakes.
4.) He plans but this does not take effect.
5.) He does not know who to appoint as the next message conveyor, the next Imaam.
6.) "We (shias) do not worship such a god who gives authority to rascals like Yazid, Mu'awiyyah and Uthmaan."
7.) They say "Ali says.....I am the first and I am the last. I am the manifest and I am the hidden and I am the heir of earth."
8.) Shias say that the Imaams are the face of Allaah,
9.) The eyes of Allaah among his creation.
10.) The tongue of Allaah among his creation.

References :
(1.) Usul Kafi- Babul bad'aa - Al- Kafi Vol- 1 -P283 India Ed. ( 2.) Ibid (3.) Ibid .(4.) Ibid. (5.) Ibid. (6.) Kashful Asraar - 107 - Khomeni.. (7.) Rijaal Kashsi . 138. India Print. (8.) Usul- e-Kaafi -83. (9.) Ibid. 10.) Ibid.

New Kalimah (testimony of faith)
1.) Laa ilaaha illaahu Muhammadur Rasulullaah -Alli waliyullah, Khomeni Hujjatulillaah
2.) Laa Illaaha Muhammdur - Rasulullah, Ali waliyullah wazi Rasulullah was Khalifauhu bila Faslein"
3.) - Shia 'Islaam' based on 5 pillars - Salaat, Zakaat, Fasting, Hajj, Wilaayat.
4.) - Azaan is "Ash Hadu Anna - alian Waliullah Wasu Rasulullah was Khalifatu hu bila faslrin"

(1.) Wahdat Islaami - June 84 P1- monthly Iranian Goverment. Periodical. (2.) Ali Waliullah - Abdul Kareem Mushtaq. (3.) Usul- Kafi. 4.) Listen in Arafaat.

1.) They believe in 12 Imaams after Rasulullaah .
2.) First being Ali (R.A).
3.) Last being the 12th Imaam
4.) Who is in a Cave 'Surra - Man- Raa'.
5.) Imaams they believe are Masoom- innocent.
6.) They can make Halaal- Haraam and Haraam - Halaal .
7.) They can change Deen- Sharia.
8.) They are born of their mothers thighs.
9.) They have the knowledge of the Unseen.
10.) They say Imaams are higher in status than the Ambiyaa including our Nabi.
11.) No concession regarding Wilaayah- (absolute necessary belief).
12.) If one does not accept Imaams then one is a Kaafir.

(1.) Usul -e - Kafi. (2.) Usul -e - Kafi. (3.) Usul -e - Kafi. (4.) Usul -e - Kafi. (5.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225 / Kafi - Kitaabul Hujjuah. (6.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225. (7.) Ibid. (8.) Ibid /Haqqul Yaqeen P126.(9.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225. (10.) Ibid / Al Hukumatul - Islaamiyaa - 52 Khomeni. Hayaatul Qutoob Vol 3, P10 /Ibid Vol 2. P787. Footnote. (11.) Usul -e- Kafi Vol 2. P278. (12.) Usul -e- Kafi Vol 1. P225.

The 12th Imaam
1.) When he comes he will bring the original Quraan.
2.) He is in hiding, in a cave.
3.) He is alive observing the world, in totallity.
4.) When he comes, he will be naked. Rasulullaah will swear Allegiance to him. (Allaah protect us).
5.) He will first dig the grave of Abu Bakr (R.A) and Umar (R.A),then hang them on a stake - for all sins of mankind.
6.) He will remove the body of Ayesha (R.A) and implement the same punished for Zina.
7.) He will then kill the Sunni Scholars.
8.) Punish the Muslim Ummuah.
9.) First kill Ahle - Sunnah, then Ulama, then Kuffar.

(1.) Usul-e- Kafi. (2.) Islaamic Goverment P42/ Usul -e- Kafi P340. (3.) Hukumatal Islaamia -P52. (4.) Haqqul Yaqeen 2/227- 2/347. (5.) Haqqul Yaqeen P 361/2. (6.) Also Vol 2 P 611/ Haqqul Yaqeen - P 347/ Mullah Baqir Majlisi. (7.) Furoo Kafi - Kitaabul Raudah - P 527 also Tafseer Majmanul Bayan/ Hayaatul Qulub Vol2 P 611. (8.) Hayaatul Qulub Vol2 P 611.( 9.) Haqqul Yaqeen- Vol 2. P 527 ASlo Maj Manul Bayaan.

1.) Not Completed.
2.) Has 17,000 Aayats.
3.) Our's has 6,666.
4.) Abu Bakr's opposed the text of the Quraan.
5.) Original Quraan with 12th Imaam Mahdi.
6.) Do not produce Haafiz.
7.) Do not perform Taraweeh.
8.) Quraan will be read/ learnt when 12th Imaam brings it.
9.) Ali (R.A) showd original Quraan to Sahabah(R.A) who rejected it.
10.) Passages mentioning virtures of Ali(R.A) has been purposefully deleted from the Quraan.
11.) There are 2,000 shiah traditions making many additions and subtractions in Quraan.
12.) The 'Murtaddeen'- renegrades have removed the name of Ali (R.A).

(1.) Usul Kafi 1:228/ Faslul Kitaab fi Tahrif. Kitaabi Raabul Arbaa of Nuri Tibarsi approved by Khomeni in ' Al- Hukumaat -ul- Islamiyaa". (2.) Usul Kafi P671. (3.) Usul Kafi P671. (4.) Kashful Asraar P111.(5.) Usul Kafi 2-632. (6.) See Iran. (7.) See Iran. (8.) Usul Kafi - p622. (9.) Maqbool - 1067 - Usul Kafi Vol1 P228. (10.)Tafseer Ali Qummi-308 /Usul Kafi 1:416/Footnotes of Maqbool's translation 637/ Al- Ihtijaj- Tabarsi- 1-254/ Tafseer of Saafi- 1- 32/ Muqaddamah 6 , from Tafseer Saafi P32 Vol -1. (11.) Usul Kafi 1:228/ Faslul Kitaab fi Tahrif. Kitaabi Raabul Arbaa of Nuri Tabarsi.(12.) Surah Muhammad, Ayat 9, Para 26- Molvi Maqbool Dehli P1011.

Taqiyyah (essentially means to lie to hide the truth)
1.) The believe in Taqiyya.
2.) This means 'Holy Deception'.
3.) To believe in something but express/ say something else.
4.) They say 9-10th of Deen is Taqiyya.
5.) They say, he who has no Taqiyya has no deen.
6.) There is a great reward in Lying.
7.) They say the great Imams Practised 'Taqiyya'.
8.) They say Alli (R.A), Hassan (R.A), Hussain(R.A) practiced 'Taqiyya'.
9.) They say Hussein (R.A) practiced 'Taqiyya'.
10.) Perorm Jamaah salaat with Sunni's.
11.) Visit their sick .
12.) Perform their Janazah Salaat.

