

Junior Member
salam alll :)

i have a question,

i understand pologamy is permitted in some cases, however i was quite hurt to come accross a website saying that a reason for pologamy would be if your wife is barren........................

i dont know maybe im mad, but is this really legitimate???

what about if you find out your husband is barren, would u then just desert him and marry someone else???????

isnt this a completely uncompassionate act??????

just like if you become pregnant and tests reveal ur child will be born with servere disabilities and deformaties, would u just get rid of it???

isnt then this ( ur spose being barren) a trail from allah????

i think for a women them being in most cases the more naturally maternal, it would be even more difficult for her give up a chance of having a child in order to remain loyal to her husband.

so pologamy being a reason here... i cant quite get my head round it???

brothers and sisters i AM NOT disputing pologamy!!!!

so please understand where i am coming from:)

i would appreciate everyones input



to Allah we belong

yes, muslims have to be compassionate but practical as well. its natural that a man wants to have children.

if his first wife cannot bear children and he marries a second wife, there should be no criticism. in polygamy, he should give love and equal time to his first wife as well. but in socieies where there is no polygamy, the first wife is divorced and thrown out as if she was a garbage.

also, if a woman's husband is barren, she has a right to get divorce. if one of the husband-wife is barren and they dont want to marry anyone, its ok. its not obligatory to marry someone else.

PS: if we find something in Islam which we cant understand, just keep in heart that Allah is right and we are wrong. inshallah, soon ur heart will open to know the things deeply. its my personal experience.:)


Junior Member

Thankyou for your input, however saying that in western societies where pologamy isnt practised means the women is just discarded off is not completely true as many couple try, adoption, ivf treatment, surrogacy etc,, and futhermore, isnt a women 'disgarding' of her husband if he cant bear her children??????

yes i agree its only natural for both a man and a woman to desire for children, just as its only natural to be devestated that u cannot have them, having to then also then accept being left by ur wife or your husband marrying again must paralyse those who have to go through that!!!!

personal ive wanted children since i can remember, probably more then ive wanted to marry, but if my husband couldnt bear children, i wouldnt be so callous as to 'discard' of him for just my own desires, at his time of need.... wouldnt it not be correct to bear the circumstance with patience
after all isnt allah with the one who is patient???
isnt divorce the most hated thing in the sight of allah?????
besides havent the two promised to stand by each other, or is marriage just all about children or what the other one can give u?????

futhermore how must the new wife feel, being entered into the marriage to bear children................how about if she cant bear children ethier???? what then marry another?????

or what about if the new wife bears a child that is born with complex and multiple disabilities????????? and continues to bear children all of which have profound disabilties, errr is the husband then just going to continue to marry until he gets a suitable heir?????

or what about if its the husbands or wife (ardent natural desire :) ) to bear a boy, yet their spouse only bears them daughters then what marry another????????

and neither man or women is capable of loving a human equally, maybe in materialistic terms yes but not in love.

the quran qoute below.
You are never able to be fair and just as between women( wives) even if it is your ardent desire,

although pologamy is permitted in some respects, why do some men take it soo lightly after the above qoute from the quran?????????

do they forget that they will stand beofore there lord and be accountable for all that they do??????

i did understand ur final comment and thought it was very wise, i do agree there are some things that we cannot understand and allah swt knows best, but i wanted to know if this is actually a valid reason for pologamy and divorce??? and where does the line stop is marriage really that flippent

Hana Askar

Junior Member
Wa alaikum asalaam

So many questions going on in here sister and the issue must be really bothering you :)

Honslty i think that it all depends on the husband/wife if they want to stick and carry on the marriage even after finding out they can't have children. there are many muslim couples that can't have children and have tried everything such as adoption, surgery etc and traveled around to check with so many doctors. They don't just give up and say; right your divorced...!!!

There are so many cases that the error is from the husband and the wife refuses to leave the husband even though he tells her that its okay if she does so and vice versa. I seen a case in the middle east about a husband and a wife that have been trying to have a child for over 25 years ..!! they have been so patience and refused to leave each other and after all these years Allah has given them a child ..!! MashaAllah.

Muslims are not all the same so you cannot expect them all to either accept their parterns or leave them just like that.

Those who are patience will insha'Allah receive their reward.


