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  • walikum salam sister
    I am fine alhamdulliah..jazakallah for asking..
    very busy with college stuff since my semester is going to finish soon in like less than a month so alot of test and project:( and after that my other semester is goign to start :( so i am preparign for it..he he
    take care
    talk to you soon
    walikum salam
    Shukran Jazeelan for the friend invite habibti!..and alhamduliallah you are feeling better..may you always remain in the best states of health..iman..and life..Ameen!

    The pain in this life is a pending divine wisdom and purification for our souls..we see it..go through it..or hear about it..because it's our duty to find the *bright side* of we can realize *the blessings* we forget..and like you said..*move on with our life*..but we certainly move on wiser and more grateful for the good in our lives..that's we Muslims say *Alhamduliallah ala kolli haal*..and surely..alhamduliallah that we're at least Muslims living through Allah's deen..that's a blessings big enough to obliterate any sadness once pondered upon...Anyway..thanks again for the invite and for your kind concern..I ask Allah (swt) to grant you the most excellent of ajer for it :)

    Have a great week! :)

    Wa Alaikom Assalam Wr Wb
    w aleykum salaam habibti

    shukran w jumah mubarak <3

    inshallah you have a nice day and weekend also!!!

    jazallah khair :)
    Assalamo Alaikom..

    Baraka Allah jame'e ayamik habibati fi's so nice to hear from you!..and it sure warmed my heart to sense the concern in your words..may Allah please you in the dunya and the akhirah for making a sister of yours smile! I feel better..I am keeping myself busy as to not have a time to think of things I need to keep out of my mind right now..and I am succeeding little by little..alhamduliallah 'ala kolli least I know the source of my periodic *blues* :)..sobhanallah there are others afflicted with long-term depression and such..I cannot imagine how they live :(..may allah help our brothers and sisters amongst them!..ameen!

    I would love for you to keep in contact..and I would especially love to know how you are doing today..may Allah keep all of your days blessed and happy..ameen!

    I love you for the sake of Allah ukhti!

    Wa Alaikom Assalam Wr Wb
    Pheeww!! you're oki.. i was really getting worried about you.

    May Allah keep you happi alwayz, :)
    NoOoOoO!! You cant fall apart! i wont let you.
    come online inshaAllaha nd we will talk....

    sister, i really feel you
    take care

    be strong.. :)
    walaikumu salam wr wbr
    Ohh am sorry to hear that sista :(
    i hope you feeel better insha'ALLAH
    alhamdulilah am doin well
    when i saw u onlin i was about to say salam but i just saw ur messege :)
    khayr insha'Allah ukhti
    take care
    i Pray that you feel better
    wasalamu alaikum
    Assalamualaikum... how are you :)
    everytime im on msn you're not :(

    WE really need to talk...... i hope you're online inshAllah next time :)
    take care

    hope evrything is going well for you....
    salam alikom dear sister,

    how r u ? hope u r fine and ur family as well, i dropped here only to pass u my salam ,take care sister have a very happy day!!!!! take care of ur self,, ur sis fada_all
    Asalam Alaikum sister
    how are you doing? Hope everythign is okay.
    I am very lucky to have a friend like you who is kind and sweet
    Many hugs
    May ALLAh bless you and make everything easy fro you
    Walikum alam
    As-salaamu `alaykum

    Just to clarify, the advise was directed to all and no one in specific. I just re-read your visitor message and thought I'd clarify that in case you didn't realise.

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