
This is a poem I wrote for the dedication section of my yearbook. Especially because this year one of my teachers and one of my teacher's husband have been diagnosed with cancer. The Muslim brother has stage 3 cancer. Please make du'a for him.

It’s been noted that the Prophet (SAW) has said “The Muslim Ummah is like the human body, when one part of it aches, the entire body aches.” Often times we get so caught up in our lives that we don’t stop to think about the state we (Muslims as a whole) are in. We forget our brothers and sisters across the world who are suffering and aren’t they, the bearers of pain, stronger then us? This poem is dedicated to all those who are going through the trials of this life. May we remember to pray for them and offer strength to their families.

As I reflect back on this year
I recall the pain that came to those whom we’re near
Despite the pain
We shouldn’t complain
Because from this, there’s been knowledge to gain
I’ve seen the scar over his heart
Reminder of when his life hit restart.
I’ve seen him fall victim to a cancerous cell
I’ve watched as allergic reaction to chemo caused his body to swell
I’ve heard of my teacher’s husband
A Muslim brother,
Become yet another prey to cancer
And so soon after the birth of his son
Right after his little daughter,
Became an older sister
And as I watch the Muslim family
I see the reality.
We don’t control our life in its entirety.
Despite complaining about our misery,
In times of grief we’re in unity.
I’ve seen the strongest people fall
Answering to His call
I’ve heard the whispered prayers,
Seen the tearful pleas
So remember the Muslim family
In your prayers, please
And gain strength from the fact that
After pain comes ease.


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum dear sister:)
SubhanaAllah! it's such a beautiful poem:)
May Allah subhanahu wata'ala have mercy on your teachers and may Allah give their families patience. Ameen ya Allah, Ya rabal Alameen.

JazakaAllah khairan for sharing dear sister:)
Allah hafiz NOW and ALWAYS:)


very nice poem sister...
u should write a book about poems:)
mashallah u are very very good


The brother whom I was talking about passed away early this summer. I pray that Allah gives his family the strength to carry on. Keep them in your prayers and pray for his wife. She has two babies to raise by herself.