Building Bridges
The Prophet (saw) told us that we would follow the ways of those before us so much so that if they were to crawl into the hole of a lizard, we would follow.

This Hadeeth, as explained by the Prophet (saw), refers to the extent to which Muslims will go in following the sunnah of the Jews and Christians. Naturally, this following of the Jews and Christians is at the expense of following the Sunnah of Allah’s Messenger (saw).

Evidence that Muslims have abandoned the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) in favor of the sunnah of the Jews and Christians is evident in nearly every aspect of their lives. Even Muslims who think of themselves as following the way of the salaf (pious predecessors) have been unable to escape the influence of the Jews and Christians in this respect, and one of the most apparent proofs of this is Muslims’ view of polygamy.

Polygamy, which in this context refers to a man marrying more than one wife, has been practiced for thousands of years. It was permitted by Allah and thus was practiced by the early prophets and religious people, and proof for this can be found in many historical texts, including today’s version of the Bible. When the Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (saw), Allah continued to permit men to marry more than one woman, but men were limited to marrying a maximum of four at one time. As is well known, polygamy was a normal practice at the time of the Prophet (saw), who himself practiced polygamy until he died. Even long after the Prophet (saw) died, the practice of polygamy survived and was viewed by Muslim societies as both natural and normal. However, this view of polygamy underwent tremendous change as Muslims began to adopt the culture and beliefs of non-Muslims, namely the West.

The West, although it professes a Christian heritage, has recently become best known for its abandonment of religion in favor of human whims and desires. Consequently, morality has been replaced by immorality and good by evil so much so that the West more often than not confuses the two. What was once considered righteous is now considered sacrilegious and vice versa. Naturally, this has resulted in the most detrimental moral decline witnessed by America. Vices such as homosexuality, fornication, and adultery are flaunted and championed as being natural, praiseworthy, and healthy. Marriage has lost the respect it once had and is now merely a highly decorated, costly production that is done more out of habit than any desire to live honorably with one another. Even after marriage, it is a normal practice for one or both spouses live in adultery, which is a praiseworthy act in America, where the sin is glamorized in music, television, and movies. Much of this came about after women fought for their “liberation” and headed what some refer to as a “sexual revolution.” This movement resulted in the abandonment and demonizing of anything that American women found “oppressive,” which included modest dress, women’s traditional roles, and, of course, polygamy.

Undoubtedly, Muslims have been influenced by the Women’s Liberation Movement where polygamy is concerned, but they are in varying degrees in the effect this has had on their lives. Some Muslims have embraced the movement’s views wholeheartedly and openly reject as “backward” and “oppressive” what Allah has allowed of men marrying up to four women. Fortunately, most Muslims recognize this stance as disbelief, and in wishing to hold on to their religion, they approach the issue of polygamy more moderately. However, remnants of the Western view on polygamy is still evident in most Muslims’ lives.

The most common approach of Muslims when addressing the issue of polygamy is to view plural marriage as the exception and monogamy as the norm. This approach is so prevalent that the statement “one [wife] is best for you” can be found in one of the most widely spread translations of the Qur’an although no such statement or implication can be found in the Arabic Qur’an. What Allah says on the matter can be translated to mean,

“Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if you fear that you will not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice” (4:3).

If any “norm” were derived from this verse, it would be that of polygamy. For if I were to say to a person, “Give me 10, 20, or 30 dollars, but if you fear this will be too much for you, then give me only five,” the person will immediately recognize that my preference is, at minimum, 10 dollars. Although all of us would recognize this in the case of the money example, the West has influenced us so greatly that we would conclude that the Qur’anic verse on polygamy is referencing monogamy as the norm.

Another common approach of Muslims to the issue of polygamy is to allow it only under certain strict conditions, although no such conditions existed during the time of the Prophet (saw) or his companions and were not stipulated by any of the earlier Muslims. Among the most popular “conditions” on polygamy is that the second, third, or fourth wife must be widowed, divorced with several children, extremely poor with no prospect of marriage by a single brother, or physically disabled so much so that it is unlikely any single brother would marry her. Other conditions include the stipulation that all single Muslim brothers in the local area must be married before a man can marry another wife. Possibly the most widespread of these conditions is that the “first wife” must give her approval, otherwise it is prohibited for the man to marry another woman. However, none of these conditions are based in Islam but, rather, are offshoots of the Western position that frowns upon the allowance and views polygamy as something that should be avoided.