(1.) Usul -e- Kafi. (2.) Ibid. (3.) Ibid. (4.) Ibid. (5.) Ibid. (6.) Ibid. (7.) Islaamic Goverment P35/ 133 .(8.) Ibid. (9.) Ibid. (10.) Usul -e- Kafi. (11.) Ibid.(12.) Ibid.

Sahaabah (companions)
1.) They say all Sahabah (R.A) companions except 3 left Islaam after demise of Nabi .
2.) They say Abu Bakr(R.A) Umar(R.A) and Uthmaan (R.A) robbed Ali(R.A) of his position of being Khalif.
3.) They say Umar(R.A) was a 'Original Kaafir' and 'Zindiq'-renegrade.
4.) "Abu Huraira (R.A) was one of the fuquaha, but god knows what judement he falsified for Muaw'iyya and others like him, and what damage He inflicted upon Islaam."
5.) They say Abu Huraira (R.A) used to fabricate Ahadith.
6.) They say Muawiyya (R.A) poisoined Hassan(R.A).
7.) They say Muawiya (R.A) was a tyrant opressive ruler.
8.) They say Qazi Shurray (R.A) used to issue judicial pronouncement in favour of the ruling party. He was a sinful wretch occupying position of Judge.
9.) One should dissociate with the 4 idols: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan, Muawiyya and 4 women Ayesha, Hafsa, Harid, Umm-al-Hakam.
10.)One should curse the above after each prayer.
11.) Pharoah and Hamaan refer here to Abu Bakr and Umar.

(1.) Anwaar - No'maan Niyyah - P245. Vol 2. Nimatullah Jafaari./ Furu Kafi, Kitaabul Raudah :15 - Mullah Muhammad bin Yaqoob Kulaini Vol 3 P115/ Usul -e-Kafi Vol 2, P 246 Rijaal Kashsi P504. (2.) Al- Ihtijaaj - Tibrasi 83, 84./Haqqul Yaqeen, P 157. (3.) Haqqul Yaqeen , 551/Kashful Asraar P119. (4.) P 143 - Islam goverment. (5.) Islaamic Goverment (6.) Al-Anwaar un Nomaniyyah - Vol 2. P88-87 Jazaari.(7.) Ibid. (8.) P81, Isl/ gov. (9.) Haqqul Yaqeen- Vol. 2 P519/ Furru Kaafi P342 Vol 3/ Jilaa - ul- Uyoom -P45 - 46/ Hayaatul Quluub P 375. (10.) Ainul Hayaa P559. (11.) Haqqul Yaqeen P342.

12.) Faathima should complain about Ali's big stomach, no wealth and bad features.
13.) Abu Bakr and Umar are Kaafirs
14.) Abu Bakr is calf on Bani Israel.
15.) Ali is a mosquito and a fly.
16.) What did the Zuleikha of Makkah, Bibi Ayesha have, that the 50 year old Nabi got moved to her.
17.) Nabi accepted (in marriage) an uncouth person such as Hafsa. Not withsatanding the fact that she was a widow and facially deformed.
18.) Imaan refers to Ameerul- Mu'mineen- Alli Kufr refers to Abu Bakr fisq(weakness) refers To Umar isyaan(disobedient) Uthmaan in Surah Hujuraat.
19.) Umar is an illegeitimate child.
20.) Abu Bakr and Umar are worse than Shaithaan and they are dwellers of Jahannam.
21.) "When I entre Makkah and Madinah as the conqueror, my first duty will be to go to the grave of Huzoor and exhume the bodies of the two idols."
22.)"We shia's know the three Sahabah's(Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan) as being void of Imaan"

(12.) Mullah Baqir - Jilal Uyoon- 58 Chapter on Faathima.(13.) Haqqul Yaqeen - P552. (14.) Haqqul Yaqeen - Tafseer Qummi P160. (15.) Tafseer Qummi P29. (16.) Haqeeat Fiqh Hanafi P64 /Ghulaam Hussain Naqui.(17.) Ibid P124.(18.) Usul-e- Kafi P229. Vol 2.(19.) Tazkiratul Aimma - P103-4.(20.) Haqqul Yaqeen - P509 - 510.(21.) Kitaab be Noujawanaan - P8.( 22.) Tajalliyaar-e-Sadaqaat - P201- Muhammed Hussain Dhelvi.

Mut'a (temporary marriage, legalised prostitution)

1.) "It is disliked but permissable to have Mutah with a prostitute, especially( it will be more enjoyable) if she is famous for her prostitution."
2.)One time 'Muta' reward is Jannat.
3.)When the couple sit in Solitude, angels protect them.
4.)Their Speech is Tasbeeh .
5.)When they touch hands, sins fall from their fingers.
6.)When they Kiss, reward of Hajj and Umrah for both.
7.)On bathing - every drop from each hair brings reward of 10 Thawabs, 10 sins drop, stages raised by 10 fold.
8.)From every drop of water, angels created to make Tasbeeh till Qiyaamat.
9.)'Muta' with believing women is like 70 times journey to Ka'aba.
10.) Contractors of 'Muta' will cross the 'Pul Siraat' like a flash of lightning.
11.) After making muta Once - The stage of Hussain is reached. After making muta twice - The stage of Hasan is reached. After making muta thrice- The stage of Ali is reached. After making Muta Fourth- The satge of Rasulullaah is reached

(1.) Tahrirul Wasillah Vol-2 P292. (2.) Ujul - e- Hasana P15. (4.) bid.( 5.) Ibid.( 6.) Ibid. (7.) Ibid. (8.) Ibid. (9.) Ujul - e- Hasana P16.(10.) Ujul - e- Hasana P17. (11.) Tafseer Mianjajus Sadiqeen 1:356.

1.) They have their own Quraan.
2.) They have their own Ahadith Books(Usul-e-Kafi) etc.
3.) They do not believe in our Ahadith Kitaabs- Bukhari etc.
4.) They have their own Fiqh, Fiqh - Jafari.
5.) They have their own concept about Allaah.
6.) They believe that Imaams get 'Wahy' Divine Revelation.
7.) Their Aqaaid, Salaat, Azaan, Hajj, Fiqh is different.
8.) The concept of Ambiyaa (A.S) is different (they failed).
9.) Their concept of Sahaabah (R.A) is different.
10.) They Practice 'Muta'(Temporary Marriages) .
11.) Terms of Sehri and Iftaar are different.
12.) Ghusl for the dead is different.

(1.) Usul-e-Kafi .( 6.) Usul -e-Kafi .(7.) Usul-e-Kafi Vol2 P278/ Tafseer - al- Waeelah Vol 1 P280.(8.) Ijtihaad - wa- yak- jihati- Khomeni -15/ Islaamic Goverment P37/ Tehtan Times 29 June 1980/ Knomeni Imaam Mahdi Celebration. (11.) Tafseer - al- Waeelah Vol.(12.) Ibid.


