
New Member
salamo alaikom

to make a long story short. I have sinned. I committed a huge sin. I committed Zina. Not only did I lose my honor and now live in fear but I feel dirty. I feel disgusted and grossed out. I am scared that if I repent for what I did Allah may never forgive me. I have transgressed against Allah repeatedly. Under His Eye I have committed what He hates the most. He Asks His servants to protect their honor. I have by choice done the opposite. I was weak with the person I love. Even though he promised marriage to me. I now fear that Allah will never make it happen as a punishment to both of us. I am afraid Allah will cause me to be scandalized as a punishment for my transgress. I cannot pray. I cannot read Qura'an. I feel filthy. I feel I don't deserve to stand in front of Allah to ask him anything. Don't say repent. Repenting means leaving the sin you have been committing. I don't know if I will have the heart to. I love the person I committed the sin with. He loves me too. But we were both weak. Things are hard and we both weakened. I hate myself. I feel like a hypocrite. I don't know how I will call myself a Muslim anymore. I don't know how I will wear my hijab and walk out of the house. I don't know what to do or where to go. Confusion and worry are eating me up. I want to go pray to Allah. But something stops me. I am weak and dirty. I have repented and asked for forgiveness from Allah so many times but I still go back to the same things I do and times I do worst things. My heart aches. I cannot even hear a talk about religion. Hear athan. Or talk about Allah or Islam. I feel like I don't have the right to do that. I am not worth it. I fear Allah's wrath. I know I should have feared it before I committed anything. But I was too caught up in doing what pleased me. I am a horrible person. I am disgusting. I wish I can disappear. Just go to a place far away. I don't see anybody. Hear anybody. Know anybody. Just be alone. All alone. I really wish that I can. I don't know why I am writing this here. But I am about to explode. The thoughts are making want to go crazy. Just run out of the house aimlessly. I wanted to say something. Steam-off. Get yelled at. Anything. I don't want to suffer in silence. I don't know what I want actually. I am in a hurricane of thoughts. I can't even utter a single prayer for myself. I don't know what to do. I really don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Junior Member
Sister, Allah didnt say,''dont do zinaa'' but He sais,''dont come near to zinaa''. Inother words. If you come near to it, you are already commiting asin. If you with mahram, that is already a sin. If u love each other, why dont you get marry?. Otherwise, you end up, repeating every now and then.


Umm Ismael

Junior Member
Asselemou Alaikum my sister :)

حدثنا أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة حدثنا يزيد بن هارون أنبأنا همام بن يحيى عن قتادة عن أبي الصديق الناجي عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال ألا أخبركم بما سمعت من في رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سمعته أذناي ووعاه قلبي إن عبدا قتل تسعة وتسعين نفسا ثم عرضت له التوبة فسأل عن أعلم أهل الأرض فدل على رجل فأتاه فقال إني قتلت تسعة وتسعين نفسا فهل لي من توبة قال بعد تسعة وتسعين نفسا قال فانتضى سيفه فقتله فأكمل به المائة ثم عرضت له التوبة فسأل عن أعلم أهل الأرض فدل على رجل فأتاه فقال إني قتلت مائة نفس فهل لي من توبة فقال ويحك ومن يحول بينك وبين التوبة اخرج من القرية الخبيثة التي أنت فيها إلى القرية الصالحة قرية كذا وكذا فاعبد ربك فيها فخرج يريد القرية الصالحة فعرض له أجله في الطريق فاختصمت فيه ملائكة الرحمة وملائكة العذاب قال إبليس أنا أولى به إنه لم يعصني ساعة قط قال فقالت ملائكة الرحمة إنه خرج تائبا قال همام فحدثني حميد الطويل عن بكر بن عبد الله عن أبي رافع قال فبعث الله عز وجل ملكا فاختصموا إليه ثم رجعوا فقال انظروا أي القريتين كانت أقرب فألحقوه بأهلها قال قتادة فحدثنا الحسن قال لما حضره الموت احتفز بنفسه فقرب من القرية الصالحة وباعد منه القرية الخبيثة فألحقوه بأهل القرية الصالحة حدثنا أبو العباس بن عبد الله بن إسمعيل البغدادي حدثنا عفان حدثنا همام فذكر نحوه * ( صحيح ) _ دون قوله الحسن لما حضره الموت ... : وأخرجه البخاري ومسلم .




