am i crazy?? possosesd?? mad?? help!!!


Junior Member
Happens to me all of the time. I say BismAllah a few times and it goes away. I belive it is a Jinn. I could be wrong, but...vVVVV


Turn To Islam
Happens to me all of the time. I say BismAllah a few times and it goes away. I belive it is a Jinn. I could be wrong, but...vVVVV
Salam Bro,

This sort of thing used to happen to me as well, however the great weight on my chest would stop my body from trying to wake up and when I tried to shout there were no words coming out of my mouth as if I had lost my voice and no one could hear me.

It is a Jin and I found when I prayed Ayat Al Kursi it went away. This sort of thing tends to happen if you face upwards when sleeping. Try sleeping more on your right side of your body it helps.

Despite it being Ramadan bro shaitan can still cause us problems in some way. Allah knows best.



Junior Member

Just another note i noticed it happens to a lot of the brothers?

Secondly say your ayatul qursi and you will be fine inshallah.

Saifu deen


Subhanallah. I think an experienced, pious shiekh would explain those signs if you suspect its a jinn. And the shiekh would only know after reading verses from The Holy Qur'an on you. Otherwise, read ruqya on yourself before you sleep, keep your wudu, make more dhikir, recite the qur'an, the individual have to be tahir ''clean'. And, one must believe that if the whole world come togethe to harm you, they won't harm unless if its written for you, and if the whole world come together to benefit you on something, they wont benefit you unless if its written for you.

And say this dua that our beloved prophet (pbuh) used to protect Al-Hassan (RA) and Al-Hussain (RA):

SAy '' A'aautho be kalimati Allahi Ata'amah min kuli shaytanin wa ha'amah wa min kuli ainin la'amah''

''I commend to the protection of Allah's perfect Words from every devil, vermin, and every evil eye.'



New Member
what you experienced is a classic panic attack. it can happen while you are a sleep and even awake. I will advise you to pray alot. also read ayutul kursi. The same thing has happened to me. I was experiencing the same thing it for three weeks. Only Allah SW knows. And also do not miss any prayers. Read Quran and Surah Jinn, . You will be okay. Pray to Allah because only he knows everything.



this happened a lot to me at one stage of my life. it still happens but not as frequently. I read a scientific explanation for this some where. I will try to look it out for you. other than that I dont think there is anything to worry about.


Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Yeah I actually used to experiance this kind of thing a few years ago. Like I'm on my bed (at night gonna go to sleep) and I usually think about things (that happen during the day or stuff like internet games) and then sometimes I fell asleep out of no where.

But the thing I dreamed was that I was standing up (on my matress but it seemed like it was on the floor) and I fell flat on my face.

That just made my heart seem to fall down. It didn't scare me though, it just made me wake up.

If you ever try falling down (on your back on the matress) then you know what I mean by this.

But I took this thing as a sign from allah that Allah made me feel this so I could wake up and say the dua (since that happened when I didn't), so it was like a warning that Allah gave me. I liked it though, and whenever that happened I've always thought, oh allah, you know best.

ASsalamu Alykum.


Junior Member


a lonely traveller
a-oodu billaah min esh-sheytan nir rajim

I seek refuge with Allaah(swt) from the Satan the Accursed

On friday morning i experienced the most weird thing that has ever happened to me. It was right after fajr prayer. After fajr i went right back to sleep. Then suddenly while lying in my bed i felt this strangest thing that i have ever felt. It felt as if suddenly a great weight was upon me. I felt paralysed and could not move or breath. it felt as if something had entered me and i wasn't control of myself. then suddenly the great weight was gone and i felt it left my body and then i was free. after that i started to shiver alot..

from this experience i raised alot of questions but havent told my family or anyone else. This is the second time something like this has happened.
I am realy scared
i thought first it might be a jinn. i immediatly said surah en-naas and el-falaq after the weight had left me. but i question if it was a jinn because it is ramadhaan and i thought the shaytans are supposed to be locked up during this blessed month. The best way to describe it would be as Great weight and then after a few seconds the weight was gone i shivered alot and i felt really cold.
does anyone with more knowledge then me in religion and in medics know what this great weight could be???
but whatever it is Only Allaah(swt) knows in the end

we selaam

your brother in slavery in Islam

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu my dear brother...Dont worry its actually a Jinn who tries to stop you from praying and tries to create fear in you. I used to get like that almost once or twice in a month. Then I could not speak or my voice wont come out, I start reciting Surahs from Quran in mind. I consulted a Sheikh he told its a Jinn. Best thing you can do is to recite Surah Al Mulk and Surah As Sajdah every night before sleep because Rasul Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam used to recite everytime before he would go to bed. Also from sunset of Thursday till the sunset of Friday, try to recite Surah Al Kahf. Also recite Ayatul Kursi most of the time. Insha Allah you should get rid of it. But remember that it might come back once you get weak on your Eeman. So dont think much about it. Take it as a fight and try to win over it.
Allah Subhanahu wa Taala knows best.