13.) 4 Imaams are dogs.
14.) Ummah like Swine's.
15.) Ayesha and Hafsa are both Hypocrites
16.) Ayesha and Hafsa - Poisoned Nabi before his death.
17.) May Allaah curse them (Ayesha/Hafsa) and their fathers (Abu Bakr and Umar).
18.) Their religion of the state of Iran is Islaam and Jafaari, Ithna Ashaari. This basis is forever, and it is not open to any amendment nor abrogation.
19.) Everybody, exept us *!*!*!*!es are illegitimate.
20.) Nasabi group are those who preferred Abu Bakr and Umar over Ali.
21.) It is true that Allaah has not created anything more despicable than dogs.
22.) But the Nasibi is even more despicable than dogs in the eyes of Allaah.
23.) People of Makkah openly refute existence of Allaah.
24.) People of Madinah 70 times more unclean and polluted than people of Makkah.

(13.) Tazkiratul Aimma P102- Baqir majlasi.(14.) Usul-e-Kafi Vol2 P337.(15.) Hayatul Qutub - 2:745- M.B.Majlis.(16.) Maqbool Dehlavi - Imaam Baqir- Surah Ali Imraan : 134.(17.) Ibid.(18.) Constitution . (19.) Furoo - Kafi in Kitaabul Raudah - 135/245.(20.) Haqqul Yaqeen 521.(21.) Ibid 2/516. (22.) Ibid 2/516/ Ilaalus Sharaa P299 - Shaykh Saduuq. Usul-e-Kafi P410 Vol ...( 23.) Ibid.

General Ummah
1.) Most dirty and polluted left over water is that of a sunni.
2.) Not permissable to marry sunni because they are Kaafir.
3.) Cannot eat animal slaughtered by sunni.
4.) Sunnis created from soul of Jahannam.
5.) Shia's created from soul of Jannat.


(1.) "Manlaa Yahuruldul Faqiah" - Vol 1. P8.( 2.) Tahdhidul Akaam/ Ibid Vol 3 P258. (3.) Ibid.( 4.) Usul - e- Kafi. (5.) Ibid.

Fiqh Examples
1.) Folding right hand on left hend in Salaat breaks Salaat.
2.) Sex in one's wifes anus permissible.
3.) The 9th act which breaks Salaat is saying of 'Amen' intentionally after Sura Faatiha. But this, too, is Permissible under Taqaiyyah.
4.) No cover over the head in Ihraam .

(1.) Tafseer - al- Waseelah. (2.) Tafseer - al- Waseelah- Vol.1 P280. (3.) Ibid. (4.) See - Hajj time.

Our Action

Fataawa of Rasulullah
There is a specific Hadith about Rafida: "A sect is going to emerge who will be known by a bad connotation. They will be called Rafida. They will come neither on Friday nor in the congregational prayers. They will vilify the first generation (of Ummah). You should neither keep their company nor dine with them, nor have matrimonial relationship with them. If they fall ill do not go to greet them and if they die do not participate in their funeral prayers."


1.) Shia's because of their (peculiar) beliefs are outside the pale of Islaam and as such Kafir's. Hence Islaamic bonds like :
2.) Marriage with them ;
3.) Using their Zabiah (Slaughter) ;
4.) Saying the funeral prayer of their dead ones ;
5.) Allowing them to participate in the funeral prayer of Sunni Muslims;
6.) Making them shares in Qurbani i.e. sacrificial animals on Eid-ul-Adha ;
7.) Making them witness in the nikah of sunni Muslims ;
8.) Accepting their monetary contributions for the building of Massjid ------- all these things are not permissable (in Shariah) and should be given up forthwith.

Anyone who does not do so is outside the pale of Islaam and is similarly a Kaafir like the Shia's.

Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias

Sister S

Junior Member

my neighbours are shias :astag: and sometimes they give us food.
and my aunties told us that we're not allowed to eat it, cos they're shias.
we've not been eating the food they gave to us cos we were'nt sure whether we were allowed to eat it.

do they cut their meat differently to us? im thinking if their "kalimah" is different to ours, then we're probably not allowed to eat it.

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Wa Alaykum Assalam..

my neighbours are shias :astag: and sometimes they give us food.
and my aunties told us that we're not allowed to eat it, cos they're shias.
we've not been eating the food they gave to us cos we were'nt sure whether we were allowed to eat it.

do they cut their meat differently to us? im thinking if their "kalimah" is different to ours, then we're probably not allowed to eat it.

The innovated beliefs of the Shi’ah vary.

If it is something that does not put them beyond the pale of Islam, but is rather regarded as drifting away from the right path, such as their claiming to be devoted to Ahl al-Bayt (the family of the Prophet :saw:(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)), then it is permissible to permissible to greet them first or to befriend them or to eat meat slaughtered by them, because they are Muslims who have committed acts of innovation and sin that do not put them beyond the pale of Islam, and we have to advise them and direct them towards the Sunnah and the truth, and warn them against innovation and sin.

If they follow right guidance and accept advice, then praise be to Allaah, for this is what we want. But if they persist in following innovation, then they should be forsaken until they repent to Allaah and give up their innovations and evil ways, because this is a kind of punishment for them. If something good can be achieved by means of this forsaking, or something bad warded off, then it is prescribed in sharee’ah, but if this forsaking will result in something that will increase the evil caused by their innovations, then it is not prescribed.

If you think that not forsaking them will serve a greater interest and that mixing with them and advising them is more useful in opening their hearts to true religion, then there is nothing wrong with not forsaking them, because the aim behind forsaking them is to direct them to the right way and to make them feel that we do not approve of their ways, so that they may come back to true Islam.

If forsaking them will harm the Muslims’ interests and make them cling more firmly to their false ways and put them off the truth, then it is better not to do that, just as the Prophet :saw: (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not forsake ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Ubayy ibn Salool, the leader of the hypocrites, because not forsaking him was more in the interests of the Muslims.

But if their bid’ah constitutes kufr, such as cursing the Sahaabah and exaggerating about ‘Ali and Faatimah and al-Hasan and al-Husayn (may Allaah be pleased with them), and they pray to them and seek their help and ask them for support and so on, or their belief that they have knowledge of the unseen etc, which means that they are beyond the pale of Islam, then in this case it is not permissible to greet them first or to befriend them or to eat meat slaughtered by them. Rather we must hate them and disavow ourselves of them, until they believe in Allaah alone, because in this case they are kaafirs and apostates.
See Majmoo’ Fataawa Shaykh al-Islam, 28/216-217; Majmoo’ Fataawa Ibn Baaz, 4/262-263
But in General...

The scholars of the Standing Committee were asked:

What is the ruling on eating meat when nothing is known about the slaughterer’s ‘aqeedah, or praying behind one whose ‘aqeedah is unknown?

They replied: If he is outwardly Muslim, but his ‘aqeedah is unknown, and it is not known whether his ‘aqeedah is deviant, then it is valid to pray behind him and meat slaughtered by him may be eaten. End quote.

Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 7/365


and refer to : Ruling on the Husseiniyahs of the Raafidis and the sacrifices which are offered on these occasions ..

This is a great evil and a reprehensible bid’ah (innovation) which should be avoided. It is not permissible to take part in it or to eat the food that is offered on these occasions



Seek Truth, Be Happy

I'm not familiar with all the differences between Shia, Kurds, Sunni..etc. I do know that they are all muslims and practice islam (am I mistaken?)

When all the Muslim follow one and the same Qur’an then why are there so
many sects and different schools of thoughts among Muslims?

1. Muslims Should be United

It is a fact that Muslims today, are divided amongst themselves. The tragedy is that such divisions are not endorsed by Islam at all. Islam believes in fostering unity amongst its followers.

The Glorious Qur’an says: “And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves;” [Al-Qur’an 3:103]

Which is the rope of Allah that is being referred to in this verse? It is the Glorious Qur’an. The Glorious Qur’an is the rope of Allah which all Muslims should hold fast together. There is double emphasis in this verse. Besides saying ‘hold fast all together’ it also says, ‘be not divided’.

Qur’an further says,“Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger” [Al-Qur’an 4:59]

All the Muslim should follow the Qur’an and authentic ahadith and be not
divided among themselves.

2. It is Prohibited to make sects and divisions in Islam

The Glorious Qur’an says: “As for those who divide Their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.” [Al-Qur’an 6:159]

In this verse Allah (swt) says that one should disassociate oneself from those who divide their religion and break it up into sects.

But when one asks a Muslim, “who are you?”, the common answer is either ‘I am a Sunni, or ‘I am Shia’. Some call themselves Hanafi, or Shafi or Maliki or Humbali. Some say ‘I am a Deobandi’, while some others say ‘I am a Barelvi’.

3. Our Prophet was a Muslim

One may ask such Muslims, “Who was our beloved prophet (pbuh)? Was he a Hanafi or a Shafi, or a Humbali or a Maliki?” No! He was a Muslim, like all the other prophets and messengers of Allah before him.
It is mentioned in chapter 3 verse 52 of Al-Qur’an that Jesus (pbuh) was a Muslim.

Further, in chapter 3 verse 67, Al-Qur’an says that Ibrahim (pbuh) was not a Jew or a Christian but was a Muslim.

4. Qur’an says call yourselves Muslim

a. If anyone poses a Muslim the question who are you, he should say “I am a MUSLIM, not a Hanafi or a Shafi”. Surah Fussilat chapter 41 verse 33 says “Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness, and says, ‘I am of those Who bow in Islam (Muslim)?’ ” [Al-Qur’an 41:33]

The Qur’an says “Say I am of those who bow in Islam”. In other words, say, “I am a Muslim”.

b. The Prophet (pbuh) dictated letters to non-Muslim kings and rulers inviting them to accept Islam. In these letters he mentioned the verse of the Qur’an from Surah Ali Imran chapter 3 verse 64: Say ye: “Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah’s Will).” [Al-Qur’an 3:64]

5. Respect all the Great Scholars of Islam

We must respect all the great scholars of Islam, including the four Imaams,Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi, Imam Humbal and Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with them all). They were great scholars and may Allah reward them for their research and hardwork. One can have no objection if someone agrees with the views and research of Imam Abu Hanifa or Imam Shafi, etc. But when posed a question, ‘who are you?’, the reply should only be ‘I am a Muslim’.

Some may argue by quoting the hadith of our beloved Prophet from Sunan Abu Dawood Hadith No. 4579. In this hadith the prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, “My community will be split up into seventy-three sects.”

This hadith reports that the prophet predicted the emergence of seventy-threesects. He did not say that Muslims should be active in dividing themselves into sects. The Glorious Qur’an commands us not to create sects. Those who follow the teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith, and do not create sects are the people who are on the true path.

According to Tirmidhi Hadith No. 171, the prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, “My Umma will be fragmented into seventy-three sects, and all of them will be in Hell fire except one sect.” The companions asked Allah’s messenger which group that would be. Where upon he replied, “It is the one to which I and my companions belong.”

The Glorious Qur’an mentions in several verses, “Obey Allah and obey His Messenger”. A true Muslim should only follow the Glorious Qur’an and the Sahih Hadith. He can agree with the views of any scholar as long as they conform to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith. If such views go against the Word of Allah, or the Sunnah of His Prophet, then they carry no weight, regardless of how learned the scholar might be.
If only all Muslims read the Qur’an with understanding and adhere to Sahih Hadith, Inshallah most of these differences would be solved and we could be one united Muslim Ummah.


Now with regards to shia / sunni attacking each other, i would say, it is all political game. Some groups/sect who are supporting foriegn occupation are opposed by those who dont like foriegn peresence in their country. Moreover, bombings etc can also be a dirty game to divide the various factions so deep that country ultimately breaks up into three parts! .....serving whose intrerest? I would again say there was no such bombing or fighting before western occupation.


Junior Member
Subhanallah waalhamdulillah waalaailahailallah waallahuakbar. May Allah swt bless you with the best of health iman and taqwa. May Allah swt unite us all together on the right path home to Allah and please lets us make doa for all muslims to be united hereafter and May Allah swt bless us all unite us and shower us all with His blessings. amiin ya rabb.salam and shalawat for our prophet. Allahumma solli alaa muhammad wa alaa ali muhammad, Laailahailallah muhammadur rasulullah saw.

Saifu deen

Assalam Alykom

Amiin Amiin brother simpson...

Really shocking, may Allah guide them to the straight path. Does anyone know how and when Shia was formed?????....

Jazakum Allah Khair...

wassalam alykom..


Seek Truth, Be Happy
Really shocking, may Allah guide them to the straight path. Does anyone know how and when Shia was formed?????....

How the Shi'as Differ from mainstream muslims?





JazakAllah khair everyone who put in effort on this thread .

One of the signs to know that someone is most likely to be a shiite is when they exaggerate their praise for the ahl bayt . But the ahl bayt has nothing to do with shiite/shia just like those who seek help from Abdul Qadir Jailani, Abdul Qadir has nothing to do with those who seek his help in the graves, inshAllah.

Sweet Insanity

90's Child

my neighbours are shias :astag: and sometimes they give us food.
and my aunties told us that we're not allowed to eat it, cos they're shias.
we've not been eating the food they gave to us cos we were'nt sure whether we were allowed to eat it.

do they cut their meat differently to us? im thinking if their "kalimah" is different to ours, then we're probably not allowed to eat it.

ive grown up in a very sunni family... i dont care...
im still 1/4 shiite...
sunnis and shiites... stupidest thing in the entire world!
i have arguments with my dad because i put videos on youtube and all the mosques that i put on were shiite.. not one was sunni! but i dont care cas there shouldnt be any sunnis or shiites!
aghh! it annoys me sooooo much!
and for that i chose to not interact with any arabs or Muslims..
and i will stand by that until they find there senses!
noone cared when Saddam (Allah Ra7ama) was in power!
Iraqis now even have to damn flags now!
so yup ive isolated myselfs from talking to anyone i know that is Muslim and say they are shiite or sunni!

