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  1. S

    Kann mir jemand diesen Hadith von Buhari erklären?

    :salam2: Dschabir berichtete: "Wir haben gewöhnlich von dem 'Azl * zur Zeit** des Gesandten Allahs, Allahs Segen und Friede auf ihm, Gebrauch gemacht. "(*=Koitus interruptus, auch als Koitus incompletus oder reservatus bekannt, ist eine Art Empfängnisverhütung durch das Zurückziehen des...
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    Bitte um aufklärung des Hadith 5210

    :salam2: Dschabir berichtete: "Wir haben gewöhnlich von dem 'Azl * zur Zeit** des Gesandten Allahs, Allahs Segen und Friede auf ihm, Gebrauch gemacht. "(*=Koitus interruptus, auch als Koitus incompletus oder reservatus bekannt, ist eine Art Empfängnisverhütung durch das Zurückziehen des...
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    Proof of Gods existance

    hahaaa sooo, cool :D
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    Proof of Gods existance

    Thank for your post. I just can not understand this people not believing in Allah. For me it was always obvious that God is existing. Everything around us is verifying the existence of God. It´s enough to take a look at the nature. And like our thirst is a proof for the existence of water our...
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    Good deeds

    thank u soooo much for this post
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    the storry of the broken pot and the perfect pot

    Salam I want to share a little storry I read somewhere. I liked it alot because I commited sins and after felt very regret and it comforted me because I realized that my sins didn´t make me a worse person but a better person cuz I loose alot of bad qualities through them (like pride...
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    “Kill a Hundred Turks and Rest...”

    thanks for posting bro it´s really good
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    Erdogan, a great Islamic figure

    Yeah I agree with you. But if we muslims would be strong and not "engaged" with this world and would not only think about our own wealth then our politicians would also be better... and the worl would lokk very different...
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    Fethullah Gülen

    selam aleykum I know him cuz I´m turkish and he´s from turkey too. I don´t know much about him but I know that he´s inspired through the great islamic thinker Said Nursi. vesselam
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    Im New any Welcom!!!!?

    :salam2: welcome sister hope you will enjoy your stay here :hearts: :wasalam: :SMILY139:
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    :salam2: dear brother Rawa, to make one thing sure I didn´t said you r a nationalist I said you´re acting like one referred to this topic.... You do not have to swear I believe you that the Kurds who were imprisined through Saddam were treaden bad. But imagine you was in Saddams place...
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    Why having girlfriend/boyfriend is illegaler in Islam?

    now I know what you mean. u r totally right. sorry for misunderstanding u hope u will forgive me.
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    i have been RAPED!! now what?

    I totally agree with sister amira87, someone who comitts a sin and then repents is like someone who never comitt a sin. so a woman who had a bad past and then repented is like a virgin in the sight of Allah also if she is `bad`in the sight of the people.... and a woman who has been raped is of...
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    Sorry Excuse me alot for the evil word I used in my post. I´m really sorry. I realized it was wrong even wehn I´m angry I have to control myself. To that Im a sister and I didn´t said the USA did it....think you get me wrong TheKnowledgeSeeker... but you are write with using such a word I...
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    Why having girlfriend/boyfriend is illegaler in Islam?

    I don´t agree with u in some points. u could offend people with your post. A converted lady for example what if she commited sins and has repented is she allredy fouled in your eyes? but If Allah forgives her and covers her sins why should her children think about that. Isn´t it stupid? Or...
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    What about you? Do you love other muslims? your headline is do you love other muslims i wan´t to ask u now do u love other muslims? If yes why u just write about the pain of kurdish people i think u r not acting like a muslim but like a nationalist........ Can u feel the pain of the iraqi arab...
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    Becoming ONE Ummah

    selam sister, it is very beautiful to have someone like u who is thinking about the ummah:SMILY252:. fact is that an `islamic country´ is not existing. And the muslims everywere (not just in malaysia) are to much involved in this worldly life so it is very difficult to become one ummah at least...
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    Why having girlfriend/boyfriend is illegaler in Islam?

    Family is very important in Islam. It is like a social base. Islam wants the muslims to get married and get children. to protect the institution of marriage Islam forbits havig a girlfriend/boyfriend. in the west where ít is not usual to get married the people have to worry about their futur...
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    Dear Members...

    welcome brother, hope Allah will guide u to the right pass. I really admire your courage and wish u the best
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    ** Miracles/Signs Of Allah(swt) **

    I just wanted to say if u really belief in Allah u don´t need a proof, like nickandsadiesmom allredy explained. A firm belief in Allah is when your iman is not incrasing because miracles taking place but staying in the same level. maybe I failed the topic.... sorry