Junior Member

This is truely sad sister, but why dont you contemplate about this:

if you died right now what will you tell Allah azzawajal? take this opportunity that you are still alive and run to Allah! dont wait another second before repenting. Take wudhu and pray two units. Just think of the severity of your actions! not only have you committed the haraam but you've also left the salah! subhanallah! majority of scholar say that the salah is the difference between the kaafir and the muslim!

remember that we all sin and the best of the sinners are the repenters. take a step to Allah and he will run to you!

There's the hadith of rasulullah saw, that the two who love one another should marry. so hasten and marry this person if they are offering you marriage that is far more honourable and better.

May Allah make it easy for you inshaallah.



Junior Member
Walaikomo esalaam warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

The imaan of a muslim decreases when he/she sins, but this does not mean he/she has no imaan. From what you mentioned, it's clear that you hate zina.

The only solution i see is: increasing your imaan by repenting To Allah and doing good deeds.

I know you said:

Don't say repent. Repenting means leaving the sin you have been committing. I don't know if I will have the heart to. I love the person I committed the sin with. He loves me too.

Maybe you love him and he loves you, but keeping doing the wrong thing has nothing to do with love. The real love is to obey Allah and have a good husband whom he loves you because you are a good muslim, that's real love. And not commiting zina.

You have to keep distance from him until he repents and comes to your parents to marry you. That's real love.

Do you have good friends. If not, go and seek good sister to be with. This will strenghten your imaan insha Allah. Don't mention to them your sin. But talk about islam and do good deeds.

Maybe you think you are not strong to do that, but insha Allah you have to try. Don't let shaitaan take you futher away. But repent, that's the real solution.

Do you know the story of the one who killed many people. At the end got the advice to leave the place he was in and to move to an other place and to repent.

Killing so many people is morre terrible than commiting zina. So think about it and take the steps which are required to increase your imaan and to improve your relationship with Allah aza wajal. So please don't think you are not able to take this steps. I know it's very difficult, but you have to go for.

Fi amanillah

Wassalm oelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh


Junior Member
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

dear In Pain,

You must know that by telling about your sin you have committed a greater sin, You revealed the shield that Allah put on you from others not to know about it.
All you had to do since you seem to regret it, Is to repent to Allah and hope for his acceptence.
If you want my advice, Just go make Wudou, Pray 2 Rakat and make dua to Allah to accept your repentance.

Dont let Shaitan control your feelings, This type of love you talking about isnt truly love.. Its all from Shaitan.

May Allah accept you regret and repentance, and fill your heart with Iman and Taqwa.


Junior Member
Assalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

Insha Allah no one knows who she is, so she is not commiting a greater sin by telling us what is happened. She want insha Allah advice and there is no problem in asking advice insha Allah.

Here is fatwa from Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him)

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked:

What should the person who has committed zina do in order to rid himself of the effects of that action of his?

He replied:

Zina is one of the most serious of haraam actions and the worst of major sins. Allaah warns the mushrikeen, murderers and adulterers of multiple punishments on the Day of Resurrection, and of eternal humiliation and torment, because of the seriousness and abhorrence of their crimes, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And those who invoke not any other ilaah (god) along with Allaah, nor kill such person as Allaah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse — and whoever does this shall receive the punishment.

69. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace;

70. Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds”

[al-Furqaan 25:68-70]

The one who has fallen into such sin has to repent to Allaah sincerely, and follow that with sincere belief and righteous deeds. Repentance is sincere if the penitent gives up the sin, regrets what has happened in the past and resolves never to go back to it, out of fear of Allaah and awe of Him, hoping for His reward and fearing His punishment. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And verily, I am indeed forgiving to him who repents, believes (in My Oneness, and associates none in worship with Me) and does righteous good deeds, and then remains constant in doing them (till his death)”

[Ta-Ha 20:82]

Every Muslim man and Muslim woman must beware of this great evil and the things that lead to it, and hasten to repent from whatever is already past. Allaah will accept the repentance of those who are sincere and forgive them.

Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 9/442

Salaam oelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh


Junior Member
The Prophet of Allah, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, “All of my people are forgiven, except those who are keen on exposing their misdeeds. A man could commit a sin during the night and wake up in the morning to find that Allah has not exposed his actions to the people. He will tell another man of his sin. Allah concealed him during the night and he woke up to expose himself.” (Agreed Upon)

Umm Ismael

Junior Member
The Prophet of Allah, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, “All of my people are forgiven, except those who are keen on exposing their misdeeds. A man could commit a sin during the night and wake up in the morning to find that Allah has not exposed his actions to the people. He will tell another man of his sin. Allah concealed him during the night and he woke up to expose himself.” (Agreed Upon)

are keen on exposing their misdeeds: when someone just talk about his misdeeds and when people knows the person who is talking. but here she is asking and searching help without exposing her name.

Allah knows best

May Allah help you sister
We all pray for you inche Allah
the Mercy of Allah is so great.. just go to Allah and repent with a sincere heart and never do that again :)



Left long ago
Does'nt matter how big the sin is...Allah is Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful. His mercy encompasses heavens and earth. May Allah help you to seek repentence and to stay away from this.

May Allah make Straigh path and guidance easy for all of us.

Umm Ismael

Junior Member
12:87] "O my sons, go fetch Joseph and his brother, and never despair of GOD's grace. None despairs of GOD's grace except the disbelieving people."
‏{‏إِنَّهُ لاَ يَيْأَسُ مِن رَّوْحِ اللَّهِ إِلاَّ الْقَوْمُ الْكَافِرُونَ‏}‏ ‏[‏يوسف‏:‏ 87‏.‏‏]

[15:56] He said, "None despairs of his Lord's mercy, except the strayers."
وَمَن يَقْنَطُ مِن رَّحْمَةِ رَبِّهِ إِلاَّ الضَّآلُّونَ‏}‏ ‏[‏الحجر‏:‏ 56‏


salamo alaikom

to make a long story short. I have sinned. I committed a huge sin. I committed Zina. Not only did I lose my honor and now live in fear but I feel dirty. I feel disgusted and grossed out. I am scared that if I repent for what I did Allah may never forgive me. I have transgressed against Allah repeatedly. Under His Eye I have committed what He hates the most. He Asks His servants to protect their honor. I have by choice done the opposite. I was weak with the person I love. Even though he promised marriage to me. I now fear that Allah will never make it happen as a punishment to both of us. I am afraid Allah will cause me to be scandalized as a punishment for my transgress. I cannot pray. I cannot read Qura'an. I feel filthy. I feel I don't deserve to stand in front of Allah to ask him anything. Don't say repent. Repenting means leaving the sin you have been committing. I don't know if I will have the heart to. I love the person I committed the sin with. He loves me too. But we were both weak. Things are hard and we both weakened. I hate myself. I feel like a hypocrite. I don't know how I will call myself a Muslim anymore. I don't know how I will wear my hijab and walk out of the house. I don't know what to do or where to go. Confusion and worry are eating me up. I want to go pray to Allah. But something stops me. I am weak and dirty. I have repented and asked for forgiveness from Allah so many times but I still go back to the same things I do and times I do worst things. My heart aches. I cannot even hear a talk about religion. Hear athan. Or talk about Allah or Islam. I feel like I don't have the right to do that. I am not worth it. I fear Allah's wrath. I know I should have feared it before I committed anything. But I was too caught up in doing what pleased me. I am a horrible person. I am disgusting. I wish I can disappear. Just go to a place far away. I don't see anybody. Hear anybody. Know anybody. Just be alone. All alone. I really wish that I can. I don't know why I am writing this here. But I am about to explode. The thoughts are making want to go crazy. Just run out of the house aimlessly. I wanted to say something. Steam-off. Get yelled at. Anything. I don't want to suffer in silence. I don't know what I want actually. I am in a hurricane of thoughts. I can't even utter a single prayer for myself. I don't know what to do. I really don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my sister in Islam Allah loves us all and He can never see us all in pain.
As Allah says in the Qur'an :“Say, ‘O My servants, who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of God: for God forgives all sins, for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.’” (39:53)
So sister do not despair.Infact sometimes our biggest sins can be the source of our salvation,they humiliate us to such a degree that the seed of piteousness mixed with the sweetness of repentance makes our Imaan grow.
So sister turn to Allah with repenantance for He forgives all sins for Allah is Oft-forgiving ,Most Merciful.