What further complicates the issue of polygamy where following the Sunnah is concerned is that even for those Muslims who do not believe in such conditions, they are likely to harbor some dislike for it in their hearts, a dislike that is often manifested in their discussions on the topic. In circles of women, it is rare that one finds the subject discussed in a positive light. Rather, when the issue is brought up, one of the first points that sisters are likely to make is that most men do not do it correctly, therefore, it should be avoided. Another point is that most men cannot afford it, therefore, they shouldn’t do it. Whether or not these points have validity is not relevant to the discussion of polygamy because the issue here is the proposed solution and not the existence of a problem. In both cases where a problem was presented, the conclusion was: avoid polygamy. However, this logic would be viewed as absurd when applied to any other aspect of religion. If we take for example reading the Qur’an, it is undeniable that most of us approach this task incorrectly, but who would propose that we abandon it to solve the problem? Furthermore, no one would deny that monogamous marriages have their share of problems, but who would propose that we abandon marriage completely to solve the problem? What this evidences is that the real problem is not polygamy being done incorrectly or men not being able to afford it but that the West’s frowning upon polygamy has infiltrated our hearts and minds so greatly that even when we analyze basic problems in our community, we see no solution except that which the West would propose.

What is most surprising about Western influence in the matter of polygamy is that even when polygamy is practiced by Muslim men and women, those in a polygamous situation may carry with them some of the West’s thinking on the matter. For example, in the West when a married man has a relationship with another woman, it is assumed that his wife is lacking in her ability to please him, that his marriage is an unhappy one, or that his wife has wronged him in some way. The reason for these assumptions is that since the West views monogamy as “normal” and polygamy as “abnormal,” it is necessary that something wrong has occurred in the marriage to “push” the man to having a relationship with someone else. Thus, explanations are sought for the “abnormal” occurrence of a man desiring another woman. However, in Islam, where polygamy is the natural result of how Allah created men, no such “explanation” is needed. Nevertheless, Muslims, particularly women in a polygamous situation, may seek explanations for the polygamy occurring. The “first wife” (along with much of the Muslim community) will likely assume that she is not pleasing her husband, that he is unhappy in the marriage, or that she has wronged him in some way. The “second wife” will likely assume the same and thus believe that she has come in to fix a problem or fill some void. Consequently, she may be confused if her husband takes a “third wife,” or she may feel proud that she has been chosen to solve his marriage “problems”. These views are further complicated because the Muslims in the local community will likely reaffirm that this is the case.

The influence of the West on Muslims’ approach to polygamy is tremendous, and, like all aspects of this religion, Islam’s view on the matter must be reclaimed. Although, admittedly, polygamy is a sensitive topic because of women’s natural jealousy, Muslims cannot relegate the practice to one that must be avoided, done “only when absolutely necessary,” or one that is an exception to the rule. Polygamy, although not obligatory for men or women to partake in, is a part of this religion and is a mercy from Allah that affords women many benefits when practiced properly-by both men and women. The West, a society that is drowning in sin and confusion, cannot possibly serve as a rightful example to Muslims on this issue. Islam offers Muslims the best way of life in all aspects of their affairs on this earth, but this can only be realized when holding firm to both the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Although it is a fact that Muslims in general will following the ways of the Jews and the Christians, the Prophet (saw) also taught us that there will always be a group of Muslims upon the truth. If we wish to be among them, we have to shed whatever remnants of Western influence has entered our lives, especially as it relates to marriage and family-which includes accepting wholeheartedly Islam’s view on polygamy.

Ref> http://www.islamicnetwork.com/index...amination_of_western_influences_on_the_issue/



Junior Member
well marriage should be done for the person's deen. if the intention is right, there should be no problems.
polygny is impractical nowadays for the average man with a 9 to 5 job. where will he find the time and the money (everything x 2)? so unless a man is super rich, it would be very difficult for him to be just between his wives emotionally, spiritually and economically.
salam alll :)

i have a question,

i understand pologamy is permitted in some cases, however i was quite hurt to come accross a website saying that a reason for pologamy would be if your wife is barren........................


it is allowed in Islam, read the surat Yusuf, his father, Yaqub, ra had 2 wives.

but on a personal level,

one of my relatives, who passed a way years ago, Allah yarhama, married 3 women and they all lived in the same house. One of them is still alive today. The girls asked her about how she felt about other women.

