Recent content by Ash patel

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    :salam2: i've a question if you can plzz do try to answer it insha'allah... to extent it is important to join grp of ppl who r propagating islam? :wasalam:
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    salaam I am a new member and I am going to say my shahada on thursday

    mashallah its great to hear more n more people cumin towards the right path congratulations to you! take care1
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    Muslim Names Game

    salams muaadh
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    Zain Bhikha--Mountains of Makkah

    salams thats a wicked video its going to be at the top of my list!
  5. A revert!

    salams welcome 2 da site n congratulations!i hope u enjoy browsin trough dis site n i wna share another bril site wiv ul get lots of info 4rm dis site n u can also watch videos 4 free which include alot of info!
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    Plucking of the eyebrows

    salams broter dido70 da way it is haram 2 pluk da eyebrows bcoz it changes da luk on da face da same way havin plastic surgery done is wrong bcoz wer stil changin da way allah created us n also we cant do anythin 4 our husbands n wives if it is out of the islamic boundries if its within then...
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    tattooing, plucking the eyebrows and filing the teeth

    Jazakhallah 4 da info bt i was told dat pluking da eyebrows was haram n bleachin was allowd cz da hair still remains.can u plz get sum info 4 me on dat? n brother zulficar i dont think u should feel bad bcoz it was dun b4 convertin an dont 4get allah is al4givin jus repent. sista aisha jus...
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    hello all

    salams mashallah so happy 2 hear bout u embracin islam,may allah bless u n ur famly!ameen.oh n jus 2 share wiv u dat my sis in law jus recently reconverted make ddua for her n the baby thats on the way n not 2 4get my bro be nyc 4 u 2 share al of the story lata on id show my sis in law shed...
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    al mumin-bestower of faith