God Bless

but one thing... why the hell do shiites hit themselves? i mean i know the story behind it but God!
go hit a few americans and Israelis instead!

Sweet Insanity

90's Child

How the Shi'as Differ from mainstream muslims?



shia and sunni... after the death of the Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) the Muslims wanted a new leader... one was young, the other was old and wise... one group (i think it was the suunis) wanted the old guy, and the others wanted the young one... so they separated..
thats the story i know anyways.


The Creed of Shi'a from Their Own Sources

1.) He has the Quality of 'Badaa'.
2.) This means he forgets.
3.) He makes mistakes.
4.) He plans but this does not take effect.
5.) He does not know who to appoint as the next message conveyor, the next Imaam.
6.) "We (shias) do not worship such a god who gives authority to rascals like Yazid, Mu'awiyyah and Uthmaan."
7.) They say "Ali says.....I am the first and I am the last. I am the manifest and I am the hidden and I am the heir of earth."
8.) Shias say that the Imaams are the face of Allaah,
9.) The eyes of Allaah among his creation.
10.) The tongue of Allaah among his creation.

References :
(1.) Usul Kafi- Babul bad'aa - Al- Kafi Vol- 1 -P283 India Ed. ( 2.) Ibid (3.) Ibid .(4.) Ibid. (5.) Ibid. (6.) Kashful Asraar - 107 - Khomeni.. (7.) Rijaal Kashsi . 138. India Print. (8.) Usul- e-Kaafi -83. (9.) Ibid. 10.) Ibid.

New Kalimah (testimony of faith)
1.) Laa ilaaha illaahu Muhammadur Rasulullaah -Alli waliyullah, Khomeni Hujjatulillaah
2.) Laa Illaaha Muhammdur - Rasulullah, Ali waliyullah wazi Rasulullah was Khalifauhu bila Faslein"
3.) - Shia 'Islaam' based on 5 pillars - Salaat, Zakaat, Fasting, Hajj, Wilaayat.
4.) - Azaan is "Ash Hadu Anna - alian Waliullah Wasu Rasulullah was Khalifatu hu bila faslrin"

(1.) Wahdat Islaami - June 84 P1- monthly Iranian Goverment. Periodical. (2.) Ali Waliullah - Abdul Kareem Mushtaq. (3.) Usul- Kafi. 4.) Listen in Arafaat.

1.) They believe in 12 Imaams after Rasulullaah .
2.) First being Ali (R.A).
3.) Last being the 12th Imaam
4.) Who is in a Cave 'Surra - Man- Raa'.
5.) Imaams they believe are Masoom- innocent.
6.) They can make Halaal- Haraam and Haraam - Halaal .
7.) They can change Deen- Sharia.
8.) They are born of their mothers thighs.
9.) They have the knowledge of the Unseen.
10.) They say Imaams are higher in status than the Ambiyaa including our Nabi.
11.) No concession regarding Wilaayah- (absolute necessary belief).
12.) If one does not accept Imaams then one is a Kaafir.

(1.) Usul -e - Kafi. (2.) Usul -e - Kafi. (3.) Usul -e - Kafi. (4.) Usul -e - Kafi. (5.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225 / Kafi - Kitaabul Hujjuah. (6.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225. (7.) Ibid. (8.) Ibid /Haqqul Yaqeen P126.(9.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225. (10.) Ibid / Al Hukumatul - Islaamiyaa - 52 Khomeni. Hayaatul Qutoob Vol 3, P10 /Ibid Vol 2. P787. Footnote. (11.) Usul -e- Kafi Vol 2. P278. (12.) Usul -e- Kafi Vol 1. P225.

The 12th Imaam
1.) When he comes he will bring the original Quraan.
2.) He is in hiding, in a cave.
3.) He is alive observing the world, in totallity.
4.) When he comes, he will be naked. Rasulullaah will swear Allegiance to him. (Allaah protect us).
5.) He will first dig the grave of Abu Bakr (R.A) and Umar (R.A),then hang them on a stake - for all sins of mankind.
6.) He will remove the body of Ayesha (R.A) and implement the same punished for Zina.
7.) He will then kill the Sunni Scholars.
8.) Punish the Muslim Ummuah.
9.) First kill Ahle - Sunnah, then Ulama, then Kuffar.

(1.) Usul-e- Kafi. (2.) Islaamic Goverment P42/ Usul -e- Kafi P340. (3.) Hukumatal Islaamia -P52. (4.) Haqqul Yaqeen 2/227- 2/347. (5.) Haqqul Yaqeen P 361/2. (6.) Also Vol 2 P 611/ Haqqul Yaqeen - P 347/ Mullah Baqir Majlisi. (7.) Furoo Kafi - Kitaabul Raudah - P 527 also Tafseer Majmanul Bayan/ Hayaatul Qulub Vol2 P 611. (8.) Hayaatul Qulub Vol2 P 611.( 9.) Haqqul Yaqeen- Vol 2. P 527 ASlo Maj Manul Bayaan.

1.) Not Completed.
2.) Has 17,000 Aayats.
3.) Our's has 6,666.
4.) Abu Bakr's opposed the text of the Quraan.
5.) Original Quraan with 12th Imaam Mahdi.
6.) Do not produce Haafiz.
7.) Do not perform Taraweeh.
8.) Quraan will be read/ learnt when 12th Imaam brings it.
9.) Ali (R.A) showd original Quraan to Sahabah(R.A) who rejected it.
10.) Passages mentioning virtures of Ali(R.A) has been purposefully deleted from the Quraan.
11.) There are 2,000 shiah traditions making many additions and subtractions in Quraan.
12.) The 'Murtaddeen'- renegrades have removed the name of Ali (R.A).

(1.) Usul Kafi 1:228/ Faslul Kitaab fi Tahrif. Kitaabi Raabul Arbaa of Nuri Tibarsi approved by Khomeni in ' Al- Hukumaat -ul- Islamiyaa". (2.) Usul Kafi P671. (3.) Usul Kafi P671. (4.) Kashful Asraar P111.(5.) Usul Kafi 2-632. (6.) See Iran. (7.) See Iran. (8.) Usul Kafi - p622. (9.) Maqbool - 1067 - Usul Kafi Vol1 P228. (10.)Tafseer Ali Qummi-308 /Usul Kafi 1:416/Footnotes of Maqbool's translation 637/ Al- Ihtijaj- Tabarsi- 1-254/ Tafseer of Saafi- 1- 32/ Muqaddamah 6 , from Tafseer Saafi P32 Vol -1. (11.) Usul Kafi 1:228/ Faslul Kitaab fi Tahrif. Kitaabi Raabul Arbaa of Nuri Tabarsi.(12.) Surah Muhammad, Ayat 9, Para 26- Molvi Maqbool Dehli P1011.