She said, that was the best thing that happened to her. All the chores became less of a burden on her. And they all got along with the best of companionship. she over 100 years of age now.

sorry probably not what you want to here, but it is a part of life.



Assalaam walaikum,

The issue of polygamy is critical in Islam. If we understand Islam to be the perfect way to live we have to follow its dictates. Marriage is the backbone of society.
Most people have a visceral reaction. We have to rise above this to understand that anything that Allah subhana talla allows us is good for the entire Ummath.
There have been numerous threads on this subject. I recall one that must have been six pages. Please go back and read some of the earlier issues.
The bottom line is: We are all striving for junnath. And to enter junnath you would wish for your sister that which you have for yourself.
If my husband were barren would I leave him, no. If I were barren would I encourage him to have a second wife. Yes. Think of the blessings that Allah subhana talla would send down upon the first wife.
We confuse romantic western love with Love.

Do not allow the excuse of money to prevent yourself from the Path of Allah subhana talla. Pray tell what does 9to 5 have to do with a raising a Muslim family. If we put Islam first..Allah subhana talla creates a path.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

"And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphan-girls, then marry (other) women of your choice, two or three, or four but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or (the captives and the slaves) that your right hand possess. That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice." 4:3

This ayat clearly explain that a man is allowed to marry up until 4 women but if he fears that he will cause injustice to his wives, he should stick to having one wife only. And having said that, we must admit that when it comes to feelings in the heart, it is truly difficult to make it just.

Reading the seerah of Prophet Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa salam, even there occurs some misunderstanding and jealousy among his wives especially with Ummul Mukminin A'ishah radiyallahu anha who easily gets jealous. But remember that during Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa salam marriage with Saidatina Khadijah radiyallahu anha, he never married anyone else.

Its not easy going through marital life itself and how easy would it be then if a man have more commitments (i.e for having more wives). In the end sister, its all up to the man doing the polygamy whether he is able to fulfill his duties to his families with just or vice versa.

I would just like to share the information carried out through a research at my place on polygamy. Well we can say that it is quite a practice here for men to marry more than one but its usually due to the lack of understanding behind the hikmah why Allaah allows polygamy. The statistics of the research showed that most men who have more than 1 wife will usually feel 'regret' after having married the second wife. At first its all about loveee but eventually its just responsibilties that he must fulfills to his wives. And knowing someone close to me who does polygamy, its not easy at all if a man marry more than one not for the sake of Allaah but for other reasons. It really is a HUGE responsibility and it doesnt only ends there, on Yaum Qiyamah, he will have to answers Allaah regarding his duties on BOTH/ALL of his wives and families.

So, an ustaz here once said that "Make yourself happy with just one wife". :)


Wassalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.


New Member

The words of Quran are great. In the eye of the west, polygamy may seems to be illegal or oppressive to women in general , it is a blessing and God love for women. For example in the west, a man who has a wife at home can still go further to have illegal sexual relationship with other women outside his marriage without the conscience of household wife, but this is also polygamy with sin attached to it because any act of sexual relationship between a man and a woman who are not legally married to each other is a great sin in islam.


Assalaam walaikum,

I know I am old but what does research have to do with the Will of Allah?

Polygamy is a solution to social problems. Why do people limit polygamy to a physical situation. We have to be responsible to the needs of our times. There are many Muslim women who are willing to become second wives. Polygamy is a solution to dire economic needs.