Junior Member
Salam Bro,

This sort of thing used to happen to me as well, however the great weight on my chest would stop my body from trying to wake up and when I tried to shout there were no words coming out of my mouth as if I had lost my voice and no one could hear me.

It is a Jin and I found when I prayed Ayat Al Kursi it went away. This sort of thing tends to happen if you face upwards when sleeping. Try sleeping more on your right side of your body it helps.

Despite it being Ramadan bro shaitan can still cause us problems in some way. Allah knows best.


Likewise here too.I suffered from it a number of times.My Mom too.She always tells me its a Jinn. Its really irritating its like each & every limb of your body is glued to the ground.U can't utter a single word although u wish to scream.It always happens when i sleep facing upwards. Linkgx1 is absolutely right u should try saying "Bismillah" thats the only thing that I can effort to say & the next moment i m @ ease.
Its really helpful & always read Ayat ul Qursi.


New Member
AoA brothers and sisters,
Brother! were you lying straight on your back or were you lying on a side as prescribed in Hadeeth. I do not have a source to quote but I heard some time ago that if you lay down straight on your back, a God created creature (something like a jin) may come and lay down upon you. The weight will control you legs, hands, lips and all excpet your nose. Allah lets you breathe.

Sleep in the sunnah way.

best wishes
Your brother


Junior Member
As-salaam alaikum,

May Allah help you and guide you to the best.

Try to meet with the Imam and find the cause.
Also, try to consult with the physician.

Jazakmullah Hu-Khairan


Turn To Islam
AoA brothers and sisters,
Brother! were you lying straight on your back or were you lying on a side as prescribed in Hadeeth. I do not have a source to quote but I heard some time ago that if you lay down straight on your back, a God created creature (something like a jin) may come and lay down upon you. The weight will control you legs, hands, lips and all excpet your nose. Allah lets you breathe.

Sleep in the sunnah way.

best wishes
Your brother

Salam Bro,

This sort of thing only happened to me when I used to sleep facing upwards. I remember reading once that we should try not to sleep facing upwards as this is the way dead people are buried in their grave.

Maybe someone can research more into this creature that you have mentioned. It would be interesting to see what people come up with providing it's from a reliable source.



Ahle Sunnah wal Jama

We often hear about al-Jathoom, which is a jinni that sits (yajthum) on a person’s chest if he has been neglecting prayer or other duties. Is there anything in the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that mentions that? Or is it a myth and fable?.

Praise be to Allaah.


Al-Jathoom is the kaboos (incubus, evil spirit, nightmare) that descends upon a person in his sleep.

Ibn al-Manzoor said:

Al-Jathaam or al-Jathoom is the kaboos that descends upon a person at night… the one that descends upon a person when he is sleeping is called al-jathoom.

Lisaan al-‘Arab (12/83)

He also said:

The kaboos is the one that descends upon the sleeper at night. And it was said that it is the precursor to epilepsy. One of the linguists said: I do not think that it is an Arabic word; rather it is al-naydalaan; it is also known as al-barook or al-jathoom.

Lisaan al-‘Arab (6/190).


The “jathoom” may be caused by a physical reason, such as eating too much or taking too much medicine, or it may be due to being overpowered by the jinn. The former may be treated by cupping and reducing the intake of food etc. The latter may be treated by means of the Qur’aan and reciting dhikrs that are prescribed in Islam.

Ibn Seena said in his medical book al-Qanoon:

Chapter on al-kaboos:

It is also called al-khaaniq (the strangler), and in Arabic it is also called al-jathoom and al-naydalaan.

Al-kaboos is a disease that a person feels when he is falling asleep and imagines something heavy pressing upon him, squeezing him and constricting his breathing, hence he cannot speak or move, and he is almost suffocated because of the obstruction of his airway. When it goes away, he wakes up immediately. This is the precursor to one of three things: epilepsy, apoplexy or mania. That applies if it is due to physical causes and there is no other non-physical cause. End quote.

Modern doctors say likewise. Dr. Hassaan Shamsi Basha has divided kaboos into two categories: temporary kaboos and recurrent kaboos; he regards the former as being due to physical causes and the latter as being due to the effect of the jinn.

He says in his book al-Nawm wa’l-Araq wa’l-Ahlaam (sleep, insomnia and dreams):

1) Temporary kaboos:

This happens for two reasons:

A- Vapours that rise to the brain through the breathing channels when first falling asleep, so the person afflicted feels that he cannot move or speak, or he feels a kind of panic. This is the precursor of a physical epileptic seizure, and it also happens when one is exposed to psychological pressures.

