Recent content by JustaSisLovinLyf

  1. JustaSisLovinLyf

    Whats are your addiction ???

    my one and only addiction.......Reeses peanut butter cups!! i feel like i cant go one day without them! i seriously need treatment for that:biggrin:
  2. JustaSisLovinLyf


    subhan Allah you are absolutely right sister! this life is nothing compared to the hereafter and remembering that is our key to really giving our all in all to worshipping Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala. Im so thankful that Allah has guided me to islam and has made things easier for me.the passion I...
  3. JustaSisLovinLyf

    Contacted the local Islamic Center

    MashaAllah brother!! everytime i read that someone reverted to Islam i get tears in my eyes because im also a revert myself and Im so happy yet another person found the beautiful gift that is Islam. May Allah guide you brother through this time and provide the best means for you to learn...
  4. JustaSisLovinLyf


    Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Asalam Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu: So most of us here are happy to be muslim and care about our faith right? well do any of you guys ever really think deeply about what an amzaing gift it is to be muslim? LAtely Ive been gut wrenchingly overcome...
  5. JustaSisLovinLyf


    oh yea the creepy smile guys! how could i forget! LOL!
  6. JustaSisLovinLyf


    haha yea brother there isnt much to gaze on niqabis except maybe eyes. I wear niqab, and when i go out the muslim brothers try to peer into my eyes alot. non muslims i notice dont stare at my eyes, just glance and look away- but the muslim brothers i come in contact with seem eager to gaze at...
  7. JustaSisLovinLyf


    many brothers only lower their gaze for hijabis and niqabis when the sister doesnt see them. when she sees them they quickly lower their gaze, then wait for her to walk away so they can look at her more- especially if she is alone. i notice this all the time when im walking around.I wish...
  8. JustaSisLovinLyf

    Iranian Chador

    hey sister you can buy it here for only 56$
  9. JustaSisLovinLyf

    sahih al bukhari english

    Asalam Aliakum brothers and sisters! I am just wondering if anyone knows where i can buy sahih al buhkari in english- the complete collection, for less than $100. Ive been looking on alot of website and they are all unaffordable for me. thanks for any suggestions.
  10. JustaSisLovinLyf

    If you only had 2 days to live

    If you only had 2 days left to live how would u spend that time?
  11. JustaSisLovinLyf

    saudi miss moral beauty

    wow this is so amazing! Things like this must really teach girls whats important and could go along way toward boosting confidence if only we had these type of competitions in the US or other countries! Im so impressed with this it just makes me want to visit saudi arabia more and more. Im...
  12. JustaSisLovinLyf

    What age did you get married at?

    alhamdulilah sister now i dont feel like the only one! congratulations on ur pregnancy and may Allah give u a happy life:blackhijab:
  13. JustaSisLovinLyf

    What age did you get married at?

    yea sister i actually prefer that idea of waiting until after college but alot of sisters go to school after marriage as well. like me- im in college after i got married and i think it helped me from being too excited about getting married and thinking about any other man. Just hopin to make it...
  14. JustaSisLovinLyf

    What age did you get married at?

    wow everyone here got married much later than me. I got married when i just turned 18 years old- now im 20 i guess some families like their daughters to get married young, both of my sister-in-laws got married at only 17 years old.
  15. JustaSisLovinLyf

    Facts about Aloe Vera:The Miracle Plant

    Aloe is amazing! I drink a cup of pure organic aloe juice every day for health and i love it!