Junior Member
Women need plenty of time and attention apart from all the material needs (house, clothes, food etc). Most people forget that part! Here is a conservative weekly schedule

sleep = 8 x 7 = 56
commuting = 2 x 7 = 14
work (9 to 5 job) = 8 x 5 = 40
bathing + prayers = 1 x 7 = 7
meals + tv + net + gym/hobby = 3 x 7 = 21
total time spent per week = 138 hrs
total time available per week = 7 x 24 = 168 hrs

that leaves 30 hrs per week of free time for a normal man. There maybe part time work, parents, children, friends, other relatives which leave little time for a couple to spend with each other. But, if you add a second (or third) wife into the picture it gets scary!?

basically what im saying is that polygny is difficult in today's world for the average man. On the other hand if you're a millionaire skeikh then off course that frees up some 40 hrs per week. the other solution is to marry low maintenance wives instead of the prima donnas. But, overall in this day and age, i think its wise to keep happy the one bird in hand rather then having two or more in hand with most of them being unhappy?!

regarding barren men/women, although most people want to have their own children but what about adopting orphans? There is a huge reward for those who take care of orphans. At the end of the day it all comes down to the people involved but the above was my opinion and the reasoning behind it.


Assalaam walaikum,

The last response is typical of a myopic interpretation of a religious freedom. What on earth are you discussing?? There are misconceptions about marriage. Marriage frees a person. It divides responsibility. If a woman selects to be high maintenance she is displaying her immaturity, arrogance, and ignorance. That is besides the economic issues of the Ummath.
Once again it needs to be stressed that the nature of Islamic polygamy is to help strengthen the entire Muslim community. It is a simple and profound solution to many of the social ailments of our world.
All the solutions to the problems of mankind in the duyna are addressed in the Holy Quran. Polygamy is a solution; and it was given to us by the Holy Prophet. May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him.


Building Bridges
Women need plenty of time and attention apart from all the material needs (house, clothes, food etc). Most people forget that part! Here is a conservative weekly schedule

sleep = 8 x 7 = 56
commuting = 2 x 7 = 14
work (9 to 5 job) = 8 x 5 = 40
bathing + prayers = 1 x 7 = 7
meals + tv + net + gym/hobby = 3 x 7 = 21
total time spent per week = 138 hrs
total time available per week = 7 x 24 = 168 hrs

that leaves 30 hrs per week of free time for a normal man. There maybe part time work, parents, children, friends, other relatives which leave little time for a couple to spend with each other. But, if you add a second (or third) wife into the picture it gets scary!?

basically what im saying is that polygny is difficult in today's world for the average man. On the other hand if you're a millionaire skeikh then off course that frees up some 40 hrs per week. the other solution is to marry low maintenance wives instead of the prima donnas. But, overall in this day and age, i think its wise to keep happy the one bird in hand rather then having two or more in hand with most of them being unhappy?!

regarding barren men/women, although most people want to have their own children but what about adopting orphans? There is a huge reward for those who take care of orphans. At the end of the day it all comes down to the people involved but the above was my opinion and the reasoning behind it.

I would suggest you to study the life of the Prophet regarding this issue. My quenstion is that do you mean that our prophet was very rich and had so much time thats why he could have more than one wife?

I am personally practicing polygyny. My conclusion is that stay with the Quran and Sunnah and practicing as good as we can in all aspect. Then, for sure, we won't have any problem. As for the feeling having inside a woman, I think it is NORMAL. It is just because we are women not because of the polygyny.

What would you suggest to the lady, the only wife of her husband, who feels that her husband has not enough time for her. Shall we suggest her to divorce him?

What Allah allows us is all good in one way or another. If we cannot do it, for example the polygyny, it is us who have problem due to our weekness. It is like any other things, for example, wake up in the night and pray. We know it is good but we cannot do it as much as our prophet did.

But why is that when come to the topic of polygyny instead of accepting our weekness (in this regard) we just look at it as if it is not okey.

I think it is fine if a person cannot accept polygyny. I never try to convince anyone to practice polygyny. But I would rather suggest them to look at polygyny the same way they look at any other laws in Islam.


Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Assalaam walaikum,

I know I am old but what does research have to do with the Will of Allah?

Polygamy is a solution to social problems. Why do people limit polygamy to a physical situation. We have to be responsible to the needs of our times. There are many Muslim women who are willing to become second wives. Polygamy is a solution to dire economic needs.

Waalaykummusalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh sister mirajmom,

I hope you are in the best of health always and same goes to your family.

Thank you for pointing that out. And I'm sorry if what I have written seems irrelevant. Anyways I have nothing against polygamy and if it were fated in Allaah's Book that I were to be in such situation, inshaAllaahu taa'la with the strength from Allaah I hope to fulfill my duties the best I can and only seeking the pleasure of Allaah.

