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    Whats the point making Allah angry & shaitan happy?

    :salam2: u r so right. But the question is why we ( I mean the people maintaning to live Islam) fail in showing our kids or brothers/sisters the Beauty of Islam! it is right that some of us think: following religion = to put shackles on/ not to be free! If we belong to those who are...
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    Numbers of rak’ahs in Taraaweeh prayer

    welcome brother sword of sunna. I see from the comments that some people did not read the post carefully and so missed to take "the lesson". Plz brothers/sisters read acarefully there is something u can learn!
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    Numbers of rak’ahs in Taraaweeh prayer

    jazak Alllah for sharring this, it was inevitably. sometimes we should just do something without questioning to much (Just remember surah al baqara, the storry with the cow....) thanks again.
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    Mother of the Martyrs – A Tearful Story

    :salam2: Jazak Allah Ckairan for sharring. tears shot down from my eyes like rain. I feel so sorry for the pain the people in Iraq are going through but this storry also gave me hope. I am amazed by this women. if I had a daughter, I would want to name her after this courages lady. I will...
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    Is the Ummah living in the new Gold Rush

    Beautiful lecture by Sheick Anwar Al Awlaki
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    Islam is the best

    :salam2: welcome my beloved sister hope you´ll enjoy your stay here :hearts: one of the reasons why I love Islam is, cuz the love of Allah brings many people with different nationalities and social backrounds together. :wasalam:
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    We All Make Mistakes

    selam, jazak Allah ckairan 4 sharring. Don´t know why but it brought tears to my eyes vesselam
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    Help Save Suffering People in DARFUR, SUDAN

    selam, Sorry when I offendet you with my post but I don´t think I writte sth bad, ok exept the last words maybe.... I confess it was not cool saying that..... but I did not wish damnation upon anyone! it wasn´t meant like that! and maybe I look at things different then others but not...
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    Help Save Suffering People in DARFUR, SUDAN

    salam to all sister Dianek just wanted to call attention to the evil happinings going on in Darfur and she is just trying her best to do sth I believe she posted this post to ask for help but instead ppl talk about the leaders.. who is more worse Bush or Al Bashir...? who cares they are...
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    Now or Never!

    :salam2: dear sister thanks sooo much for this reminder. It is very sad what the muslims in some countries are going through... but dignity is something wether you own it or not, like iman.... no one can take it away from you......... also not by raping you cuz dignity is in ones heart...
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    What is freedom?

    selam, In my sight one is free if he is able to control himself. Example: I want to do zina and I know this is not good actually... when I refuse to do than I´m free but when I can not control myself and I do then I became a slave of my feelings.... I think freedom is not something that one...
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    Unter falscher Flagge: Dokumentarfilm über den 11. September

    welcome but I´m a sister :)
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    :salam2: brother, I´m not from UAE, I´m turkish but it is cool to have so from UAE here.... Enjoy your stay in tti. Ma´assalame :SMILY139: :wasalam:
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    US Military

    Do you know why the ppl kill each other there....? It was the Americans who played-off them to each other. Cuz when there are no problems in Iraq the US have not a reason to stay there anymore and they are not thinking to leave Iraq yet
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    US Military

    My dear sister! How can you compare the 9/11 attacks with the Iraq-war? 9/11: 3000 ppl dead, Iraq: 600.000 ppl are dead and there are still ppl dying! And the ppl there have to live with fear of becomming the next victims... cuz there is no security due to the war.. most are disabled and most...
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    Unter falscher Flagge: Dokumentarfilm über den 11. September "Die Welt hat sich nach dem 11. September verändert. Sie hat sich verändert, weil wir von nun an nicht mehr sicher sind." Die Worte benutzte der im Jahr 2000 gewählte Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten George W. Bush, um die politische...
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    US Military

    It would be superficial to say all US soldiers are bad. But their decision to support the war in Iraq is bad. Every single soldier there decided to go to this war by himself. Most of them are there for there own benefit. So they hope to get the opprtunity for a better education or job etc... But...
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    The Story of Abu Dahdah رضي الله عنه YOU WIIL LOVE THIS

    jazak allah Ckairan for sharing. Mashallah I looooooooooooove this storry
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    why we fail in becoming one united ummah

    :salam2: I decided to write this after reading a post "crazy turks" in tti. The post made me sad and most of the comments there made me even more sorrowful. Thank God this thread is closed now. I want to know why the muslims specially the turks and the arabs hate eachother? The turks...
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    Turkey beat Croatia

    :salam2: brother u r right turkey is far away from being a muslim country but can u tell me one muslim country in this world where there is justice or the rulings of shariya.... and also not only turkish ppl fall far practicising Islam I am turkish and I want to ask u if u have ever been in...