Taqiyyah (essentially means to lie to hide the truth)
1.) The believe in Taqiyya.
2.) This means 'Holy Deception'.
3.) To believe in something but express/ say something else.
4.) They say 9-10th of Deen is Taqiyya.
5.) They say, he who has no Taqiyya has no deen.
6.) There is a great reward in Lying.
7.) They say the great Imams Practised 'Taqiyya'.
8.) They say Alli (R.A), Hassan (R.A), Hussain(R.A) practiced 'Taqiyya'.
9.) They say Hussein (R.A) practiced 'Taqiyya'.
10.) Perorm Jamaah salaat with Sunni's.
11.) Visit their sick .
12.) Perform their Janazah Salaat.

(1.) Usul -e- Kafi. (2.) Ibid. (3.) Ibid. (4.) Ibid. (5.) Ibid. (6.) Ibid. (7.) Islaamic Goverment P35/ 133 .(8.) Ibid. (9.) Ibid. (10.) Usul -e- Kafi. (11.) Ibid.(12.) Ibid.

Sahaabah (companions)
1.) They say all Sahabah (R.A) companions except 3 left Islaam after demise of Nabi .
2.) They say Abu Bakr(R.A) Umar(R.A) and Uthmaan (R.A) robbed Ali(R.A) of his position of being Khalif.
3.) They say Umar(R.A) was a 'Original Kaafir' and 'Zindiq'-renegrade.
4.) "Abu Huraira (R.A) was one of the fuquaha, but god knows what judement he falsified for Muaw'iyya and others like him, and what damage He inflicted upon Islaam."
5.) They say Abu Huraira (R.A) used to fabricate Ahadith.
6.) They say Muawiyya (R.A) poisoined Hassan(R.A).
7.) They say Muawiya (R.A) was a tyrant opressive ruler.
8.) They say Qazi Shurray (R.A) used to issue judicial pronouncement in favour of the ruling party. He was a sinful wretch occupying position of Judge.
9.) One should dissociate with the 4 idols: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan, Muawiyya and 4 women Ayesha, Hafsa, Harid, Umm-al-Hakam.
10.)One should curse the above after each prayer.
11.) Pharoah and Hamaan refer here to Abu Bakr and Umar.

(1.) Anwaar - No'maan Niyyah - P245. Vol 2. Nimatullah Jafaari./ Furu Kafi, Kitaabul Raudah :15 - Mullah Muhammad bin Yaqoob Kulaini Vol 3 P115/ Usul -e-Kafi Vol 2, P 246 Rijaal Kashsi P504. (2.) Al- Ihtijaaj - Tibrasi 83, 84./Haqqul Yaqeen, P 157. (3.) Haqqul Yaqeen , 551/Kashful Asraar P119. (4.) P 143 - Islam goverment. (5.) Islaamic Goverment (6.) Al-Anwaar un Nomaniyyah - Vol 2. P88-87 Jazaari.(7.) Ibid. (8.) P81, Isl/ gov. (9.) Haqqul Yaqeen- Vol. 2 P519/ Furru Kaafi P342 Vol 3/ Jilaa - ul- Uyoom -P45 - 46/ Hayaatul Quluub P 375. (10.) Ainul Hayaa P559. (11.) Haqqul Yaqeen P342.

12.) Faathima should complain about Ali's big stomach, no wealth and bad features.
13.) Abu Bakr and Umar are Kaafirs
14.) Abu Bakr is calf on Bani Israel.
15.) Ali is a mosquito and a fly.
16.) What did the Zuleikha of Makkah, Bibi Ayesha have, that the 50 year old Nabi got moved to her.
17.) Nabi accepted (in marriage) an uncouth person such as Hafsa. Not withsatanding the fact that she was a widow and facially deformed.
18.) Imaan refers to Ameerul- Mu'mineen- Alli Kufr refers to Abu Bakr fisq(weakness) refers To Umar isyaan(disobedient) Uthmaan in Surah Hujuraat.
19.) Umar is an illegeitimate child.
20.) Abu Bakr and Umar are worse than Shaithaan and they are dwellers of Jahannam.
21.) "When I entre Makkah and Madinah as the conqueror, my first duty will be to go to the grave of Huzoor and exhume the bodies of the two idols."
22.)"We shia's know the three Sahabah's(Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan) as being void of Imaan"

(12.) Mullah Baqir - Jilal Uyoon- 58 Chapter on Faathima.(13.) Haqqul Yaqeen - P552. (14.) Haqqul Yaqeen - Tafseer Qummi P160. (15.) Tafseer Qummi P29. (16.) Haqeeat Fiqh Hanafi P64 /Ghulaam Hussain Naqui.(17.) Ibid P124.(18.) Usul-e- Kafi P229. Vol 2.(19.) Tazkiratul Aimma - P103-4.(20.) Haqqul Yaqeen - P509 - 510.(21.) Kitaab be Noujawanaan - P8.( 22.) Tajalliyaar-e-Sadaqaat - P201- Muhammed Hussain Dhelvi.

Mut'a (temporary marriage, legalised prostitution)

1.) "It is disliked but permissable to have Mutah with a prostitute, especially( it will be more enjoyable) if she is famous for her prostitution."
2.)One time 'Muta' reward is Jannat.
3.)When the couple sit in Solitude, angels protect them.
4.)Their Speech is Tasbeeh .
5.)When they touch hands, sins fall from their fingers.
6.)When they Kiss, reward of Hajj and Umrah for both.
7.)On bathing - every drop from each hair brings reward of 10 Thawabs, 10 sins drop, stages raised by 10 fold.
8.)From every drop of water, angels created to make Tasbeeh till Qiyaamat.
9.)'Muta' with believing women is like 70 times journey to Ka'aba.
10.) Contractors of 'Muta' will cross the 'Pul Siraat' like a flash of lightning.
11.) After making muta Once - The stage of Hussain is reached. After making muta twice - The stage of Hasan is reached. After making muta thrice- The stage of Ali is reached. After making Muta Fourth- The satge of Rasulullaah is reached

(1.) Tahrirul Wasillah Vol-2 P292. (2.) Ujul - e- Hasana P15. (4.) bid.( 5.) Ibid.( 6.) Ibid. (7.) Ibid. (8.) Ibid. (9.) Ujul - e- Hasana P16.(10.) Ujul - e- Hasana P17. (11.) Tafseer Mianjajus Sadiqeen 1:356.

1.) They have their own Quraan.
2.) They have their own Ahadith Books(Usul-e-Kafi) etc.
3.) They do not believe in our Ahadith Kitaabs- Bukhari etc.
4.) They have their own Fiqh, Fiqh - Jafari.
5.) They have their own concept about Allaah.
6.) They believe that Imaams get 'Wahy' Divine Revelation.
7.) Their Aqaaid, Salaat, Azaan, Hajj, Fiqh is different.
8.) The concept of Ambiyaa (A.S) is different (they failed).
9.) Their concept of Sahaabah (R.A) is different.
10.) They Practice 'Muta'(Temporary Marriages) .
11.) Terms of Sehri and Iftaar are different.
12.) Ghusl for the dead is different.