Junior Member
sister, May Allah forgive you for what you have done and may you find peace and solace in your heart through repentance.(InshaAllah)

Is there still a chance? Can my sins be forgiven? I have committed all kinds of sins, can I get them wiped out? Would Allah really accept me after years of deviation and defiance? These are some of questions that haunt many people when they think of repentance (tawbah) and decide to do away with their shameful past.

The answer to these painful questions was provided by our beloved teacher, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He related to us the story of a man who murdered not one, two, or even a dozen of people. He slew 100 people but was still eager to repent and turn over a new leaf.

How did Allah receive such a person? Did Allah accept him or kick him out of His mercy? Let’s start our journey with this man and try to take lessons from each juncture in his story:

Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “He was directed to a monk. He came to him and told him that he had killed 99 people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted.”

Ninety-nine persons were murdered by this man, but his heart was still alive. His conscience pricked him and he felt the innate disposition towards good. He was ashamed of his black record and wanted to rectify it. He actually made the decision to repent and followed this decision with the first practical steps. This is an important point, in fact, for procrastination is one of the evilest satanic traps. Sometimes, you feel enthusiastic and eager to correct your path, but if you do not turn these wishes into deeds, the wishes quickly abate. They are merely daydreams, castles in the air.

There is still another lesson to be considered: When looking for a counselor, this murderer asked about the most learned person on earth. This teaches us to be careful when seeking a fatwa or advice. When you get sick or have something wrong with you, you go to the best doctor. When you intend to build a house, you go to the best architect. We should bear in mind that the matter of religion is far more serious.

Now, did the person to whom our remorseful murderer was referred rise up to the expectations? Let’s see:

“He replied in the negative and the man killed him also, completing one hundred. He then asked about the most learned man on the earth. He was directed to a scholar.”

Alas, the monk was not qualified to give advice on such matters. He was a monk dedicating his life to worship and devotion. But this is not sufficient to give counsel and fatwas to people. To do so, one needs to be a knowledgeable scholar who is well-acquainted with the principles and teachings of Islam. This setback, however, did not prevent the man from pursuing, once again, the path of Allah. This is an important point because many people give in after the first failure, and only one obstacle is enough to make them retrace their steps.

Now, the murderer is referred to a reliable scholar.

“He [the murderer] told him that he had killed 100 people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. The scholar replied in the affirmative and asked, ‘Who stands between you and repentance?’”

This is the right answer. Allah’s mercy is wide open and He Almighty is ready to receive the sincere repentant. But, is it enough to just say “I repent”? Is repentance a matter of lip service and ritual formalities? Let’s see what the advice of the knowledgeable scholar was:

“‘Go to such-and-such land; there (you will find) people devoted to worship of Allah. Join them in worship, and do not come back to your land because it is an evil place.’”

So, break your repentance down into practical steps. Abandon anything that attracts you to your sinful past; avoid bad friends who tempt you to sin; ready yourself for the new life by preparing a helpful environment.

“So he went away and hardly had he covered half the distance when death overtook him; and there was a dispute between the angels of mercy and the angels of torment. The angels of mercy pleaded, ‘This man has come with a repenting heart to Allah,’ and the angels of punishment argued, ‘He never did a virtuous deed in his life.’ Then there appeared another angel in the form of a human being and the contending angels agreed to make him arbiter between them. He said, ‘Measure the distance between the two lands. He will be considered belonging to the land to which he is nearer.’ They measured and found him closer to the land (of piety) where he intended to go, and so the angels of mercy collected his soul.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

This is the happy end. True, this person did not do one single good act and his record was as black as coal. But, no problem; since he embarked upon the journey to Allah, Allah would not reject him. So here is a man who killed 100 people, but his repentance was accepted and he was welcomed.

Do you still believe that your sins are too much to be forgiven? Are you still hesitant to start your own journey?


