Recent content by MuslimGirl71194

  1. M

    ever been to mekka?

    I feel an urgency to go on my hajj that grows every passing day! Inshallah I will make it there one day!!
  2. M

    Need Advice - Serious Only Please

    My beloved sister, how I feel for you. Here is some advice; try counseling and try to work it out. He might not know how to deal with commitment so counseling will teach him. If it doesn't work, leave him. If it does, Inshallah, make yourself beautiful for him, my sister. A'ishah the Prophet...
  3. M

    Grave Torture?

    ewwww, that is very gross and very revolting :(
  4. M


    Asallam Aliakum. My sister, who knows? No one can prove it false, no one can prove it true. It is still but a mystery that only Allah knows.
  5. M

    Advice Please

    Asallam Alaikum, my dear brother. I'm sure that she went on a website, found out about Islam and then she turned into a "Muslim". If I were you, I would look for another wife that originally sends you pictures of her modestly covered without you telling her that you are looking for a righteous...
  6. M

    Top 11 excuses of Muslim Women who don't wear Islamic Hijaab!

    Mashallah, good post and all very true! I'm 12 and I REALLY want to wear my hijab but my mom won't buy me one and I am still trying to convince her to let me. Inshallah, let her accept my faith.
  7. M

    Video Youngest Muslim Reverts in The World. Children in England Turn To Islam.

    Hmph, I'm 12 and my mom won't let me wear my hijab. :( I love this video though.
  8. M

    Video Muslims in Texas - Islam in America

    Oh, come on. Not all Texans sound that stupid. YEE HAWW!!! I lived there for 3 years and I only found that about 1 in 20 people had that kind of accent. Oh well, Mashallah, may Allah continue to guide them in the right Path.
  9. M

    Children Leading Prayer

    Mashallah, I think its perfectly fine that you are letting your daughter lead prayers as it is a great way to lead her in the path of Islam, Inshallah. I dont think anything restricts it. :)