(1.) Usul-e-Kafi .( 6.) Usul -e-Kafi .(7.) Usul-e-Kafi Vol2 P278/ Tafseer - al- Waeelah Vol 1 P280.(8.) Ijtihaad - wa- yak- jihati- Khomeni -15/ Islaamic Goverment P37/ Tehtan Times 29 June 1980/ Knomeni Imaam Mahdi Celebration. (11.) Tafseer - al- Waeelah Vol.(12.) Ibid.


13.) 4 Imaams are dogs.
14.) Ummah like Swine's.
15.) Ayesha and Hafsa are both Hypocrites
16.) Ayesha and Hafsa - Poisoned Nabi before his death.
17.) May Allaah curse them (Ayesha/Hafsa) and their fathers (Abu Bakr and Umar).
18.) Their religion of the state of Iran is Islaam and Jafaari, Ithna Ashaari. This basis is forever, and it is not open to any amendment nor abrogation.
19.) Everybody, exept us *!*!*!*!es are illegitimate.
20.) Nasabi group are those who preferred Abu Bakr and Umar over Ali.
21.) It is true that Allaah has not created anything more despicable than dogs.
22.) But the Nasibi is even more despicable than dogs in the eyes of Allaah.
23.) People of Makkah openly refute existence of Allaah.
24.) People of Madinah 70 times more unclean and polluted than people of Makkah.

(13.) Tazkiratul Aimma P102- Baqir majlasi.(14.) Usul-e-Kafi Vol2 P337.(15.) Hayatul Qutub - 2:745- M.B.Majlis.(16.) Maqbool Dehlavi - Imaam Baqir- Surah Ali Imraan : 134.(17.) Ibid.(18.) Constitution . (19.) Furoo - Kafi in Kitaabul Raudah - 135/245.(20.) Haqqul Yaqeen 521.(21.) Ibid 2/516. (22.) Ibid 2/516/ Ilaalus Sharaa P299 - Shaykh Saduuq. Usul-e-Kafi P410 Vol ...( 23.) Ibid.

General Ummah
1.) Most dirty and polluted left over water is that of a sunni.
2.) Not permissable to marry sunni because they are Kaafir.
3.) Cannot eat animal slaughtered by sunni.
4.) Sunnis created from soul of Jahannam.
5.) Shia's created from soul of Jannat.


(1.) "Manlaa Yahuruldul Faqiah" - Vol 1. P8.( 2.) Tahdhidul Akaam/ Ibid Vol 3 P258. (3.) Ibid.( 4.) Usul - e- Kafi. (5.) Ibid.

Fiqh Examples
1.) Folding right hand on left hend in Salaat breaks Salaat.
2.) Sex in one's wifes anus permissible.
3.) The 9th act which breaks Salaat is saying of 'Amen' intentionally after Sura Faatiha. But this, too, is Permissible under Taqaiyyah.
4.) No cover over the head in Ihraam .

(1.) Tafseer - al- Waseelah. (2.) Tafseer - al- Waseelah- Vol.1 P280. (3.) Ibid. (4.) See - Hajj time.

Our Action

Fataawa of Rasulullah
There is a specific Hadith about Rafida: "A sect is going to emerge who will be known by a bad connotation. They will be called Rafida. They will come neither on Friday nor in the congregational prayers. They will vilify the first generation (of Ummah). You should neither keep their company nor dine with them, nor have matrimonial relationship with them. If they fall ill do not go to greet them and if they die do not participate in their funeral prayers."


1.) Shia's because of their (peculiar) beliefs are outside the pale of Islaam and as such Kafir's. Hence Islaamic bonds like :
2.) Marriage with them ;
3.) Using their Zabiah (Slaughter) ;
4.) Saying the funeral prayer of their dead ones ;
5.) Allowing them to participate in the funeral prayer of Sunni Muslims;
6.) Making them shares in Qurbani i.e. sacrificial animals on Eid-ul-Adha ;
7.) Making them witness in the nikah of sunni Muslims ;
8.) Accepting their monetary contributions for the building of Massjid ------- all these things are not permissable (in Shariah) and should be given up forthwith.

Anyone who does not do so is outside the pale of Islaam and is similarly a Kaafir like the Shia's.

Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias

what the heck...:SMILY27:
i didnt know shia's had such crackhead belief system....
May Allaah(swt) Most Exalted and All Perfect guide them to follow the religion of submission unto Allaah(sw) better ,as muhammed(pbuh) taught us

Sweet Insanity

90's Child
what the heck...:SMILY27:
i didnt know shia's had such crackhead belief system....
May Allaah(swt) Most Exalted and All Perfect guide them to follow the religion of submission unto Allaah(sw) better ,as muhammed(pbuh) taught us

is everyone on this website sunni or something?
isnt anyone offended?
im 1/4 shiite... and i consider myself sunni but someone needs to stand up 4 them... my grandma (Allah Rar7amha) was shiite and that was not her belief..

how bout u leave all that stuff until after the wars over over Inshallah...

just like the Iraqi soccer team, theyre shiites, sunnis and kurds... yea they have difficulties and sometimes really hate eachother.. but when theyre playing a game, they have one goal, and thats to defeat the opposition and they work together to get there... despite all their differences, theyre still all Iraqi... then when they beat them, they can start hating eachother again...

thats what we need to do... the Muslims need to unite and realize who the real enemy is...
then we can kill eachother afterwards... or even better, like in peace like we used to...
for example, Iraq... when Saddam (Allah Rar7amha) was president.

God Bless
Sweet Insanity


Salafi Dawah is the best
is everyone on this website sunni or something?
isnt anyone offended?
im 1/4 shiite... and i consider myself sunni but someone needs to stand up 4 them... my grandma (Allah Rar7amha) was shiite and that was not her belief..

how bout u leave all that stuff until after the wars over over Inshallah...

just like the Iraqi soccer team, theyre shiites, sunnis and kurds... yea they have difficulties and sometimes really hate eachother.. but when theyre playing a game, they have one goal, and thats to defeat the opposition and they work together to get there... despite all their differences, theyre still all Iraqi... then when they beat them, they can start hating eachother again...

thats what we need to do... the Muslims need to unite and realize who the real enemy is...
then we can kill eachother afterwards... or even better, like in peace like we used to...
for example, Iraq... when Saddam (Allah Rar7amha) was president.

