Recent content by weakslave

  1. W

    Questions on Shariah Law

    Assalaamu Alaykom sister. This is where you need to draw the line. The servitude of the people to Allaah azza wa jal is that they do not question Allaah's judgement. The 'Aqeedah of the believers is that acceptance of Allaah's rules is not conditional upon understanding. And if it were then...
  2. W

    A stupid question

    If you can verify that the meat is from halal sources and that there is no cross contamination through using knives or other tools then it is not any different to buying halal meat from another source. But if you cannot verify this, then it is best to avoid it as one can never be too careful...
  3. W

    Is this correct or not?

    Arzafar, there is nothing wrong with the fatwa you posted. Everyone knows that peers affect our thinking, that peers cause us to do things would never think of doing. To protect one's self and faith, we must distance ourself from misguided Muslims - let alone non-believers. Who is better: a...
  4. W

    I need help replying to this to this message!

    Ironically that link takes me to a site where all I read are interpretations by an unknown someone of the verses of the Quran. The Quran isn't open to interpretation by anyone, and it is not subject to anyone's whims or desires. Even in the time of the prophet :saw:, not all the companions were...
  5. W

    I know Im annoying but....

    #1 no one is tasked beyond their capabilities :) #2 so called "harmful bacteria" is actually quite beneficial to the body. The immune system needs to be under constant attack in order for it to function normally. Any excessive cleaning using rubbing alcohol or other antibacterial agents is...
  6. W

    Ethnocentrism in America and random thoughts (it's a long one but I make points :-))

    Check mark on all points in my book. This comment: "We assimilate with one another, in an attempt to not stand out. " This confused me when I first came with my family here. I see people doing things and I couldn't figure out why. Only years later I realized majority of those around me...
  7. W

    "Islamic" Nasheed?? Think again!!! (Very very very Important)

    It seems you are convinced that music is ok. I am not going to attempt to change your opinion, everyone will be responsible for their decisions and actions. The Prophet :saw: taught us, forget about an issue being clearly forbidden, if there is a matter where there is doubt with regards to it's...
  8. W

    lets count Allah's blessings...

    Health is too general, there are so many things people are deprived yet deemed healthy. Let's count some of the things we take for granted: - count every limb, every bone in your body. Which one would you live without? - count all your joints, which one could you give up? - count all the...
  9. W

    What Surah is this?

    :wasalam: Surat-ul Ahzaab (33), 45-48.
  10. W

    Brothers & sisters look for Mudggah stage under microscope

    Wow mashaAllaah.. I can't even imagine what secrets they will discover hidden in this word 200 years from now.
  11. W

    What Have You Gained From Turn To islam ?

    I can say on more than one occasion my Emaan would increase upon reading some of the beneficial stuff posted here. I also learned of things pertaining to this deen I was never taught. Alhamdulilah, I ask Allaah to guide us all to His Straight Path.
  12. W

    Prophet Muhammad [SAW] question...?

    I agree on ending discussion of this topic, but if you have any information supporting your claims from a reputable scholar I would like to read it for my own benefit.
  13. W

    Prophet Muhammad [SAW] question...?

    Arafat is an open place, anyone can be present there at any time. Maybe the Messenger :saw: was guided by Allaah to go and stand at arafat, or maybe :saw: was checking out the place, among other possibilities. But I still haven't seen or heard of evidence that he used to do hajj or any act of...
  14. W

    Brothers! Be aware of this.....

    Click on the link for more information.
  15. W

    Do you think that Muslims can peacefully live in the west or should they just leave?

    Walykom Assalaam Warahmatu Allaah, Living in a non-Muslim country is definitely a questionable act at best if there isn't a valid reason for it. Some say living in so-called Muslim countries is worse than living in the west, and there are advantages to living in both. Just the fact that we...