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  • salaam alaikom sis

    i am glad that my thread was that into you . happy to know :)

    well i had the whole week off and it was amazing and fast at the same time "sigh"

    but after all i am doing good alhamdulillah thank you for asking dear sis

    take care salaaaam
    Salam sister:

    OMG ..you gonna charge your brother....no way..damn man nowaday sisters are becoming mean..i guess sisters who do it for free were good then.....lol.....but wait if your essays are pretty good then i will be willing to pay 1 cent per hour....and if the essays are improving then i can pay upto 10 cent per hour ....no more than that....otherwise i have to start doing 2 jobs while i m in college..lol....hmmmm....j/k

    Do not sent every thing to me at once.....i have only one brain and it is small in size at compare to my body....send them step wise...so that i have a chance to read them....oh ya also do not delay them ..i spring break will be over on 20 april....send me whatever draft version you have......

    So when are you getting intern in UN????

    it makes you happy? that make me happy....

    i waited for you to post me a msg... but i thought you forgot about me!! LOl; ;)
    joke.... haha i beat you.....

    Alhamdulillah im well :)
    :wasalam: sister:

    How are you? and how is your parenting experience going on? How old are your sibling?

    Are they also like....sister can you come outside the room.....and then you come out of your room and they tell you to give them the remote while they are sitting on the couch. So they called you for the TV remote and you came all the way from your room. The tv remote was right infront of them but they were lazy to pick it up....lol:)

    Good to know that you will not be that busy during the break. Dont worry inshallah i will not ask you to write an essay for me. Although i know you are very good in writing an essay. oh i might..lol
    :salam2: sister:

    I hope all is well with you.....health, eeman, studies and new parenting experience.

    Sister you are not taking any summer classes right? Nor you will be doing job?
    So Do you want to do something beneficial during that time?
    salaam alaikom dear sister

    this weird you are the second person to say look at the "bright side" sobhanAllah someone told me these words when i was down a[pparently Allah wants me to really look at the bright side no matter what happened "و عسى ان تكرهوا شيئا و هو خير لكم "
    i guess whatever bad things happen to us we should think about the good things that might happen as well from this bad event .

    jazaki Allahu khyran kathiran for your encourging words . may Allah reward you with the best .

    salaam alaikom dear sister

    indeed the world is just full of pain but as you know we have to move on thats life
    but mashAllah i love your words too . and today i am alhamdulillah much better .
    salaam alaikom dear sister

    jumah mubarakah . i just wanted to see how are you doing today knowing that your mood was down like i was .

    you know what apperently nothing still the same and everything change quickly but alhamdulillah this time is in a good way .

    i hope you are fin today .

    let me hear from you .

    salaam alaikom
    Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullaah,

    Its really strange TTI pops up in my dreams and I see 'a_muslimah86' username announcing a really happy thread ..it was an odd dream and I dunno where it came from even ..and then I saw your post this mornings. Cheer up inshaAllaah :)

    This is a sign a spend too much time online, if its popping up in my sleep :p ..but it was odd that it should be connected to you too :confused: lol!
    asalamu alaykum. sister muslimah, get on msn asap inshaAllah. got news for you. salam.
    Dear Sister, Salaamualaykum

    I must say I am amazed at your zeal! Its amazing. Your an honoured Muslim women, and I admire you for that. Shed some light on me too, I need to lift myself from where I am now.

    May Allah honour you :)

    Fee Amanillah
    Asalam alaikum
    awww sister..you are special..I will try to get more bored..lol just to msg you...he he...I am so happy that I made you smile. Keep smiling that way always..:hijabi::SMILY346:
    I love you to for the sake of ALLAH:hearts:
    talk to you soon
    walikum salam
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