Junior Member
may allah forgive.....

salam alikoum,
may allah swt prevent the brothers and sisters from what you cmmited, it is indeed the most horrible sin someone can do.
here you can see, why allah swt forbided dating, can you see the result....prophet mohamed pbuoh said, if someone stay alone with a non muhram lady, then the shaytan is the third one....
at the time of prophet mohamed pbuoh , whoever commited this, will have to pass through the punishement in this life in order to meet allah clean from that, but infortunately now, this punishement is no longer taken in consideration, and the solution as the muslims scholars says is the honest repenting to allah, and you should regret from what you done and never come back again to do it.
and be sure that allah swt said in the quran, that he forgive any sin, regardless of its size, but he does not forgive shirk.
my advice to you is to stay far away from this disobediant man, there is nothing good with him,
may allah swt forgive you ameen,
wa salam alikoum


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum..

sister, evidently you wrote this post because you feel bad and because a piece of your soul and mind feels there is inshallah a way to ask ALLAH for his forgiveness and guidance.

ALLAH ta3ala is the oft forgiving, however..you are being very very hypocrit if you ask for forgiveness but yet you are sure you will commit the same sin with the same person over again..maybe even a day after having repent to ALLAH ta3ala..

a repentance will only be accepted if its sound and a 100 % meant.

if you love this person so much, and its not just lust...yall could marry and end this mossiba...because wolahi sister this is a mossiba..a terrible thing to do.

how can a muslim love another person more then he loves ALLAH ta3ala?? and even worse, how can your love for another human being be stronger than the fear of ALLAH...

zina is no joke, its a disaster..repent sister and avoid this..avoid the man that helps you in this..untill its halal for you 2 to do so.

aselemu aleikum and inshallah you will repent and by doing so come closer to ALLAH azza wajall.


Junior Member

Sister, Allah (SWT) is the most forgiving...the most merciful, so if anyone's going to pardon you, it will be Him.

It's never to late to repent or change yourself or your life, maybe this is a wake up call for you.

So instead of avoiding Allah (SWT), aviod sinning. You have to answer Him one day, might aswell be now.

This is a story I remember reading on the forum, inshAllah it will benefit you.

May Allah (SWT) guide you to the straight path. Ameen. :tti_sister:

The story of the Shaykh from Azhar and the Prostitute

This was narrated by Shaykh Ali Tantawi [May Allah have mercy on him] in his memoir about Shaykh Ahmad Al-Zayaat [May Allah have mercy on him].

Shaykh Ali Tantawi said:

“The Shaykh (Ahmad Al-Zayaat) was a teacher, who did not know anything of this world except: The Azhar where he used to teach, the house he used to live in, and the road between them.

As years passed by, and he got older, his health started to deteriorate, and he needed to rest. So the doctor forced him to take some time off, and suggested that he goes somewhere away from his place of work and residence, and advised him to enjoy the quietness and calmness of the parks next to the Nile.

So one day, the Shaykh went out and stopped a carriage (as cars were not that available at the time). He told the driver: My son, take me to a nice place were I can enjoy the view and relax.

The driver of the carriage, however, was a wicked person, and took the Shaykh to a place which had several prostitution houses.

After arriving he told the Shaykh: Here [we are].

The Shaykh said: O son, Magrib prayer is drawing near, where can I pray? Take me first to the Masjid.

The Driver [pointing to one of those houses] said: The Masjid is over there.

The door [of the place] was open, and the lady running that house was sitting, in the manner those like her usually sit.

When the Shaykh saw her, he lowered his gaze. He saw a seat, so he headed there and sat, waiting for the Call for prayer (Adhan).

The woman in confusion, just stared at him.

What brought that man here?

He doesn’t look like any of her regular customers.

She kept thinking to herself, but did not dare ask him what he was doing here.

What kept her from asking was the shyness that remained in her heart, even as a prostitute. However, that shyness only appears in front of people of Piety.

He, on the other hand, kept doing Tasbeeh (saying Subhan Allah), whilst looking at his watch, until he heard the Adhan of Maghrib from far away.

He asked her: Where is the Moazin (Person who calls for prayers) here?

Why didn’t he call for prayer when the time entered?

Are you his daughter?

She … kept silent.