God Bless
Sweet Insanity

Most people here are Salafi and trust me they think everyone is wrong. No one gets it that sects are haram, and the only way for Muslims to be better is to unite, we are like a wall but these differences make us weak and vunerable, why do you think we are such easy targets??!!:wasalam:


Salafi Dawah is the best
what the heck...:SMILY27:
i didnt know shia's had such crackhead belief system....
May Allaah(swt) Most Exalted and All Perfect guide them to follow the religion of submission unto Allaah(sw) better ,as muhammed(pbuh) taught us

brother get some sense, I knew some Shias back in Canada and of course no one is perfect but they were the only ones who didn't look at me like I was a freak of nature ( being a white Muslim that happens a lot) I don't know 100% what Shias believe but if you actually talk to a Shia, I'm sure they would disagree with this. DON"T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU you believe everything you see on the news?? I hope not


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum.

Sister you cannot be 1/4 Shi`i just because your grandma was. Shi`aism is a creed, not a nationality or ethnicity which is inherited. And yes there are many different dominions/sects under the banner of the shi`a also. Like one of my friends who is Lebanese, his whole family are shi`a yet he told me that there beliefs are not as extreme as what the twelvers believe, as well as many of the other dominions. Some other sects/dominions are totally different; some follow the Ja`fari madhhab, others the Zaydi etc.

Salafis think everyone is wrong? Lol ok I don't even want to get into how that conclusion was drawn. Of course sects are haraam, since he have been told to stick to the sunnah, so the one who has broken away with a new set of beliefs etc has started/followed the way of, a sect.


Salafi Dawah is the best
Salafis think everyone is wrong? Lol ok I don't even want to get into how that conclusion was drawn. Of course sects are haraam, since he have been told to stick to the sunnah, so the one who has broken away with a new set of beliefs etc has started/followed the way of, a sect.

Of course anyone who belongs to sect will stick up for it, that's a given.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ok well I won't go into starting another useless discussion which yields no fruit. If you have the same level of concern for these forums then please refrain from commenting in such a way. Anyway let's focus on topic and leave this off please...

The point is that the Imams of old from amongst the salaf have heavily criticised the people of tashayyu`, to the extent that the Imams ash-Shaafi`ee and Ibn Hanbal, rahimahamallaah said not to initiate salaams with them even if they are your neighbours, and not to trust them because they are allowed to lie in their religion.

We shouldn't get offended by the haqq, especially if some of our families are involved. I have barailwees in my family who justify many clear-cut acts of shirk, but when the barailwees are refuted I don't start getting upset on the pretext that my Grandad (amongst others) is a barailwee. Rather I love Allaah, His Deen and His Messenger sal-Allaahu `alayhi more, then those members, and anyone to that regard.


Salafi Dawah is the best
Of course brother you always have to get in that last word I wouldn't want to stop you from that.

"The point is that the Imams of old from amongst the salaf have heavily criticised the people of tashayyu`, to the extent that the Imams ash-Shaafi`ee and Ibn Hanbal, rahimahamallaah said not to initiate salaams with them even if they are your neighbours, and not to trust them because they are allowed to lie in their religion."

can you please provide proof of this because from what I've read from the Quran and hadiths this completely unIslamic to ignore your neighbours and to not return salams.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wa`alaykum us-salaam warahmatullaah.

Please let's be mature, that in of itself is giving you the so-called last statement! And to be honest I couldn't care less anyway, say as you wish, I just hope to stay on subject.

As for the proofs, then I believe I heard them in a dars on the Sahaabah given by the Kuwaiti Shaykh, Falaah Ibn Ismaa`eel. I have the recording if you want, it is in Arabic and English (translated line by line). However I did manage to come across very similar statements from the 4 Imams (all of them but I will suffice with just a couple of statements).

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah says in his Minhaj us-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah that Imaam Ash-Shaafi`ee said about the Raafidee Shi`a,

"I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Raafidee Shi`a."

"Narrate knowledge from everyone you meet except for the Raafidee Shi`a, because they invent ahaadeeth and adopt them as part of their religion."

Imaam Adh-Dhahabee, rahimahullaah recalled this following incident in his monumental work, As-Siyaar An-Nubaala Al-A`laam,

Al-Harawee relates from Yoosuf Ibn Yahyaa al-Buwaytee who said, "I asked Ash-Shaafi`ee, 'Can I pray behind a Raafidee?' He said, 'Do not pray behind a Raafidee, nor a Qadaree not a Murji' '"

As for Imaam Maalik Ibn Anas, rahimahullaah, it is reported that he said when being asked about the Rawaafidah,

"Do not speak to them or narrate from them, for surely they are liars."

The only clear reference to the above statement is Tafseer Al-Qurtubee, check the tafseer of the 29th ayah of Surah Al-Fath inshaa' Allaah.

Here it is imperative that something be clarified when discussing the shi`a. The majority of what we hold against them is against the Rawaafidah Shi`a, and not the Zaydis. The Zaydis alhamdulillaah, are far closer to us and the truth with regards to `aqeedah, nor do they commit kufr by cursing the companions! The Rawaadiah earned their title after rejecting their Imam, Zayd Ibn `Alee due to his more lenient position on the sahaabah and khulafaa.

As for the statement of Imaam Ahmad on the Shi`a, then more correctly it was on the Raafidee's, as this is the name the salaf gave these deviants. I haven't found it yet but as I said the Shaykh quotes it in the audio I mentioned at the start of this post.

We have been told to be be kind to our neighbours, it is reported that a Jewish man who use to live next door to one of the salaf (I can't remember who, maybe it was Sufyaan Ibn `Uyaynah, rahimahullaah) was selling his house. So the man from the salaf asked him why he priced his house so high? The Jewish man responded by explaining that the high price was due to the good character of his neighbour (the salaf).

However, the Rawaafidah (in general) are enemies to the companions and anyone who doesn't say that `Alee should have taken precedence to the other 3 companions, may Allaah be pleased with them. Their own and most "authentic" books such as Usool ul-Kaafi CLEARLY state that deception is 9/10s of their religion, and that thus the one who doesnt decieve has no deen (see volume 9 of the aforementioned book)!!!???

This amongst other reasons is why the people of innovation were treated as such, as oppose to the kuffaar. In fact the great Imam of the Salaf Fudayl Ibn `Iyaad (If you've heard the nasheed/poem ya abed al-haramain, it's addressed to him) use to say, "It is more beloved to me to sit at the table with a Jew or Christian then to sit with one of the people of innovation" (see Sharh us-Sunnah of Imaam Al-Barbahaaree, one who benefitted from Ibn Hanbal's students).

Maa shaa Allaah, I have found a link in another thread to a fatwa of Shaykh `Uthaymeen on when we should give salaams here. The speech of any scholar is better than my speech, and it helps us to understand Imam Ahamd's statement into due context (alhamdulillaah, I have read a similar fatwa on this and hence have been trying to apply this for a while now).

I hope the matter is understood. The salaf had one `aqeedah, one religion and one path. And all of them vehemently opposed the Rafidees. It is not a matter of ambiguity. To be honest if I wished to gather the statements of the early Muslims on the Raafidees/Shi`a, we would end up with a library.