B- Administration of medicines that can cause kaboos such as:

(i) Arazrabine

(ii) Beta blockers

(iii) Lifod B

(iv) Antidepressants

(v) After stopping the use of tranquillizers such as valium.

2) Recurrent kaboos. This kind of kaboos indicates that a person has been harmed by evil spirits. End quote.


Jathoom refers to kaboos, which is not a myth or fable, rather it is something real that does happen; it may be caused by physical factors or it may be caused by the jinn.

And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A

Also see my post on cupping-

abdul ghaleeb

thanks for all you guys's help
i think what happened to me would be best described as sleep paralysis
thank you brother zak
jazakallaahu khayr


Ahle Sunnah wal Jama
Ok most of the responses ive read about the angels giving u a hug etc is stupid and not from islam.

the trust is it is a certain type of jinn that attacks a person and causes sleep paralysis.

If one of you fails to read ayat al kursi or last two verses of surah baqara before going to sleep might experience this.

It happens because a jinn is sitting on your back or chest.

I personally treat people who have jinn possessions or are affected by black magic on a daily basis. Alhamdulliah most people who feel this sleep paralysis, start taking thier precaustions- like reading the last three surah (3 quls) and blowing on ones hands and wiping over one self as much as one can reach.

You should not be too worried about this sleep paralysis. If you feel something going inside you, or coldness, shivering, pin and needles then you need to be worried,

Thats the sensation people feel when a jinn is trying to enter thier body. in this situation read ayat al qursi and blow on the part of the body that is feeling this strong pins and needles .

Also would advice maybe to have ruqya done on you. Ruqya means to go to a islamic exorcist and get him to read parts of the quran on you to check if there is a jinn inside or any trace of black magic.

Because careful of foneis and scammers. If they ask for your mothers name or your hair or nails or make you a taweeze then this person is a liar and a evil person do not go to him, since he is working with the devils,

The true exorcist will only ask about your condition and read quran on you etc.

if anyone is haing problems then please feel free to contact the email address...



Servant of Allah
well i don't have knowledge about what you're feeling, but this exact same symptom you just described has happened to many of my cousins. it's really scary. they had no control of their body or what they were saying, they would swear at their moms and dads although they didn't want to. it could be the evil eye. in most cases it is either jinn or the evil eye. my cousin( a girl) had many crushes from these guys whom she rejected. the jinn would pretend to be them and get inside her body and start talking. and sometimes she would see the jinn itself and she would describe what it looks like. this started happening to her when her father asked for the hand of another girl for one of his brother's son. but this other guy wanted the girl and the family of the girl rejected the guy. but they let her dad's nephew marry the girl. and so the guy who was rejected was really depressed and the next day my cousin tried to wake up and she couldn't. she felt this weight on her and was unable to breathe. she felt her body becoming cold like when someone is dying. she screamed for her dad and said that she was dying. and it seemed she was but then Allah brought back heat to her body and let her be able to breathe. and this has happened to many more cousins of mine. they even try to attack us when this happens to them. that's why only adults hold them down and read quran on them. anyways tell your family what has happened to you, research more on this and read every dua that is for the evil eye and jinn. Allah swt is merciful. this situation also happened to my friend during ramadan. she heard the quran and started fainting and acting weird. and it was in the mosque, the 'ulama got her home and called this shaykh whom the jinn usually fears. so the shaykh read the quran on the girl, and questioned the jinn. and the jinn started to cry that he would leave the girl alone if the shaykh would stop reading the quran. asalamu alaykum wrwb.


Ahle Sunnah wal Jama
what you described is not evil eye. It is the jinn entering or trying to enter the body of the person. May Allah protect us.

The jinn can only take full control of a person (for a few seconds at a time) if the person is a sinner and does not remember Allah and does not take the precautions mentioned in the sunnah

like the dua for entering the bathroom, bismillah before eating, making zikr after salah, especially after fajr!

Subhan Allah may allah help all my brothers and sisters.


Junior Member
A kind suggestion

Assalamu Alikum brother,:SMILY139:

I would like to always to remind the learning from Quran, where Allah says all the angels, including jinns in his Kingdom to bow in front of man. (where Iblis denied so)

As, it is clearly stated in Quran nothing can equal man in terms of the best creation by Allah the almighty. Even shaythan the maximum he can do is only whisper in your ears.:SMILY286:

Currently he has succeeded in your case by whispering to believe that there is some jinn in your body. And, these things I consider as learned experiences by television movies or heard stories, which makes an individual to relate things with what he has heard.

A psychiatrist may explain better. At last every feeling are signals to your brain. When you touch an object an electrical signal is passed, when you see a color, when you feel hungry, when you taste sweet or sour, when you feel pain.. All are signals. Interpretation of these signals are to be considered. One may consider a metaphysical force is acting on you, or it may be a simple effect of an chemical reaction in your body.

Allahu Alam ( God knows better )

Praying for you,