Recent content by bloup1000

  1. bloup1000


    hmm interesting thanks 4 sharing brother/sister soz dont know which one you are but jazakallah salam
  2. bloup1000

    do we love Allah??

    asalam great poster sister in fact every muslim should love allah more than anything else then muhammed then i would probally say your family like mum dad wife and kids and siblings come third and so on but i love my nan more than my mum hope she dont see this but i love her too but my...
  3. bloup1000

    U.S. soldier uses Quran for target practice

    astaghfirrullah oh my god how can he do that and say sorry not comparing quran to anything but imagine he broke a 19 billion dollar vase and he says ohh sorry i should have never done that and i dont think the owner will be happy or will forgive him well thats how it is with the quran and...
  4. bloup1000

    Whos fasting today?

    salam gus newz ohhhh i know what it is now thanks i just read the posts of people salam
  5. bloup1000


    mmm... ill let loods of peeps to answer this one then ill giv the answer but if they get it right ill say who got it right
  6. bloup1000


    hehe i remenbered one finally How many times can you subtract 5 from 25? could be a hard one but pretty eesy salam
  7. bloup1000


    heheeeeeeeee well done but the answer is that only saturday is a horse but i know what you mean the other one still works salam ill put a new one in in a min
  8. bloup1000

    Whos fasting today?

    salam same as abdelanas because hes my brother jazakallah salam
  9. bloup1000


    aston martin
  10. bloup1000

    Female Names

    mmmm... my cousin is calles aneesa but sorry dont know what it means next letter a
  11. bloup1000

    Male Names

    mmm... one of my names lol mohammad next letter N
  12. bloup1000

    caution think carefully lol

    good osman very good idea and allah said if you build a house(mosque) even as little as a birds nest allah will give you a place in his house(jannah) i should have thought of that well done 5 star answer salam
  13. bloup1000


    salam thanks for sharing brother:salah:
  14. bloup1000

    Video Interviews with Latifa(Rachel) and Her Parents..

    salam great video thanks for posting
  15. bloup1000


    lol this is like the most useful stuff ever i go to sleep at i dont know (because im not bothered to look) but very late then my mum wakes me up for fajr then i wake up late for school but when im nut asleep i say like ya rahman ar rahim