As for the research, I hope you wont misunderstood but why I posted along is because it clearly showed that polygamy is used in the wrong way by most of the people today and instead of giving peace and happiness to both of the families (the first and second wives), the other way around happens. I will surely support if the man takes another wife because he wants to avoid a girl from fitnah for example or want to help the ummah that have an increasing number of unmarried woman. I pray that Allaah gives strength and peace to both families. Besides, Allaah has allowed polygamy to be practice so its not something that I will argue about.

But to tell you the truth, being among those who practice polygamy (just for the reason the married men wants to marry a girl that he fell in love with), it brings sadness and miserable to the family due to sometimes the man takes lightly about his responsibilities as the head of the family and things can get worse by time especially when he is ignoring his responsibilities to his children. But please do remember that I am not pointing finger or blaming anyone because I myself is an imperfect human being.

Having said that, I do wish pious and chaste men who wishes to help the ummah by taking a second or third or a fourth wives, please do so for the sake of Allaah only as I see that it is not an easy task at all which requires huge responisbility and commitments. And responsibilities is what we will be question by Allaah on Yaum Qiyamah whether we have fulfill it to our best abilities or we had simply ignore it. May Allaah help our ummah to become the best inshaAllaah.

Sorry once again if anything I said is of no value. Allaah knows best in every matter.

Jazakallahu khair.

Waalaykummusalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.


Assalaam walaikum,

The beauty of a Believer is the practice of faith. The last response is so eloquent May Allah Reward the richness of your words.


Junior Member
salam all

Thankyou for all your posts however if any of u actually read my question properly u would see that i have specifically mentioned i am not questioning pologamy............................................

so my questions was about oranges and u answered pears

brothers and sisters it would be helpful to understand and read a persons question properly before u answer..........

any thanks for your input,,,, and thankyou to those who read my question carefully and gave me a relevant answer!!!!:SMILY288:


Junior Member
just another point

everyone seems to thinking i have something against what allah has decreed i DO NOT, i wasnt questinoning pologamy merely questioning compassion, on the subject of your spose being barren.............


a women doesnt have to stay with a man who wants to take another wife ethier, yes it works for some...........but not all, and pologamy cannot be forced on anyone ethier...........

just as its it may be natural for a man to desire another women, its only natural for a women and a MAN to not desire for thier spose to be with someone else,,

is it not????


slave warrior caged
everyone seems to thinking i have something against what allah has decreed i DO NOT, i wasnt questinoning pologamy merely questioning compassion, on the subject of your spose being barren.............


a women doesnt have to stay with a man who wants to take another wife ethier, yes it works for some...........but not all, and pologamy cannot be forced on anyone ethier...........

just as its it may be natural for a man to desire another women, its only natural for a women and a MAN to not desire for thier spose to be with someone else,,

is it not????

sister you seem to have too many questions about too many topics i suggest you consult a reliable scholar.
Pls also remember shaytaan misleads muslims by putting false thoughts in their minds you better leave polygamy topics on couples who are undergoing such problems as it not fardh for a man to marry 2 women....
I've read your posts on another topic which actually questions Our Creator the merciful.so please don make such comments, it may leave a bad impression on visiting NON-MUSLIMS about islam and believers in islam.
allah made the laws of marriage and other aspects of life. dont forget that.


Salaam walaikum,

I am sorry for going on and on. Yes, it is natural to not want to share your spouse when you are young. I can not speak for men. I am a woman. However, as a woman matures physically and spiritually other things take precedence.

Your concern is legitimate. However your questions are like a speedbump on a road. You are looking at an individual who is still on a physical level; i.e. this is my husband and only mine. And there is nothing wrong with that.

If we look at the western world we realize that men by nature like variety. They get bored with one woman.. hence the word womanize comes into being. And the sex industry thrives. Men will watch *!*!*!*!ography, visit sex bars, and have mistress, commonly known as the side dish. This is the western answer to the appetite of men. Islam offers polygamy. It is that simple.

Many others are thinking what if this is good for all parties concerned. And Islam always provides solutions for the greatest good for the Ummath.

It is not a matter of good and bad. It is a matter of fulfilling our obligations to our faith. It is a very personal decision.