He waited for a while, and then said: My daughter, Maghrib time is short, and it is not permissible to delay it, and I do not see anyone here, so if you have your Wudu (ablution) then pray behind me Jama’ah.

He gave the call for prayer, and without looking at her, as he was about to give the Iqamah, he noticed stillness behind him?!

He asked: What is wrong? Don’t you have your Wudu?

All of a sudden, as if her Iman (Faith) woke up and she remembered the old days. The days when she was filled with purity, and was away from sin, she started to cry loudly, and threw herself at his feet.

The Shaykh surprised, did not know in what way he can calm her.

She then, started narrating her story.

He saw in her words great regret, and felt the truth in her repentance. He realized the sincerity in what she was saying, so he told her: Listen, my daughter, to what the Lord of all creation says:

{Say, “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the Mercy of Allah. Indeed Allah forgives all sins …”} (39:53).

All sins, my daughter, all sins …

The door of repentance is open to every sinner and it is so wide that it can encompass them all no matter how heavy their load [of sins] is … even Kufr.

So whoever believes in the All Mighty and repents before the hour of his death comes, is sincere in his repentance, and renews his Islam, Allah will accept him.

Allah, my dear daughter, is the most Generous of all. Did you ever hear of anyone generous shutting the door in the face of those who come seeking him?

Stand up and go wash yourself, and cover yourself. Go and clean your skin with water and your heart with repentance and regret. Approach your Lord, and I will wait for you.

But do not delay, so that we do not miss Maghrib prayer.

She did as he asked, and returned to him with a new dress and a new heart. She stood behind him and prayed. She felt and tasted the sweetness of that prayer, and felt that this prayer purified her heart.

When the prayer was over, he told her: Come with me, and try to cut every relation you have with this place and everyone in it. Try to erase the time you spent here from your memory.

Consistently ask Allah for his forgiveness, and do as many righteous deeds as you can.

Verily, adultery is not as big a sin as Kufr, and Hind [bint ‘Utbah – May Allah be pleased with her], who was a disbeliever and had animosity in her heart to the Prophet of Allah. After that she became from the righteous believers, and we started saying: Allah is well-pleased with her.

The Shaykh then took her to a house of righteous ladies, and then found her a righteous husband and advised him to take good care of her” 1/252.

[Original writer in Arabic forum said]: Notice [May Allah shower you with Mercy] the state of this woman, how she was and how she changed. It was nothing more than simple words from an old man that led her into changing her life upside down.

So if you only think how many people are just like this woman.

People who are drowning in filth, people who the dust from their sins gathered around their hearts shedding away its light.

These sins caused them to see the Truth as Falsehood and the Falsehood as Truth.

How much are they in need of one to take them by their hands, and to clear the dust away from their hearts.

They do not need complicated educational and behavioral philosophical treatments, or theories in the manners of interaction and persuasion. Neither are they in need of complicated statements.

What they truly need is for someone to feel sorry for them and for their state … Someone to understand their situation and to hope for their guidance … Someone who would speak a word that would leave his heart, [and touch theirs]. A word which he seeks nothing from except the Face of Allah.

After this the light, that was for so long covered with sins, would emerge and their souls would return to its Fitrah, and would return to its harmony with the universe and to the true manner of life.

Taken from: http://www.turntoislam.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41388


Blessed Muslimah
Asalamu alaykum dear sister my heart hurts for you with all this advice given the only thing i can add is never lose the hope for allah forgiving you for if allah wanted he could forgive us all if we would only ask for forgiveness sincerly allah is able to forgive all things i will make dua for you my sister just turn to allah and ask allah we can not help you only allah can :tti_sister:

May allah forgive us all and have mercy on us all i hope and pray allah forgives us and guides us to his light Ameen :tti_sister:

wa alaykumu salam

if you ever feel weak speak to allah he is always watching you he knows what you are going through so keep allah in mind through your tough times and easy times and allah will reward you inshallah


Junior Member
Dear Sister,


May the peace, mercy and blessings of ALLAH be upon you

PRAY TO ALLAH and ask forgiveness from him because ALLAH IS MOST KIND, MERCIFUL AND BENEFICIENT!

Increase your eemaan, dont loose your heart keep 100% faith on ALLAH.


May ALLAH bless you with patience
