Recent content by k.tanzeela

  1. K

    assalamu alaikum

    walaikumsalam... welcome young friend...inshaallaah this site ll definitely help u
  2. K

    ....True or False Game....

    No...never do u lie?
  3. K

    The story of Firawoon's maid.

    Asalamualaikum to all... @miss_sunshine what is the source of this incident...i mean where is it mentioned by our Prophet(PBUH)...kindly answer
  4. K

    Need help!!

    asalamualaikum are on a right path proceed...dont leave it...gettin high and low is all about what a life stands for...all i will say just remain steadfast to good deeds...inshallah u ll get an everlasting satisfaction and peace...dont be afraid of these small hurdles...and u say u...
  5. K

    So WHAT'S Your Excuse For Salah?

    please help Jazakallah was really quite informative and may be through it i'll get some benefit...i m a scholar...i have to spend almost whole day in labs...we don't have a proper place for salah and moreover there are male presence everywhere and every time...due to this i'm not...
  6. K

    Important Opinion Needed

    yes brother go ahead, may Allaah bless u
  7. K

    The story of Jazan!

    alhamdulillah really inspiring and encouraging
  8. K

    Need friends to share

    :salam2:surely Allaah is most merciful and loves His mankind...He always look for those who repent and asks for His mercy so dont loose heart and come to the straight path and dont leave it...its nvr late to be right:wasalam:
  9. K

    Child victims of Gaza

    May Allaah give patience and courage to us Muslims. surely Allaah tests those whom he loves most
  10. K

    hi everyone

    :salam2:welcome brother u'll find inshaallaah peace with like fellows:wasalam:
  11. K

    1,132 Palestinians killed???

    :salam2:what to say I m in a constant state of shock, I fell helpless , wish i could someway be able to help my fellow muslims there, itz only we muslims that are responsible for this plight of ours, some stay sleeping in their luxurious palaces, some stay running after their wordly ambitions...
  12. K

    very important question

    unknown arabic hey wait, whats going on there? u all going on writing and I dont get a single word, I dont know Arabic, what is this all about? Wish I could speak Arabic.
  13. K

    Isha prayer

    :salam2:kindly tell me upto what time can Isha prayer be offered :wasalam::
  14. K


    asalam, My name is tanzeela, means revelation (of holy quran), i love my name.
  15. K

    New Afghan member

    :salam2:welcome sister, we would really like to know from u what is happening there really. i mean its so confusing, one version of story from western media and another from Arab based satellite channels.I'm from Kashmir(Indian administered),same story here. anyways May Allaah guide us all...